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Chinese troops entered Indian territory, drove away herders: local official

Two-stage, solid- fuel, rail-mobile Agni-2, an improvement on the Agni-1, which can deliver a nuclear or conventional warhead more than 2,000 kilometres is probably targeted on western, central, and southern China.

Although the Agni-4 will be capable of striking targets in nearly all of China from northeastern India (including Beijing and Shanghai), India has also developed the longer- range Agni-5, a three-stage, solid-fuel, rail-mobile, near- intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of delivering a warhead more than 8,000 kilometres. extra range will allow the Indian military to establish Agni-5 bases in central and southern India, further away from China.

Tata Power Company and the Larsen & Toubro (L&T) will supply a total of six Pinaka rocket regiments for the Indian Army.
These six Pinaka regiments comprise 114 launchers with automated gun aiming and positioning system (AGAPS) and 45 command posts to be procured from TPCL and L&T and 330 vehicles to be procured from Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. The regiments will be operationalised along the northern and the eastern borders and the induction is planned to be completed by 2024.

Yes but they are in service in such small numbers and produced at such slower rates. Even assuming they are equal in capability, the attrition is not in India's favor at all particularly when you notice that India must use at least IRBM ranged weapons to reach China proper while China can attack India proper where most of the political and industrial centers are, by only using SRBM and rocket artillery. This further makes it harder for India to play the game of attacking key assets and supply lines. This affects the naval war.

India has considered Malacca strait blockade for years and understands it is diplomatically impossible and even if ignoring that, it is militarily impossible since it would invite China to destroy every single Indian base and plant if it even pleases. If not, then at least sink Indian navy presence in Malacca strait simply using ASBM and HGV even if China is not interested in sending PLAN. This will immediately stop India from continuing the blockade.

The PLAN has fielded several systems designed to do just this, including the Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft. However, most of these systems still depend on proximity to Chinese bases for effectiveness.

yeah these and really all of PLAN and PLAAF are regional and cannot realistically stretch supply line to Malacca strait BUT it can do it better than India! Why? Because China can more effectively attack Indian supply lines and strategic assets such as airbases that would be involved in Malacca strait fighting. India has no ability to reach China to do the same.

If India wants to try expending such few Agni missiles it has on conventionally attacking Chinese equivalent assets, it will have nothing much left for nuclear deterrence and such a job requires of india that use of high level weapons whereas China can do the same from south Tibet and western Tibet against India simply using SRBM, cruise missiles, and cheap rocket artillery. All of these offensive weapons, China simply has hundreds times more, in more types, variety, and greater capability. Therefore attrition is not going to favor India at all.

Malacca strait if China even chooses to send 1/5 of PLAN to fight most of IN, the favor is still with China despite the same size because strategically even if it came down to such a stupid method of resolving this problem, both are 1:1 exchanged and Malacca opened with PLAN reduced to 4/5 it's previous size while India loses its navy and loses the objective of closing Malacca strait. Pakistan navy would be far stronger and there is no telling what China and Pakistan may do after that to keep Indian industry down once an entire force is depleted for a mission it has failed. So is it any wonder that neither side of Indian politics even formally puts this stupid idea into discussion? We can discuss this if India commits to it.
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Yes but they are in service in such small numbers and produced at such slower rates. Even assuming they are equal in capability, the attrition is not in India's favor at all particularly when you notice that India must use at least IRBM ranged weapons to reach China proper while China can attack India proper where most of the political and industrial centers are, by only using SRBM and rocket artillery. This further makes it harder for India to play the game of attacking key assets and supply lines. This affects the naval war.

India has considered Malacca strait blockade for years and understands it is diplomatically impossible and even if ignoring that, it is militarily impossible since it would invite China to destroy every single Indian base and plant if it even pleases. If not, then at least sink Indian navy presence in Malacca strait simply using ASBM and HGV even if China is not interested in sending PLAN. This will immediately stop India from continuing the blockade.

yeah these and really all of PLAN and PLAAF are regional and cannot realistically stretch supply line to Malacca strait BUT it can do it better than India! Why? Because China can more effectively attack Indian supply lines and strategic assets such as airbases that would be involved in Malacca strait fighting. India has no ability to reach China to do the same.

If India wants to try expending such few Agni missiles it has on conventionally attacking Chinese equivalent assets, it will have nothing much left for nuclear deterrence and such a job requires of india that use of high level weapons whereas China can do the same from south Tibet and western Tibet against India simply using SRBM, cruise missiles, and cheap rocket artillery. All of these offensive weapons, China simply has hundreds times more, in more types, variety, and greater capability. Therefore attrition is not going to favor India at all.

Malacca strait if China even chooses to send 1/5 of PLAN to fight most of IN, the favor is still with China despite the same size because strategically even if it came down to such a stupid method of resolving this problem, both are 1:1 exchanged and Malacca opened with PLAN reduced to 4/5 it's previous size while India loses its navy and loses the objective of closing Malacca strait. Pakistan navy would be far stronger and there is no telling what China and Pakistan may do after that to keep Indian industry down once an entire force is depleted for a mission it has failed. So is it any wonder that neither side of Indian politics even formally puts this stupid idea into discussion? We can discuss this if India commits to it.
Now let's analyze the scenarios

