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Chinese troops entered Indian territory, drove away herders: local official

The Klaxon is not a credible source since it is the only one saying this and has no acknowledgement of how it got its information. In truth, it is India government that asked and paid Klaxon to publish this just like Indian government pays many foreign journalists to publish articles written by Indian propaganda apparatus.

Of course we can see the results of that fight.

China captured over 100 Indians.
India captured 0 Chinese.

China provided video and photos to prove this and stated as such.
India only doctored one video of Indian forces beating up a PLA soldier who came out of a vehicle and pretended they have photos and videos of more.

China gained control and held control of the clash point until negotiations for disengagement happened.
India lost control and did not manage to gain any control.

China killed India's commanding officer and held all senior officers for up to a week.
China's commanding officer is alive and well.

China returned captured Indians for days after the event.
India admitted they did not capture any people or land.

How is the above possible when India "won" the engagement?

Where is India's proof? Here are some of China's.

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Meanwhile India paid a no name, one man conspiracy theory operation to publish some random Indian made claim on victory and without evidence or backing. Remember that no media organization recognizes India's claims and TASS even went on record to say that their information on India killing PLA is based on unverified Indian sources.

India has no guts to admit they lost so bad and India's damage control is to promote stories and paying other random people to publish them. No one with credibility and reputation has published India's story. I wonder why.

I also wonder how India could win but then lose so bad by having all their soldiers captured. All their shit INSAS rifles captured, and their officers killed or captured to sign papers of admission. All the evidence points to India lying and covering its *** and of course losing very badly. Otherwise where is India's evidence? Why does India not officially say anything but use propaganda paid agents to do their talking because they can then deny those rumors and stories came from the Indian government.

Every sane and unbiased person can see the truth behind all this.

India is very good at making claims and spinning stories. Just like it has with blocking Malacca strait and having power over it. India is the weakling with strong desires but no talent or work ethic to really achieve anything. It therefore just talks and makes empty proclamations and when people stopped listening to India's proclamations, India started spending $300M a year to pay their massive fake news publications to do the talking for it. It's so pathetic it is sad. 30% starving, 50% in poverty, 20% in extreme poverty and india wants everyone to know its supa dupa powa.
Then why you have hidden your casualties for straight 8 months? Everyone knows your soldier was beaten black and blue as reported by US intel agencies
Then why you have hidden your casualties for straight 8 months? Everyone knows your soldier was beaten black and blue as reported by US intel agencies

Only you are saying that as an indian because this really happened to indians.

This is like an Iranian or Russian saying to USA why has USA hidden 500,000 USA soldiers deaths at the hands of Russian mercenaries in Syria. Why USA lies about that? Of course anyone can make shit up like this but the onus of proof is on you.

Ask yourself why Indian government cannot come out to say China is lying. And why Indian government cannot say officially that China lost xyz soldiers. Because as soon as they do this formally then China can supply even more evidence to prove that it hasn't lost that many soldiers and even more humiliating for india, further visual evidence showing how beaten up indians were.

As we've proven again and again.

Your commanding officer was executed. The photos are not allowed to be shared here but was in the past.

You guys were beaten black and blue.



We had to spend three trucks just to return your indians who couldn't walk.

Over 30 INSAS rifles were collected and only 1 in about 20 Indians carried a rifle (which also proves Indians lied about not having any arms at all).

Show me where US intel says our soldiers were beaten black and blue? PLA and China said we lost 4 lives while 20 Indians were killed and dozens upon dozens were captured. India officially agrees that China lost 4 PLA soldiers to the admitted Indian 20 even if that 20 was 20+ in the past but both sides decided to save Modi a little bit of face.

Isn't it strange how about 100 indians were captured but no PLA captured yet you still think you won the fight?

Where is your proof.

As usual you have only indian delusions and proclamations which are false and cannot be proven.

India only doctored one video of Indian forces beating
India did not doctor any video it was realeased by a soilder who was court martialed army did not release anything
Also hood admiting the video was doctored yeah

Fine but that video was shared by a few Indian propagandists of twitter. They were presented and shared with the lie (and now proven and admitted thankfully) that it was to cover up huge Indian victories when in reality it was the same video of Indian troops beating up one PLA soldier who got out of his vehicle.
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The Block Development Chairperson of Nyoma, Urgain Chodon, told The Indian Express: “There was an incident on January 28, when PLA troops came into our territory, they drove away the grazing herds from our own territory. They did not take anyone, but shooed the nomads and herds away.”

