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Chinese UAV News & Discussions (Strictly)

Rumors say that the SAC's strategic UAV (which is believed to be used as an anti-stealth AWACS node), the twin-body UAV have finished initial test and now SAC have passed it to Guizhou Group of AVIC (the GAC have relative weak research capacity and it is mostly a manufacturing organ of AVIC, so it is likely the design phase have passed for this aircraft:

New testing pictures of "sharp sword" unveiled, shipborne next? 近日有消息说中国国产利剑无人机通过验收。表明中国已经掌握了飞翼式隐身飞机技术,不过中国还应该发展更大的隐身无人作战飞机,以便提高人民解放军的远程作战能力

Old text news from May 24th this year, and even older pictures from 2013 - precisely the Novembre 21st 2013...

Please come with up-to-date news guys. :p:

Henri K.
I think it is a Soar Dragon:-)

I have looked through the earlier post, since my memory sucks. Aside from Divine Eagle, and Soar Dragon, there is this drone at the bottom : https://defence.pk/threads/chinese-uav-news-discussions-strictly.68101/page-43#post-8477194

And this : https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7542/15906906417_c1508da074_o.jpg
I dont know if the drone pictured from top, and another being dragged by the vehicle are the same type, but if they are not could be one of these

Or it could be a turboprop :pop:
I have looked through the earlier post, since my memory sucks. Aside from Divine Eagle, and Soar Dragon, there is this drone at the bottom : https://defence.pk/threads/chinese-uav-news-discussions-strictly.68101/page-43#post-8477194

It's Global Hawk at the bottom.

And this : https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7542/15906906417_c1508da074_o.jpg
I dont know if the drone pictured from top, and another being dragged by the vehicle are the same type, but if they are not could be one of these

Or it could be a turboprop :pop:

This UAV is called Wind Shadow (literally) and it's driven by two turbofans.
Is that Guizhou creation ?

Few years a go on Henry Ks channel, there was a video with two of theirs UAV s. One was very similar to the one above, and another was WL-CH 4 class but with bulge underneath and wider fuselage

It's Global Hawk at the bottom.

So its Global Hawk, not chinese rival of his, sorry

I was convinced its a chinese UAV
Chinese section at russian military expo : ARMY - 2016

There is much more than drones, but, this is the best thread to post to. Smart munitions, missiles, electronic blocks etc :


Thank for sharing.

I was looking for CH6, CH7 and CH95, to no avail.

Well, I suppose we will have to wait for the Zhuhai Airshow on 01.11.2016
Thank for sharing.

I was looking for CH6, CH7 and CH95, to no avail.

Well, I suppose we will have to wait for the Zhuhai Airshow on 01.11.2016

You are welcomed. China is keeping all the goodies for domestic EXPO

At least, now after the hard working R&D of chinese institutes оn CH and other drone families, I hope time from building the prototype to fixing all the software and sensors potential problems is going to be significantly reduced. Along with assembling mainstance documentation and all the tools required for drone deployment

I am looking forward to any chinese UAV novelty, but heavy drones with significant UCAV capabilities needs to go through the pipeline faster
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