  1. China suddenly attacks Indian Navy: Now despite China having largest number of vessels, they are not the strongest. Reasons are multiple:
  2. The PLAN is highly inexperienced. They have not been in any naval conflict ever. The most they have done is go around the ASEAN 9-dash and project power. And some fighting with Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean.
  3. Fighting some AK47 clad local Somali pirates on boats not equal to fighting a highly professional Indian Navy with decades of experience.
  4. The PLAN has no experience handling their battle group with Liaoning. The They are still training on it. Just having number of vessels will not win a war. Recently the PLA faced issues with even landing their aircraft on Liaoning. They do not have enough trained pilots for their ACs. Having 5 ACs with no aircrafts is only good for exhibition, not battle.
  5. If PLAN has to confront the Indian battle group in IOR, they have to match the forces 1:10 (of course they have the numbers) as the defender is always stronger and the kill rate will be high for the attacker to sustain. However, to pull such an attack it needs meticulous planning, flawless execution, skilled manpower and precision weapons.Chinese naval weapons have not been tested in any combat. Chinese navy, despite the numbers, is still a fledgling, brown water navy. PLAN lacks capabilities in carrying out such coordinated attacks. The only one that India should really worry about is Chinese submarines. Still, challenging India in their own backyard is nothing but suicidal for such a navy.
  6. In order to attack a battle group, you'll have to strike from far and fast. PLAN's Naval weaponry do not stand to that level. India has enough capabilities to detect such a threat far away from striking distance esp. if PLAN moves in a battle formation (you cannot do a guerilla war in the sea) and would be prepared to take them on . They can neutralize any missiles even before they start because if PLAN has to strike IN, they have to be close enough - which is being a target themselves. There cannot be any surprise attacks in the sea. Needless to say that India has enough weapons (most of them are world class, more modern) to counter any such attack. You need strong airforce to support such an attack and Chinese ACs is not good enough. Add the pilot shortage and inexperience that leaves the Chinese destroyers and submarines to fight on their own.
  7. Asset quality: This is the problem haunting China (and all the friendly nations) that they themselves do not believe in their quality. All the nations who bought from China have complained that the weapons have gone unusable due to quality issues.
    1. Despite having gone so far with their technological advancement, quality issues will fail them at the crucial moments.
  8. There are only two weapons that China can think of to pull off such a thing.
  9. DF21D missiles: Touted as the ship-killer missile, this is fast and long-range as per the description. Whether this is subject to Chinese quality or not, we cannot take this lightly. However, this can only be launched from the land, they are not really mobile (though technically mobile - can be launched from a mobile vehicle), they need lot of support systems. While they are nuclear capable, we can expect China to only arm conventional as both countries have no-first-use policy and the MAD possibilities.India is aware of this threat and are prepared for it. India will be alert to check for this the moment they see PLAN approaching IN in a battle formation. This missile has to travel a long way before it reaches IOR and is vulnerable to be neutralized before it reaches the terminal phase (this is when the BMs are most threatening and destructive due to their speed).
  10. Submarines: This is another big and very realistic threat for IN esp. for the IAC. Most ACs are vulnerable to submarines in some way so they build their strongest defence against them. India already had a taste of this in 1971 when India sank PNS Ghazi (USS Diablo, the most advanced submarine in the region at that time) which was on a mission to sink INS Vikrant AC. Since then they have been beefing up defences against submarines in their ACs. After the 2020 standoff, India had been ramping up submarine hunting (detect and destro) capabilities. Several P8i-s and MH-60R helis have been bought just for this purpose). People here keep quoting the total number of assets that China has and compare with India's. This is nonsensical because though China has so many, they cannot deploy everything at a time even in a full-scale war, leave alone such isolated attacks. China cannot move a nerve from their North and Eastern and Southern theaters as they have conflicts with every nation there. All they can do is move a miniscule percentage of assets which is not enough to confront even an ASEAN nation, leave alone the formidable IN in their own IOR. Contrast to this, IN can deploy their full force as they have no other enemies except Pakistan, again in the same region.

    Pure naval confrontation without ground support is suicidal for PLAN. PLAN is fighting (or starting) something far off from its home so backup support is crucial. This goes more than just the battle group support. And then we have the choke point at the Malacca. PLAN cannot even dream of going back if they even try such an attack on IN. A Salvo of Dong Fengs from far off north eastern or north western theaters are not enough to save or support this attack group. IN can defend itself against any threat. They have a variety of missiles including the sea skimming Nirbhay, K12 Sagarika and K-4 (SLBM) and the unmatched Brahmos. There are also others (Dhanush-SLBM, sea-to-air, air-to-air, surface-to-air and sub-launched usual life torpedoes). All their naval assets are armed with defense systems, SAMs - QR, LR, MR etc. so any attack with subsonic There are also others (Dhanush-SLBM, sea-to-air, air-to-air, surface-to-air and sub-launched usual life torpedoes). All their naval assets are armed with defense systems, SAMs - QR, LR, MR etc. so any attack with subsonic systems will be quickly neutralized and the retaliation by IN will be assured destruction. Needless to say that they are even dangerous and formidable in their own

    I'm only talking about strict naval confrontation, not involving other forces. Even then, China will barely match India despite having numbers because of its inexperience and the fact that it cannot go all-out on any country with full force. China will lose out disastrously in an all-out war considering its number of enemies and its dependance on Malacca strait for pretty much everything, which IN controls. The socio-economic consequences within and outside China will be even worse that has the potential to break it into 5 nations, which it fears the most.
Yes but they are in service in such small numbers and produced at such slower rates. Even assuming they are equal in capability, the attrition is not in India's favor at all particularly when you notice that India must use at least IRBM ranged weapons to reach China proper while China can attack India proper where most of the political and industrial centers are, by only using SRBM and rocket artillery. This further makes it harder for India to play the game of attacking key assets and supply lines. This affects the naval war.

India has considered Malacca strait blockade for years and understands it is diplomatically impossible and even if ignoring that, it is militarily impossible since it would invite China to destroy every single Indian base and plant if it even pleases. If not, then at least sink Indian navy presence in Malacca strait simply using ASBM and HGV even if China is not interested in sending PLAN. This will immediately stop India from continuing the blockade.

yeah these and really all of PLAN and PLAAF are regional and cannot realistically stretch supply line to Malacca strait BUT it can do it better than India! Why? Because China can more effectively attack Indian supply lines and strategic assets such as airbases that would be involved in Malacca strait fighting. India has no ability to reach China to do the same.

If India wants to try expending such few Agni missiles it has on conventionally attacking Chinese equivalent assets, it will have nothing much left for nuclear deterrence and such a job requires of india that use of high level weapons whereas China can do the same from south Tibet and western Tibet against India simply using SRBM, cruise missiles, and cheap rocket artillery. All of these offensive weapons, China simply has hundreds times more, in more types, variety, and greater capability. Therefore attrition is not going to favor India at all.

Malacca strait if China even chooses to send 1/5 of PLAN to fight most of IN, the favor is still with China despite the same size because strategically even if it came down to such a stupid method of resolving this problem, both are 1:1 exchanged and Malacca opened with PLAN reduced to 4/5 it's previous size while India loses its navy and loses the objective of closing Malacca strait. Pakistan navy would be far stronger and there is no telling what China and Pakistan may do after that to keep Indian industry down once an entire force is depleted for a mission it has failed. So is it any wonder that neither side of Indian politics even formally puts this stupid idea into discussion? We can discuss this if India commits to it.
Brahmos can be used to create choke points in the Indian Ocean using the Car Nicobar air base in India’s island territories. The IAF’s Car Nicobar air base is the advanced landing ground for SU-30 MKI’s which can use air-to-air refuellers to protect against any PLA warship threat coming from the Strait of Malacca to Sunda Strait across Indonesia.

