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Chinese win bid to supply subs to Thailand's navy

Russia, Germany, S.Korea, France and China all offered their best can offer````there wasnt even one vote to russia's sub, but the most expensive Chinese subs won the deal````and those Thai officers who followed the project commented 'China offered the most advanced weapons and systems among the contestants, and their sub stays under water the longest'

but stereotyped people chose to ignore all of those facts :D

China has the best submarine technology among that group of nations.
Why did China buy them in the first place?? It thought it made subs itself? So don't have to complain.

Reminds me of Vietnamese buying Chinese stuffs they cant produce any better themselves and then complaining of how substandard/crappy they are.:rofl:.
Wow, the only one of P5 who cannot even build a nuclear sub without its allies' helps is mocking a another one who build that itself. Even some weapons from UGM-84 to tomahawk that its nuclear subs need must import from US. It is also the only country that must beg another P5 for the keys of its trident nuclear missiles when it is being nuked.:rofl:
Also like, some people from supa pawa, which cannot even produce some bullets, are mocking how inferior Chinese weapons are. Funny haha:rofl:
I want to tell Indian and Japanese that if they want their country to enter the P5, they should defeat the weakest one in a war to pull it down, and their country become a cadidate.:rofl:
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Wow, the only one of P5 who cannot even build a nuclear sub without its allies' helps is mocking a another one who build that itself. Even some weapons from UGM-84 to tomahawk that its nuclear subs need must import from US. :rofl:
I want to tell Indian and Japanese that if you want your country to enter the P5, you should defeat the weakest one to pull it down and become a cadidate.:rofl:

Even the high-bypass turbofan jet engines that Britain builds is due to American technological transfer. Britain would be nothing without American tech transfer. Britain says they can build commercial jet engines but that's all American technology and American engineers doing all the work while Britain take all the credit for it. America gave that tech to Britain due to the 'special relationship'. Britain can't build a damn thing by itself and its definitely the weakest of the P5.
Bought subs but Thailand also need anti-sub plane to work together, China just can offer another choice ...

there was no country named "vietnam" 2000 years ago , ok ?
Viet is a boring neigbor like a fly.

Han Chinese go back to north China. There is your land.

South China is native land of 百越/百粵, ..文郎国.大越 and 越南. :coffee:
I think Vietnam's land must be included by the 夜郎国 in archaic time.:coffee:

I think 夜郎国 or Yelang Kwuo is the Dian Kwuo later on. This is native country of Thai/Katay/ Zhuang people.
Han Chinese go back to north China. There is your land.

South China is native land of 百越/百粵, ..文郎国.大越 and 越南. :coffee:
百越,文郎 has nothing to do with your so called Vietnam.
Remember , Viet does not have your own language . Chu Quoc Ngu was created by French and you guys can not read your history book without Chinese.
Such a country is not qualified to claim 百越 blabla.
Where is the assumption that the Chinese subs won due to being cheaper?

It clearly states in the article that the Chinese subs were around 60% more expensive than the previous German options.

Like holy crap are people just that illiterate or simply delusional.
you have been away for quite sometime``
you have been away for quite sometime``
Well apparently most of the more intelligent chinese members have left as well. It gets boring arguing with semi literate imbeciles sometimes you know? Like no matter how bad you prove something technically or logically some retards just going to jump in again with the same crap again.
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