India, India latest news, India China, China, Ladakh, PLA, Dogbuk, Changlum, Line of Actual Control, ITBP, indian express
A defence source said this video appeared to be an old one. “It appears recorded during the summer season as no snow can be seen,” this source stated. (Reuters Photo/File)

Chinese soldiers entered Indian territory on January 28 in Ladakh and stopped local people from grazing their herd in the area, a local official has alleged.

The Block Development Chairperson of Nyoma, Urgain Chodon, told The Indian Express: “There was an incident on January 28, when PLA troops came into our territory, they drove away the grazing herds from our own territory. They did not take anyone, but shooed the nomads and herds away.”

On Friday, she also tweeted a 45-second video of the alleged incident in a grazing area called Dogbuk.

A defence source said this video appeared to be an old one. “It appears recorded during the summer season as no snow can be seen,” this source stated.

Chodon, who was earlier a councillor from BJP, maintained while speaking to The Indian Express: “What I tweeted is what happened.”

Along with the video, Chodon posted the following: “On 28 jan PLA army came in our territory n not letting our herds graze in our own territory at dat time no action from security force but our own herdman cross the undemarcated Border to get his livelihood(yak)back army caught him from our own territory and send him 2 policestati”.

Chodon said the second incident she refers to in her tweet took place on January 26 in the Changlum area. “A local nomad had crossed the Line of Actual Control to bring back 17 of his yaks. On his way back, he was accosted by the Indian Army, which interrogated him and took him to a police station.”
“I myself had gone to the Nyoma Police Station to bring the nomad back. Even though the IB people said that he is our nomad, still the Army did not believe and left him at the police station.” Chodon claimed.

The defence source quoted above confirmed that such an incident took place, but added that no yaks were found with him.
“Since the statement of the civilian and his actions did not match, as a precautionary measure, he was handed over by the Army and ITBP to the local police,” this source said.

Chodon maintained her stand on this incident as well.
In a second tweet on Friday, she said: “…our government has always taken a strong position in (the) case of border security and development. And I request the government to take serious consideration of this matter too.”

She said the government should fence the border in the area to resolve such issues.

Fake news.
Already busted.

Indian "proof" consists of using a PLA video of recruit training ending and young recruits crying on a bus as evidence of Indians being supa strong and scary. That's like China using an out of context video of US soldier crying and saying look China beat him up so hard he cried. Stupid right? Well that's india.

India "proof" also involved using a 2012 Chinese documentary on PLA graveyard for 1962 war and presenting those images (from the 2012 documentary video) as evidence of India inflicting massive losses on PLA. The reality is the video was misrepresented by sad and pathetic Indian bhakts.


look there are some reasonable and sane Indians who are ashamed of how much bhakts lie.

Do you want the original documentary video? What do we get for spending time to research and find it? Kangxiwa war memorial was built in the mid 20th century and indians used a Chinese video from years and years ago to misrepresent. As obvious from satellite and so on possessed by many nations, the additions to the graveyard are only of the four soldiers who perished in the skirmish.

The rest of India's "proof" is in paying random no name no credibility one man operations to publish false articles with empty proclamation and zero evidence or sources. Like Klaxon.


Video from 2015 of video taken before 2015 but uploaded in 2015.

康西瓦 战争 记录 was constructed more than 50 years ago. There are lots of images and videos of the graveyard but indians chose to do usual fake news.

It's like Russia saying this image below proves Russia killed thousands of American soldiers in Syria conflict.


Even though in reality the propagandists just used an American article on graveyard running out of room to misrepresent as something else.
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So another example of Indian media busting indian media fake news.

India starts fake news... either india itself will bust it or someone else later will. Either way all the drama starts with India. Nothing happens and the media finds something to provoke emotions of bhakts and indians on all sides of politics.

This is the ONLY video or visual material that India very enthusiastically leaked. They have doctored it and used photoshop to obscure it further to make it seem like there is more to it.