India's VL-SRSAM is meant for neutralizing various aerial threats at close ranges including sea-skimming targets.
There r multiple offerings now:
- Akash MK1 (30Km) IAF & IN
- Akash 1S (30Km+Seeker) IAF & IN
- Akash MK2 (40km) IAF & IN
- Akash NG (>80Km) IAF & IN
- QRSAM (30Km) IA
- Barak8/ MRSAM/Barak 8 ER (100-150Km) IA, IAF, IN
- VL SRSAM (40Km) - IN. IA & IAF

Now let's analyze the scenarios

  1. China suddenly attacks Indian Navy: Now despite China having largest number of vessels, they are not the strongest. Reasons are multiple:

wait what? It's about India blocking Malacca Strait.

  1. The PLAN is highly inexperienced. They have not been in any naval conflict ever. The most they have done is go around the ASEAN 9-dash and project power. And some fighting with Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean.

The USN is also highly inexperienced then. They have not been in any naval conflict against a near peer adversary ever.

PLAN has done far more navigation and sailing than Indian navy which btw is even less experienced than PLAN.

IN has done zero fighting and has been tussling with zero adversaries. I'd say PLAN is still ahead of IN in experience.
  1. Asset quality: This is the problem haunting China (and all the friendly nations) that they themselves do not believe in their quality. All the nations who bought from China have complained that the weapons have gone unusable due to quality issues.
    1. Despite having gone so far with their technological advancement, quality issues will fail them at the crucial moments.

Lol this is coming from a nation that exports nothing in comparison to China where Indian stuff is demanded by nobody in comparison to China's. And from India the country that cannot make its own rifles and imports them.

Talking quality, how come Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Thailand among many many others have bought Chinese military equipment of various types since 1970s and continue to come back and do so?

How come nations keep buying Chinese weapons again and again? Iraq, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, Pakistan just to add to the list. This contradicts what you said.

It seems people trust Chinese quality and military equipment and are return customers. Even rich ones like KSA, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait buy Chinese equipment - drones, aircraft, missiles, artillery. Israel buys Chinese drone jammers.

What has India sold? India only donated and sold stuff to Nepal and some Latin America countries who cancelled Indian orders due to faulty quality and returned stuff back to India. Look at Dhruv and INSAS returned and cancelled.

Who buys Indian stuff in comparison? China has sold rifles to ballistic missiles and fighter aircraft and tank. India has to even import ammunition and ordinance.

  • There are only two weapons that China can think of to pull off such a thing.
  • DF21D missiles: Touted as the ship-killer missile, this is fast and long-range as per the description. Whether this is subject to Chinese quality or not, we cannot take this lightly. However, this can only be launched from the land, they are not really mobile (though technically mobile - can be launched from a mobile vehicle), they need lot of support systems. While they are nuclear capable, we can expect China to only arm conventional as both countries have no-first-use policy and the MAD possibilities.India is aware of this threat and are prepared for it. India will be alert to check for this the moment they see PLAN approaching IN in a battle formation. This missile has to travel a long way before it reaches IOR and is vulnerable to be neutralized before it reaches the terminal phase (this is when the BMs are most threatening and destructive due to their speed).
  • Submarines: This is another big and very realistic threat for IN esp. for the IAC. Most ACs are vulnerable to submarines in some way so they build their strongest defence against them. India already had a taste of this in 1971 when India sank PNS Ghazi (USS Diablo, the most advanced submarine in the region at that time) which was on a mission to sink INS Vikrant AC. Since then they have been beefing up defences against submarines in their ACs. After the 2020 standoff, India had been ramping up submarine hunting (detect and destro) capabilities. Several P8i-s and MH-60R helis have been bought just for this purpose). People here keep quoting the total number of assets that China has and compare with India's. This is nonsensical because though China has so many, they cannot deploy everything at a time even in a full-scale war, leave alone such isolated attacks. China cannot move a nerve from their North and Eastern and Southern theaters as they have conflicts with every nation there. All they can do is move a miniscule percentage of assets which is not enough to confront even an ASEAN nation, leave alone the formidable IN in their own IOR. Contrast to this, IN can deploy their full force as they have no other enemies except Pakistan, again in the same region.

    Pure naval confrontation without ground support is suicidal for PLAN. PLAN is fighting (or starting) something far off from its home so backup support is crucial. This goes more than just the battle group support. And then we have the choke point at the Malacca. PLAN cannot even dream of going back if they even try such an attack on IN. A Salvo of Dong Fengs from far off north eastern or north western theaters are not enough to save or support this attack group. IN can defend itself against any threat. They have a variety of missiles including the sea skimming Nirbhay, K12 Sagarika and K-4 (SLBM) and the unmatched Brahmos. There are also others (Dhanush-SLBM, sea-to-air, air-to-air, surface-to-air and sub-launched usual life torpedoes). All their naval assets are armed with defense systems, SAMs - QR, LR, MR etc. so any attack with subsonic There are also others (Dhanush-SLBM, sea-to-air, air-to-air, surface-to-air and sub-launched usual life torpedoes). All their naval assets are armed with defense systems, SAMs - QR, LR, MR etc. so any attack with subsonic systems will be quickly neutralized and the retaliation by IN will be assured destruction. Needless to say that they are even dangerous and formidable in their own

    I'm only talking about strict naval confrontation, not involving other forces. Even then, China will barely match India despite having numbers because of its inexperience and the fact that it cannot go all-out on any country with full force. China will lose out disastrously in an all-out war considering its number of enemies and its dependance on Malacca strait for pretty much everything, which IN controls. The socio-economic consequences within and outside China will be even worse that has the potential to break it into 5 nations, which it fears the most.

I'll give you much more realistic scenario.

India announces it will block Malacca strait. China ignores India. India uses naval force presence to Malacca strait. China says if India sinks any Chinese shipping, it is a declaration of war. India backs down.

If India doesn't back down and sinks any commercial shipping vessel or successfully blocks one from traversing the strait, China will launch a single ASBM on the largest Indian ship in the Malacca strait, sinking it because India can barely defend against YJ-12 or YJ-18 to say nothing of ASBM or HGV. India realizes how the fighting goes and backs down.

