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Christian Conversions in India - A film by Pia Skov

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Oinos:- MATTHEW 9:17; MARK 2:22; LUKE 5:37-38; LUKE 7:33;LUKE 10:34; JOHN 2:3, JOHN 2:9-10; JOHN 4:46; ROMANS 14:21; 1 TIMOTHY 5:23.

Oinos -Generic term (used in the LXX) for all kinds of wine except 'shekar'. Also occurs in N.T. (Greek) 32 times.

here you have it.
Alcohol in the Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alcoholic beverages appear in the Hebrew Bible, after Noah planted a vineyard and became inebriated. In the New Testament, Jesus miraculously made copious amounts of wine[1] at the marriage at Cana. Later, Jesus incorporated the fruit of the vine as part of the Eucharist. Wine is the most common alcoholic beverage mentioned in biblical literature, where it is a source of symbolism,[2] and was an important part of daily life in biblical times.[2][3][4] Additionally, the inhabitants of ancient Israel drank beer, and wines made from fruits other than grapes, and references to these appear in scripture.[5]

Oinos -Generic term (used in the LXX) for all kinds of wine except 'shekar'. Also occurs in N.T. (Greek) 32 times.

here you have it.

This is newer interpretations which are not accepted.

Biblical literature uses several words in its original languages to refer to different types of alcoholic beverages. Some of these words have overlapping meaning, particularly the words in the Hebrew language compared to the words in Koine Greek, the language of both the Septuagint and the New Testament. While some deuterocanonical books may have been originally written in Hebrew or the Aramaic language, some were written in Greek. Hence, the meanings of the words used for alcoholic beverages in each of these languages has bearing on alcohol in the Bible.
Alcohol in the Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alcoholic beverages appear in the Hebrew Bible, after Noah planted a vineyard and became inebriated. In the New Testament, Jesus miraculously made copious amounts of wine[1] at the marriage at Cana. Later, Jesus incorporated the fruit of the vine as part of the Eucharist. Wine is the most common alcoholic beverage mentioned in biblical literature, where it is a source of symbolism,[2] and was an important part of daily life in biblical times.[2][3][4] Additionally, the inhabitants of ancient Israel drank beer, and wines made from fruits other than grapes, and references to these appear in scripture.[5]

This is newer interpretations which are not accepted.

Biblical literature uses several words in its original languages to refer to different types of alcoholic beverages. Some of these words have overlapping meaning, particularly the words in the Hebrew language compared to the words in Koine Greek, the language of both the Septuagint and the New Testament. While some deuterocanonical books may have been originally written in Hebrew or the Aramaic language, some were written in Greek. Hence, the meanings of the words used for alcoholic beverages in each of these languages has bearing on alcohol in the Bible.

Wiki as a source ? The other one is the link you gave.
To make matters worse, some govts even sell these properties/jewellery etc off for throwaway prices. or their party members encroach on temple lands, or use them and pay rent that is way below the market rate. As per Swami, there are some 50,000 odd temples in TN alone, just daily offerings alone will be quite good, if you include that with revenue from other assets, it's huge. These politicians make a killing from temples.

I think there was something about AP and YSR...atleast what I read in defence forums, that he was using Thirumala funds.
kelvipattiruken...Avanoda aatchi kaalathula thaan andra la makkal periya alavil Xiankku convert aayittaanga...
Speak for yourself. There was no North-South division in India ever. Which Hindu from South will deny the sacredness of Ganga or Rishikesh or Mount Kailash?

speak for urself, we have enough holy stuffs here as well ofcourse bigger and better
so being a christian is bad thing in India ?:what: i am thinking about becoming Christian:happy: i will go to church tomorrow to learn Bible :dirol:
The temples are under govt control. The funds the temples get goes to the govt to provide you the roads and secular purposes. So it is the Hindus and their temples who are actually funding the development in this country.

why should indian governments allow temples to collect funds in the first place?? what are government funds for?? buying 800 crore rupees of israeli rockets?? billions of dollars for 123 fighter planes?? protecting dogs instead of killing them?? protecting the ways for the indian system to kill more people??

The dead people are not because of temples, but because of socialism/communism which drove our all industries from WB. They formed unions and chased out all entrepreneurs.

that is nonsense... unions are for protecting rights of employees from being trampled by company managements and individual managerr... even the "world labor organization" declares the union to be the right of the worker... what is "may day" for??

but you being a hinduvaadi will of course promote coolie culture, capitalism and oppressions which has been core part of hinduism since existance, what 3000 years ago??

Now having no skill and no innovation to set up industries on their own

it is their fault for not establishing union... they followed the typical indian way of multi-generation jobs, multi-generation slavery, multi-generation poverty... yes, they must blame themselves... but they must first blame "indian culture" for starving them while the nearest temple idol has been washed in the morning with milk and curds, and then "fed" a grand breakfast.

do you now understand the islami command against idolatry??

Blame them and communism. Not the temples.

can you show me where in cuba or venezuela or soviet union or libyan jamahiriya or saddam's iraq or syria or socialist afghanistan or socialist somalia or north korea or communist belarus... people starved for such a stupid reason as "no job"?? or for any other reason at all??

you were right before... hinduism is the most capitalist system ever... money decides everything here.
Right Jesus can drink wine and yet it is not consider alcohol. Though every wine bottle lists the alcohol content in wine. Only stupids will think wine is not booze and drunk for its thirst quenching properties rather than intoxicant.

Nonsense. Refer to last supper by Christ.

Temple lands.
You are deluding your self... We added alcohol to the grape juice... Stop hating Christians... You are mistaken..
Right Jesus can drink wine and yet it is not consider alcohol. Though every wine bottle lists the alcohol content in wine. Only stupids will think wine is not booze and drunk for its thirst quenching properties rather than intoxicant.
Actually a glass of dashamoolarista has way more alcoholic effect than the same quantity of ordinary wine /beer....
I understand you are talking about the welfare of people.. But in religious point of view, its simply wrong.. Anywhere in Christianity, no one advice to exploit the conditions of poor to convert them.. Christianity advice to feed the hunger .. It never said about feeding the hunger who converted to Christianity.. You cannot just mad mouth other religion to increase your followers.. Many evangelical societies are doing the same by insulting Hinduism and offering food and cloths if the people are converted to Christianity.. These guys are not doing any favor to the Christianity or to themselves..

Evangelicals have been laughed out of western societies. They have found that they find willing followers in countries stricken by poverty and hunger. Where people take their words seriously.
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