This video shows a PLA soldier exiting his vehicle to talk to Indian group and then getting set upon. The remaining driver is awaiting reinforcements as he is not permitted to start shooting and exiting the vehicle to the horde of indians is going to get him killed.

Clearly Indian military and government allowing the leak shows they are very enthusiastic about leaking visuals that make india look good. How come they need to doctor and photoshop caps of this video to obscure and misrepresent further to make it seem like India has visual material since China humiliated india by releasing a few out of thousands of photos and videos taken of humiliating indian defeat. India's efforts however was rubbish because they have no more visual material to make them look good.

Instead India actually believe it or not, started making more than one bollywood movie about how they supposedly beat PLA. It's so pathetic if I were Indian I'd be so ashamed about my country needing to make false movies that totally misrepresent reality. It would be like India making a movie about how India defeated the invading British and managed to make the English into Indian slaves and servants.
Yes of course. All India has to do is park its ships at the mouth of the Malacca Strait.The vast majority of China’s oil imports, from the Persian Gulf, Venezuela and Angola, pass by this route. Due to the strategic importance of the waterway, there is fear amongst Chinese officials that India could block the Malacca Strait in case of war.

With what? Old russian junk ?

Project 15A and P15B Bravo destroyers of Indian Navy carries 16 BrahMos missiles. Thats 48 tons of Anti-ship Firepower. In comparison ships of this size(7500 tons) carry 8 x Harpoons or 8 x Exocet. Thats just 6.2 tons of Anti-ship Firepower. BrahMos is bigger, heavier and WAAAY more capable than Exocet/Harpoon or any similar subsonic missile.
It carries 533mm HEAVY Torpedo like the Varunastra Torpedo. It has a much more powerful warhead and a higher range of 40 kms. In comparision, other Destroyers carry 324mm light torpedo tubes. Less firepower and ranges of only around 10 kms. Vishakapatnam Class has accomodation for 2 full armed Helicopters . Many destroyers can accommodate only 1 helicopter. Barak 8 is an excellent missile, but i would have been happy if it had 16-24 additional Barak 8.
The design of our warships ensures a fantastic broadside coverage.
LRSAM has a higher hit probability than enemy missiles. In terms of protection, our destroyers and frigates are top class. Don't forget the EW capability of the MFstar and the DRDO Shakti EW suite. Now coming to offensive weapons: 16 brahmos is excellent and can effectively sink as much as 12 enemy ships including enemy aircraft carrier. I would have preferred atleast 4 of the newly developed SMART missile (similar to ASROC) to scare and target enemy submarine, but i believe this missile is around 2m longer than Brahmos!!

Brahmos perform low skimming with greater speed >>>mach 3, can carry more warheads than Chinese anti-ship missiles. Brahmos travel much faster in its terminal stage. And with accuracy of "1m CEP".
Sea skimming is upto terminal phase after that Brahmos does split-S manuever attack which makes it even more lethal....
Where were Brahmos when abhinone done was paraded on international media ?
Whese were brahmos when indian military was slaughtered at galwan?

Do you think you could put a blockade on malaca strait qhile your national capital is witin the range of (put Missiles aside) Their Rocket Artillery ?
If you have such options then why modi is too scared to even name China?
If you have such options then why modi is too scared to even name China?

Had India any armed option; it would have used, after receiving gross humiliation, in Galwan Clash. That was too much, but India tucked it's tail in it's hind legs, and started negotiations.
Had India any armed option; it would have used, after receiving gross humiliation, in Galwan Clash. That was too much, but India tucked it's tail in it's hind legs, and started negotiations.
Even to initiate negotiations they had to surrender kailash range which is considered holy in hinduism.
typical savarkar attitude lol.
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Can we say that India has become China's khotti?

Paa Jee: Unfortunately, China is not ready even to grant them the stature of a "Khoti".

In all the 14 meetings held, on border standoff, Chinese have always sent their Major Generals to negotiate with Indian Lieutenant Generals. Chinese are thoroughly degrading Indians, now, in all their interactions.
Then why you have hidden your casualties for straight 8 months? Everyone knows your soldier was beaten black and blue as reported by US intel agencies

Show us your proof on china position is wrong . During or after clash on the day no Indian got any pictures that is very strange to

When China has provided us here lots of pics of your soldiers as pows and squatting with hands on ear
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