There is no point sending PLAN that far for something that can be done with one single launch. India has no ASBM and no HGV or HCM. If India doesn't end it there and sails to attack China, it will meet the PLAN closer to China's regional waters and IN will have no ground and air support at all. No Su-30MKI has 5000km range. India barely has a handful of tankers and hardly any AWACS.

You keep talking about choke points but you're an indian and do what indian does best, talk but never substance and no action. Why doesn't india do it?

Brahmos can be used to create choke points in the Indian Ocean using the Car Nicobar air base in India’s island territories. The IAF’s Car Nicobar air base is the advanced landing ground for SU-30 MKI’s which can use air-to-air refuellers to protect against any PLA warship threat coming from the Strait of Malacca to Sunda Strait across Indonesia.

India's VL-SRSAM is meant for neutralizing various aerial threats at close ranges including sea-skimming targets.
There r multiple offerings now:
- Akash MK1 (30Km) IAF & IN
- Akash 1S (30Km+Seeker) IAF & IN
- Akash MK2 (40km) IAF & IN
- Akash NG (>80Km) IAF & IN
- QRSAM (30Km) IA
- Barak8/ MRSAM/Barak 8 ER (100-150Km) IA, IAF, IN
- VL SRSAM (40Km) - IN. IA & IAF

How is brahmos able to create any choke points when PLAN has more than 3 times the number of long, medium, and short ranged interceptors for every single brahmos.

Why would China only defend against you? China has a bigger shield and bigger stick than India and you think it'll only be using its shield?

Sorry but your precious india will get ravaged by Chinese:


India hasn't even got half this range weapons and not even close to 1/10 the total numbers.

India's most advanced offensive missile in Brahmos is a Russian Onyks offered to China in the 2000s which China rejected due to developing HGV and ASBM for anti-surface weapons.

Akash is in the hundreds. Even HQ-16 is in the multi thousands and a far better missile that is being replaced soon. HQ-9 India has no equivalent except token S-400 units. China has thousands upon thousands of HQ-9 missiles.

This doesn't even include HQ-19, HQ-26, HQ-29, SC-1 and shorter ranged missiles for point defence like HQ-7 HQ-17 and PL-12 based two stage SAMs.

India's airforce again is low quality and nothing in IAF except Rafale can even compare to JF-17 which is something China considers not good enough for PLAAF.

Face it, all you have are empty statements of declaration without evidence or even reasonable logic or speculation.

If China's quality is poor how come India quality nobody even wants but no one can move off Chinese products. We export our worst and cheapest shit to India yes but there is a grade and quality for every price.

Notice how we dominate shipbuilding in the world. Telecommunications, computing and electronics are up there. Where is India's.

Everyone knows Chinese quality >> Indian quality. Therefore if we take "chinese quality" into account and assume they all fail, does that mean indian quality cannot even start?

How come Chinese quality managed to build nearly 10 of the dominating and top supercomputers in the world and many of those using Chinese own chips.

How come Chinese quality phones are so reliable and successful along with the best of them? Electronics, ships, computers, everything that is of higher price. Same level or superior quality. It's a pity India can only afford the cheapest things. When you compare $10 product with $100 of course the $10 quality if worse. Why not buy the $80 Chinese one. It's miles better and plenty of evidence... where? Well everyone and every business picks the Chinese equal option that is at a lower price by a small margin but equal quality. If you want to buy the one that is much cheaper, then you are deciding to for yourself.

Chinese quality still managed to put a rover on Mars and two on the moon. India only managed to crash 1 out of 1 try to the moon while China succeeded in 3 out of 3 tries. What does that say about quality?

How about export data and patterns? How about investment data and patterns.

On what planet is Indian military quality better than Chinese one? China has better ability, more advanced equipment, more modern equipment, better training, more of everything.
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The above post was more a general response because it's hard to believe an indian has your level of delusions of grandeur hyping every indian thing up to max.

Here lets address each point.

  1. In order to attack a battle group, you'll have to strike from far and fast. PLAN's Naval weaponry do not stand to that level. India has enough capabilities to detect such a threat far away from striking distance esp. if PLAN moves in a battle formation (you cannot do a guerilla war in the sea) and would be prepared to take them on . They can neutralize any missiles even before they start because if PLAN has to strike IN, they have to be close enough - which is being a target themselves. There cannot be any surprise attacks in the sea. Needless to say that India has enough weapons (most of them are world class, more modern) to counter any such attack. You need strong airforce to support such an attack and Chinese ACs is not good enough. Add the pilot shortage and inexperience that leaves the Chinese destroyers and submarines to fight on their own.

IN naval weaponry is far inferior to China's in both technology and numbers. You see how easy it is to make statements and declarations?

India has nowhere(!) near the detection level of China. China has nearly 300 satellites of various technology forms while India barely has 20. Let's say India see PLAN moving to Malacca Strait as IN is moving to Malacca Strait as well. Now what?

Do you know that PLAN has better ability to neutralize any missiles than IN? Because PLAN has roughly over 3000 VLS compared to India's 600 VLS only counting both sides more modern fleet. Rest of China's fleet is far larger in numbers and capability than the rest of India's.

China uses HQ-16 and HQ-9 both are far greater energy than Barak-8. China's Type 1130 is far better than India's AK system which China long replaced with Type 730 even.

Type 346 is at least equal to (but more powerful than) the Israeli MF-Star used by India's most advanced destroyers. This is just Type 346. Type 346A is dual band and significantly more powerful. Type 346B is incomparable to anything India currently even hopes to have one day.

China's ACs are not good yes but India's are worse. India's ACs are both much smaller, much less powerful, hold a smaller wing of inferior aircraft.

  1. Asset quality: This is the problem haunting China (and all the friendly nations) that they themselves do not believe in their quality. All the nations who bought from China have complained that the weapons have gone unusable due to quality issues.
    1. Despite having gone so far with their technological advancement, quality issues will fail them at the crucial moments.

Again Myanmar, Thailand, UAE, Kuwait, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Argentina, Serbia, among others have all purchased and continue to purchase Chinese military equipment.

Who has India sold things to?

