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Chinese win bid to supply subs to Thailand's navy

Well apparently most of the more intelligent chinese members have left as well. It gets boring arguing with semi literate imbeciles sometimes you know? Like no matter how bad you prove something technically or logically some retards just going to jump in again with the same crap again.

Just put the waste-of-oxygen Indians on ignore.
Well apparently most of the more intelligent chinese members have left as well. It gets boring arguing with semi literate imbeciles sometimes you know? Like no matter how bad you prove something technically or logically some retards just going to jump in again with the same crap again.

The west will hate China forever bro, so as their followers.
Never expect compliments/friendship from them, nor care about their bashing/hostility, since both are equally worthless.
Bash them or ignore, don't waste time reasoning with them.
The west will hate China forever bro, so as their followers.
Never expect compliments from them, nor care about their bashing, since both are equally worthless.
Bash them or ignore, don't waste time reasoning with them.

Most of them are not from west.....
german 209/1400 :$ 290m (210/1100 unknow)
korea 209/1200 : $330m
China S-26T : $355m
CHINESE 039 Yuan a bigger tonnage that full of it reaches 3500tons.
accordingly it has a far better endurance and potentiality, adequate for long superiority to its neighbor.
Weapon kit is Also significant, strike flexibility is arresting.
in general, very high cost performance.
百越,文郎 has nothing to do with your so called Vietnam.
Remember , Viet does not have your own language . Chu Quoc Ngu was created by French and you guys can not read your history book without Chinese.
Such a country is not qualified to claim 百越 blabla.

Why 文郎国.大越 and 越南 is not related to 百越/百粵, in ancient time ? 百越/百粵, is 100 tribes of 百越/百粵, we are 越 too. and 越南 is only one people 民族 has been existed up to now in one independent state.

Our basic speaking language didn't changed, 漢字 and Chữ Quốc Ngữ (latin alphabets) is used for writing our speaking voices only.

Yeah, I think you are right.:)

What does your nick ID Xiao Yao Zi in Han Zi mean ? is this 小交趾.:cuckoo:
Why 文郎国.大越 and 越南 is not related to 百越/百粵, in ancient time ? 百越/百粵, is 100 tribes of 百越/百粵, we are 越 too. and 越南 is only one people 民族 has been existed up to now in one independent state.

Our basic speaking language didn't changed, 漢字 and Chữ Quốc Ngữ (latin alphabets) is used for writing our speaking voices only.

What does your nick ID Xiao Yao Zi in Han Zi mean ? is this 小交趾.:cuckoo:
because we named you as Vietnam
Vietnam didnot exist before we gave you a name.
and language is the key symbol of civilization.
百越,文郎 has nothing to do with your so called Vietnam.
Remember , Viet does not have your own language . Chu Quoc Ngu was created by French and you guys can not read your history book without Chinese.
Such a country is not qualified to claim 百越 blabla.
He will use Chinese text from the 14th century written by Chinese and prove to you that Vietnam exist :lol:

we called our country as Dai Viet 大越 over thousand year ago. This name is not related to Chinese.

Vietnam is created by our fortune teller Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm in the past.

Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Fortune teller speak French?

He will use Chinese text from the 14th century written by Chinese and prove to you that Vietnam exist :lol:

Fortune teller speak French?

is that what you learned in school?

because we spoke a chinese dialect, wrote classical chinese, vietnam did not exist?
following your logic, all english spoken countries from america to canada to australia do not exist. what about french and spanish spoken countries, in africa and south america?

go back to kindergarten kid.

because we named you as Vietnam
Vietnam didnot exist before we gave you a name.
and language is the key symbol of civilization.
sure, and china does not exist until mao zedong gave you the disgusting name "PRC".
Why didn't the Chinese offer training and set up a spare part/logistic center to service these tanks like Russia did with Vietnam while signing the kilos contract?
Ever you thought with the development of nuclear submarine in country, most of country start to refuse SSK induction, like USA, UK, France and even Russia somehow.

But China still inducting SSK right now. Why?
sure, and china does not exist until mao zedong gave you the disgusting name "PRC".
We Chinese have very very long history. Our nation name changed from dynasty Xia/Shang/Zhou to PRC, but we always use Chinese to record our history . That's why we can know the story of our own ancestor.That's why we know who are we.

No matter how disgusting the name "PRC" is, we named ourselves . Not like you , Viet, we named you!! Your kids can not read your history book without Chinese:rofl:
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Why 文郎国.大越 and 越南 is not related to 百越/百粵, in ancient time ? 百越/百粵, is 100 tribes of 百越/百粵, we are 越 too. and 越南 is only one people 民族 has been existed up to now in one independent state.

Our basic speaking language didn't changed, 漢字 and Chữ Quốc Ngữ (latin alphabets) is used for writing our speaking voices only.

What does your nick ID Xiao Yao Zi in Han Zi mean ? is this 小交趾.:cuckoo:
listen m**key, no matter what gibberish propaganda your monkey king vietcongs told you, at the end of the day, the ancient 百越has nothing to do with current viets, we named you viets, doesnt mean you are one of them```its like the native American named Indian by Christopher, but it didnt mean they came from India``

you pathetic creatures are really like to stealing others to glorify your inferior complexity ```
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