  • There are only two weapons that China can think of to pull off such a thing.
  • DF21D missiles: Touted as the ship-killer missile, this is fast and long-range as per the description. Whether this is subject to Chinese quality or not, we cannot take this lightly. However, this can only be launched from the land, they are not really mobile (though technically mobile - can be launched from a mobile vehicle), they need lot of support systems. While they are nuclear capable, we can expect China to only arm conventional as both countries have no-first-use policy and the MAD possibilities.India is aware of this threat and are prepared for it. India will be alert to check for this the moment they see PLAN approaching IN in a battle formation. This missile has to travel a long way before it reaches IOR and is vulnerable to be neutralized before it reaches the terminal phase (this is when the BMs are most threatening and destructive due to their speed).

Well DF-21 and DF-26 have been demonstrated to the US against moving small ships. Both hit ship at the same time and launched from different parts of China at different time. I think that says enough. India barely started testing MaRV when China had them since 2000s.

The rest is just you making declarations with no substance and no backing not even some attempt to reason it.
I'm only talking about strict naval confrontation, not involving other forces. Even then, China will barely match India despite having numbers because of its inexperience and the fact that it cannot go all-out on any country with full force. China will lose out disastrously in an all-out war considering its number of enemies and its dependance on Malacca strait for pretty much everything, which IN controls. The socio-economic consequences within and outside China will be even worse that has the potential to break it into 5 nations, which it fears the most.

India isn't totally inexperienced? lol At least China does play around in western Pacific with US and Japan from time to time. It's as much experience against peers as any other. USA also no experience in war against peer. India has much less. India shot down its own helicopter during clash with Pakistan.

Well why doesn't india block Malacca Strait? IN doesn't control Malacca Strait you indian moron lol. Don't make us laugh. 50% of indians shit on the street and wipe with their hand. Your 3 trillion economy controls all of Malacca Strait?? Man sometimes you guys are too high and deluded. If you control Malacca Strait how come China's shipping uses it 100x more than Indian shipping? Even accounting for the fact that india exports less than 10% what China does and has less than 10% the shipping of China.

Brahmos can be used to create choke points in the Indian Ocean using the Car Nicobar air base in India’s island territories. The IAF’s Car Nicobar air base is the advanced landing ground for SU-30 MKI’s which can use air-to-air refuellers to protect against any PLA warship threat coming from the Strait of Malacca to Sunda Strait across Indonesia.

Car Nicobar airbase of india would be a pile of rubble if india goes to war with China. China has more cruise missile types than I can list here and many thousands with hundreds produced every year that just in training shooting and testing or target practice, China uses many dozens every year.

How will Su-30MKI fly to Malacca Strait?? Do you know that is over 3 times the distance of its combat radius without even arms? How on earth will inflight refueling be possible for India in a warzone? You think your indian tankers (which btw are so low in numbers it's laughable) will survive in a highly contested airspace? Again more indian delusions.

So how will Su-30MKI work if those Andaman island bases are wiped out by Chinese cruise missiles and ballistic missiles of which China has many many thousands if not tens of thousands. Hundreds in total are used every year in just training and practice.

How will Su-30MKI operate with desired range when their tankers are shot out and their supply line has to go back to Indian mainland? Sorry but reality is IN will be on its own sitting in Malacca Strait.

India's VL-SRSAM is meant for neutralizing various aerial threats at close ranges including sea-skimming targets.
There r multiple offerings now:
- Akash MK1 (30Km) IAF & IN
- Akash 1S (30Km+Seeker) IAF & IN
- Akash MK2 (40km) IAF & IN
- Akash NG (>80Km) IAF & IN
- QRSAM (30Km) IA
- Barak8/ MRSAM/Barak 8 ER (100-150Km) IA, IAF, IN
- VL SRSAM (40Km) - IN. IA & IAF

If you assume all Indian SAMs can neutralize targets then why not assume all Chinese SAMs can neutralize targets. After all, Indian akash is far less advanced than HQ-16 even original not even HQ-16A HQ-16B, and Akash has less range and less speed.

China has more than 5x the number of SAMs available here with the fleets.

Let me remind you that it was China's export version HQ-9 (not even A or B) offered to Turkey that won the competition against EuroSAM, Patriot, and S-300 modernised. HQ-9 hit all targets and performed the best.

Indian SAM operated by Indians have only ever shot down an Indian helicopter. Another fact.

Meanwhile China has successfully conducted mid course and terminal phase interceptions against mach 20 ballistic missiles and even HGVs google it.

India has never practiced against HGV or ballistic missiles.

As for stick side, well China has far more YJ-12 and YJ-18 than India has Brahmos. On top of this, China has ASBM in DF-21 and DF-26 along with hypersonic weapons again good that and the number of times China's test flown hypersonics according to US.

Again your logic is that because you say therefore the world is. I'm waiting for India to block Malacca Strait. We will get a chance to see China fck India up properly. It's very telling that India doesn't even dare mentioning blocking Malacca Strait. India doesn't even have the ability to mention this officially let alone to make it policy and then let alone to actually do it.

It's very easy to say India has the option and therefore the ability but never do it to be proven so wrong.
Indian bhakts claiming india is powafool enough to block Malacca strait is actually more deranged and deluded than this below from 2012. Keeping in mind that before 2012, Indians were claiming they will become a superpower by 2012. India back in 2000s had more chance to achieve those things than to block Malacca strait through military means. As usual from India it is all tall claims, empty promises, big proclamations. No action, no substance.


Chinese troops entered Indian territory, drove away herders, claims Ladakh official​

By Shgun S -- February 12, 2022 12:49 pm -- Updated:February 12, 2022 12:50 pm

New Delhi, February 12: Chinese soldiers allegedly entered Indian territory on January 28 in Ladakh and drove away local people from grazing their herd in the area, claimed a local official.

"There was an incident on January 28, when PLA troops came into our territory, they drove away the grazing herds from our own territory. They did not take anyone, but shooed the nomads and herds away," the Block Development Chairperson of Nyoma, Urgain Chodon was quoted saying by The Indian Express.
Watch: Chinese soldiers entered Indian territory
On Friday, the official also tweeted a 45-second video of the incident in a grazing area called Dogbuk.

However, a defence source asserted that this video appeared to be an old one. “It appears recorded during the summer season as no snow can be seen,” the source claimed.
Chodon who was earlier a councillor from BJP, on the other hand, maintained while speaking to the media and said, “What I tweeted is what happened.”

"On 28 Jan PLA army came in our territory n not letting our herds graze in our own territory at dat time no action from security force but our own herdman cross the undemarcated Border to get his livelihood(yak)back army caught him from our own territory and send him 2 policestati," Chodon had tweeted.
Watch: Chinese soldiers entered Indian territory
The second event mentioned in Chodon's tweet occurred on January 26 in the Changlum area, according to Chodon. "A local nomad had crossed the Line of Actual Control with 17 of his yaks to bring them back. He was accosted by the Indian Army on his way back, who interrogated him and took him to a police station."
“I myself had gone to the Nyoma Police Station to bring the nomad back. Even though the IB people said that he is our nomad, still the Army did not believe and left him at the police station,” said Chodon.
Watch: Chinese soldiers entered Indian territory
The Indian army has confirmed the incident that took place on January 26 and said that "soldiers of Indian Army and ITBP observed a civilian coming over to their side of the LAC from across and apprehended him. On further questioning, it was found that while the civilian claimed that he had gone across to get his yaks, there were no yaks in his possession. Since the statement of the civilian and his actions did not match, as a precautionary measure, he was handed over jointly to the local police.”

Chinese troops entered Indian territory, drove away herders, claims Ladakh official​

By Shgun S -- February 12, 2022 12:49 pm -- Updated:February 12, 2022 12:50 pm

New Delhi, February 12: Chinese soldiers allegedly entered Indian territory on January 28 in Ladakh and drove away local people from grazing their herd in the area, claimed a local official.

"There was an incident on January 28, when PLA troops came into our territory, they drove away the grazing herds from our own territory. They did not take anyone, but shooed the nomads and herds away," the Block Development Chairperson of Nyoma, Urgain Chodon was quoted saying by The Indian Express.
Watch: Chinese soldiers entered Indian territory
On Friday, the official also tweeted a 45-second video of the incident in a grazing area called Dogbuk.

However, a defence source asserted that this video appeared to be an old one. “It appears recorded during the summer season as no snow can be seen,” the source claimed.
Chodon who was earlier a councillor from BJP, on the other hand, maintained while speaking to the media and said, “What I tweeted is what happened.”

"On 28 Jan PLA army came in our territory n not letting our herds graze in our own territory at dat time no action from security force but our own herdman cross the undemarcated Border to get his livelihood(yak)back army caught him from our own territory and send him 2 policestati," Chodon had tweeted.
Watch: Chinese soldiers entered Indian territory
The second event mentioned in Chodon's tweet occurred on January 26 in the Changlum area, according to Chodon. "A local nomad had crossed the Line of Actual Control with 17 of his yaks to bring them back. He was accosted by the Indian Army on his way back, who interrogated him and took him to a police station."
“I myself had gone to the Nyoma Police Station to bring the nomad back. Even though the IB people said that he is our nomad, still the Army did not believe and left him at the police station,” said Chodon.
Watch: Chinese soldiers entered Indian territory
The Indian army has confirmed the incident that took place on January 26 and said that "soldiers of Indian Army and ITBP observed a civilian coming over to their side of the LAC from across and apprehended him. On further questioning, it was found that while the civilian claimed that he had gone across to get his yaks, there were no yaks in his possession. Since the statement of the civilian and his actions did not match, as a precautionary measure, he was handed over jointly to the local police.”

But where did this happen? All this is Aksai Chin which is Chinese controlled and since 1962. Something claimed by India doesn't mean it is Indian land. Of course Indian herders have no right to be on the Chinese side of the border. They can be on the Indian side but here it seems they have wondered in either the current stand off areas which is no man's land or they have wondered into China proper.

If they were on Indian side there is no way China would administer rule over them and turn them back. China is not present on Indian side of the disputed territory. This is typical Indian news with no details and no nuance. Of course bhakt Indians also hate this because it makes India look weak particularly when in this case, nothing happened as in no Chinese military invasion of India has taken place as some Indian publications say.

The stand off area has always been disputed LAC or disputed border. China controls Aksai Chin. India claimed Aksai China since 1950s and after the 1962 war, Aksai Chin has been controlled by China only. India has not invaded China and China has not invaded India in this standoff because the no man's land area is not demarcated at all. It is certainly not land that Indian herders can be on no more than Chinese herders can be on.

I know that many Pakistani members of course want to misrepresent the situation as China invading India proper and India losing. This is not the case. The dispute fighting has resulted only in negotiations establishing buffer zones which China manged to secure from India due to the original two steps forward by PLA which occupied some points of this disputed land where India could not take back despite at least one significant attempt. Negotiations saw China trade forward positions for agreements from India to not patrol these parts of the disputed land.

This is only half finished negotiation as both countries have military positions inside the rest of the disputed land. India has simply lost only patrol rights to some parts of it not all. China keeps some small presence within otherwise India would simply take the non buffer areas. Of course China would not give up control of Aksai Chin though. Disputed land is absolutely tiny compared to Aksai Chin which India claims and wants to take.
India will give Mumbai and Dehli to China in 2 mins if China decided to divert India's water to Xinjiang. A billion Indians wouldn't survive a week without water flowing downstream from China. India holds no cards against china so they make up imaginary scenarios where they have some power lol.
Yes of course. All India has to do is park its ships at the mouth of the Malacca Strait.The vast majority of China’s oil imports, from the Persian Gulf, Venezuela and Angola, pass by this route. Due to the strategic importance of the waterway, there is fear amongst Chinese officials that India could block the Malacca Strait in case of war.

What r u waiting for then? Just park ur ships there and u r the supa powa, why the hesitation? Why instead get ur army beaten like dogs and hold their ears like beaten up school kids? Just park the damn ships, its so simple lolz.
What r u waiting for then? Just park ur ships there and u r the supa powa, why the hesitation? Why instead get ur army beaten like dogs and hold their ears like beaten up school kids? Just park the damn ships, its so simple lolz.

If India tries to challenge China, in a real sense, not this "Topi Drama"; they will be thrashed, in such a way, that they would forget the humiliation of 1962, and India's political and military Establishment knows this very well.
The above post was more a general response because it's hard to believe an indian has your level of delusions of grandeur hyping every indian thing up to max.

Here lets address each point.

IN naval weaponry is far inferior to China's in both technology and numbers. You see how easy it is to make statements and declarations?

India has nowhere(!) near the detection level of China. China has nearly 300 satellites of various technology forms while India barely has 20. Let's say India see PLAN moving to Malacca Strait as IN is moving to Malacca Strait as well. Now what?

Do you know that PLAN has better ability to neutralize any missiles than IN? Because PLAN has roughly over 3000 VLS compared to India's 600 VLS only counting both sides more modern fleet. Rest of China's fleet is far larger in numbers and capability than the rest of India's.

China uses HQ-16 and HQ-9 both are far greater energy than Barak-8. China's Type 1130 is far better than India's AK system which China long replaced with Type 730 even.

Type 346 is at least equal to (but more powerful than) the Israeli MF-Star used by India's most advanced destroyers. This is just Type 346. Type 346A is dual band and significantly more powerful. Type 346B is incomparable to anything India currently even hopes to have one day.

China's ACs are not good yes but India's are worse. India's ACs are both much smaller, much less powerful, hold a smaller wing of inferior aircraft.

Again Myanmar, Thailand, UAE, Kuwait, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Argentina, Serbia, among others have all purchased and continue to purchase Chinese military equipment.

Who has India sold things to?

Well DF-21 and DF-26 have been demonstrated to the US against moving small ships. Both hit ship at the same time and launched from different parts of China at different time. I think that says enough. India barely started testing MaRV when China had them since 2000s.

The rest is just you making declarations with no substance and no backing not even some attempt to reason it.

India isn't totally inexperienced? lol At least China does play around in western Pacific with US and Japan from time to time. It's as much experience against peers as any other. USA also no experience in war against peer. India has much less. India shot down its own helicopter during clash with Pakistan.

Well why doesn't india block Malacca Strait? IN doesn't control Malacca Strait you indian moron lol. Don't make us laugh. 50% of indians shit on the street and wipe with their hand. Your 3 trillion economy controls all of Malacca Strait?? Man sometimes you guys are too high and deluded. If you control Malacca Strait how come China's shipping uses it 100x more than Indian shipping? Even accounting for the fact that india exports less than 10% what China does and has less than 10% the shipping of China.

Car Nicobar airbase of india would be a pile of rubble if india goes to war with China. China has more cruise missile types than I can list here and many thousands with hundreds produced every year that just in training shooting and testing or target practice, China uses many dozens every year.

How will Su-30MKI fly to Malacca Strait?? Do you know that is over 3 times the distance of its combat radius without even arms? How on earth will inflight refueling be possible for India in a warzone? You think your indian tankers (which btw are so low in numbers it's laughable) will survive in a highly contested airspace? Again more indian delusions.

So how will Su-30MKI work if those Andaman island bases are wiped out by Chinese cruise missiles and ballistic missiles of which China has many many thousands if not tens of thousands. Hundreds in total are used every year in just training and practice.

How will Su-30MKI operate with desired range when their tankers are shot out and their supply line has to go back to Indian mainland? Sorry but reality is IN will be on its own sitting in Malacca Strait.

If you assume all Indian SAMs can neutralize targets then why not assume all Chinese SAMs can neutralize targets. After all, Indian akash is far less advanced than HQ-16 even original not even HQ-16A HQ-16B, and Akash has less range and less speed.

China has more than 5x the number of SAMs available here with the fleets.

Let me remind you that it was China's export version HQ-9 (not even A or B) offered to Turkey that won the competition against EuroSAM, Patriot, and S-300 modernised. HQ-9 hit all targets and performed the best.

Indian SAM operated by Indians have only ever shot down an Indian helicopter. Another fact.

Meanwhile China has successfully conducted mid course and terminal phase interceptions against mach 20 ballistic missiles and even HGVs google it.

India has never practiced against HGV or ballistic missiles.

As for stick side, well China has far more YJ-12 and YJ-18 than India has Brahmos. On top of this, China has ASBM in DF-21 and DF-26 along with hypersonic weapons again good that and the number of times China's test flown hypersonics according to US.

Again your logic is that because you say therefore the world is. I'm waiting for India to block Malacca Strait. We will get a chance to see China fck India up properly. It's very telling that India doesn't even dare mentioning blocking Malacca Strait. India doesn't even have the ability to mention this officially let alone to make it policy and then let alone to actually do it.

It's very easy to say India has the option and therefore the ability but never do it to be proven so wrong.
The airstrip at Campbell Bay island has been extended to accommodate larger, heavier aircraft, while the airbase at Car Nicobar island was made operational promptly after the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Together, these will strengthen India’s aerial reach over the Malacca Strait and further to the Sunda, Lambok, and Ombai Wettar Straits in the eastern Indian Ocean. From the Gagan Shakti exercise it was found that the Su-30MKIs, airborne from a base on the eastern coast, engaged multiple targets towards the western seaboard of India at distances beyond 2500 km, and landed at a southern base, thus covering a total distance of 4000 km in a single mission, validating India’s long range strike concept. These capabilities, paired with a permanent base in the ANC, provide evidence that India has improved its capacity for air operations and maritime surveillance in the IOR significantly. Pairing Operation Gagan Shakti-2018 with the IAF’s move to strengthen the Car Nicobar and Campbell Bay air stations in ANC, it is clear that the scope of Indian air power in the IOR have increased substantially. Brahmos gives the Sukhois a combat radius of almost 1,500 km without mid-air refuelling.Sukhois will bolster India's deterrence in the high seas right up to the Malacca Strait.

The above post was more a general response because it's hard to believe an indian has your level of delusions of grandeur hyping every indian thing up to max.

Here lets address each point.

IN naval weaponry is far inferior to China's in both technology and numbers. You see how easy it is to make statements and declarations?

India has nowhere(!) near the detection level of China. China has nearly 300 satellites of various technology forms while India barely has 20. Let's say India see PLAN moving to Malacca Strait as IN is moving to Malacca Strait as well. Now what?

Do you know that PLAN has better ability to neutralize any missiles than IN? Because PLAN has roughly over 3000 VLS compared to India's 600 VLS only counting both sides more modern fleet. Rest of China's fleet is far larger in numbers and capability than the rest of India's.

China uses HQ-16 and HQ-9 both are far greater energy than Barak-8. China's Type 1130 is far better than India's AK system which China long replaced with Type 730 even.

Type 346 is at least equal to (but more powerful than) the Israeli MF-Star used by India's most advanced destroyers. This is just Type 346. Type 346A is dual band and significantly more powerful. Type 346B is incomparable to anything India currently even hopes to have one day.

China's ACs are not good yes but India's are worse. India's ACs are both much smaller, much less powerful, hold a smaller wing of inferior aircraft.

Again Myanmar, Thailand, UAE, Kuwait, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Argentina, Serbia, among others have all purchased and continue to purchase Chinese military equipment.

Who has India sold things to?

Well DF-21 and DF-26 have been demonstrated to the US against moving small ships. Both hit ship at the same time and launched from different parts of China at different time. I think that says enough. India barely started testing MaRV when China had them since 2000s.

The rest is just you making declarations with no substance and no backing not even some attempt to reason it.

India isn't totally inexperienced? lol At least China does play around in western Pacific with US and Japan from time to time. It's as much experience against peers as any other. USA also no experience in war against peer. India has much less. India shot down its own helicopter during clash with Pakistan.

Well why doesn't india block Malacca Strait? IN doesn't control Malacca Strait you indian moron lol. Don't make us laugh. 50% of indians shit on the street and wipe with their hand. Your 3 trillion economy controls all of Malacca Strait?? Man sometimes you guys are too high and deluded. If you control Malacca Strait how come China's shipping uses it 100x more than Indian shipping? Even accounting for the fact that india exports less than 10% what China does and has less than 10% the shipping of China.

Car Nicobar airbase of india would be a pile of rubble if india goes to war with China. China has more cruise missile types than I can list here and many thousands with hundreds produced every year that just in training shooting and testing or target practice, China uses many dozens every year.

How will Su-30MKI fly to Malacca Strait?? Do you know that is over 3 times the distance of its combat radius without even arms? How on earth will inflight refueling be possible for India in a warzone? You think your indian tankers (which btw are so low in numbers it's laughable) will survive in a highly contested airspace? Again more indian delusions.

So how will Su-30MKI work if those Andaman island bases are wiped out by Chinese cruise missiles and ballistic missiles of which China has many many thousands if not tens of thousands. Hundreds in total are used every year in just training and practice.

How will Su-30MKI operate with desired range when their tankers are shot out and their supply line has to go back to Indian mainland? Sorry but reality is IN will be on its own sitting in Malacca Strait.

If you assume all Indian SAMs can neutralize targets then why not assume all Chinese SAMs can neutralize targets. After all, Indian akash is far less advanced than HQ-16 even original not even HQ-16A HQ-16B, and Akash has less range and less speed.

China has more than 5x the number of SAMs available here with the fleets.

Let me remind you that it was China's export version HQ-9 (not even A or B) offered to Turkey that won the competition against EuroSAM, Patriot, and S-300 modernised. HQ-9 hit all targets and performed the best.

Indian SAM operated by Indians have only ever shot down an Indian helicopter. Another fact.

Meanwhile China has successfully conducted mid course and terminal phase interceptions against mach 20 ballistic missiles and even HGVs google it.

India has never practiced against HGV or ballistic missiles.

As for stick side, well China has far more YJ-12 and YJ-18 than India has Brahmos. On top of this, China has ASBM in DF-21 and DF-26 along with hypersonic weapons again good that and the number of times China's test flown hypersonics according to US.

Again your logic is that because you say therefore the world is. I'm waiting for India to block Malacca Strait. We will get a chance to see China fck India up properly. It's very telling that India doesn't even dare mentioning blocking Malacca Strait. India doesn't even have the ability to mention this officially let alone to make it policy and then let alone to actually do it.

It's very easy to say India has the option and therefore the ability but never do it to be proven so wrong.
India has already extended the 3,000-feet strip at INS Baaz.

The base is only around 130 nautical miles (240 km) away from the mouth of the Malacca Straits. The base [INS Baaz] is equipped with modern airfield instruments and navigation. Indian Navy is operating its P-8I aircraft(12 in service, 6 more planned) from the Naval Air Station. These submarine-hunting aircraft of the Indian Navy can keep an eye over the multiple maritime chokepoints in the region that Chinese submarines could use to enter the Indian Ocean.
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Yes but they are in service in such small numbers and produced at such slower rates. Even assuming they are equal in capability, the attrition is not in India's favor at all particularly when you notice that India must use at least IRBM ranged weapons to reach China proper while China can attack India proper where most of the political and industrial centers are, by only using SRBM and rocket artillery. This further makes it harder for India to play the game of attacking key assets and supply lines. This affects the naval war.

India has considered Malacca strait blockade for years and understands it is diplomatically impossible and even if ignoring that, it is militarily impossible since it would invite China to destroy every single Indian base and plant if it even pleases. If not, then at least sink Indian navy presence in Malacca strait simply using ASBM and HGV even if China is not interested in sending PLAN. This will immediately stop India from continuing the blockade.

yeah these and really all of PLAN and PLAAF are regional and cannot realistically stretch supply line to Malacca strait BUT it can do it better than India! Why? Because China can more effectively attack Indian supply lines and strategic assets such as airbases that would be involved in Malacca strait fighting. India has no ability to reach China to do the same.

If India wants to try expending such few Agni missiles it has on conventionally attacking Chinese equivalent assets, it will have nothing much left for nuclear deterrence and such a job requires of india that use of high level weapons whereas China can do the same from south Tibet and western Tibet against India simply using SRBM, cruise missiles, and cheap rocket artillery. All of these offensive weapons, China simply has hundreds times more, in more types, variety, and greater capability. Therefore attrition is not going to favor India at all.

Malacca strait if China even chooses to send 1/5 of PLAN to fight most of IN, the favor is still with China despite the same size because strategically even if it came down to such a stupid method of resolving this problem, both are 1:1 exchanged and Malacca opened with PLAN reduced to 4/5 it's previous size while India loses its navy and loses the objective of closing Malacca strait. Pakistan navy would be far stronger and there is no telling what China and Pakistan may do after that to keep Indian industry down once an entire force is depleted for a mission it has failed. So is it any wonder that neither side of Indian politics even formally puts this stupid idea into discussion? We can discuss this if India commits to it.

What r u waiting for then? Just park ur ships there and u r the supa powa, why the hesitation? Why instead get ur army beaten like dogs and hold their ears like beaten up school kids? Just park the damn ships, its so simple lolz.

The Klaxon is not a credible source since it is the only one saying this and has no acknowledgement of how it got its information. In truth, it is India government that asked and paid Klaxon to publish this just like Indian government pays many foreign journalists to publish articles written by Indian propaganda apparatus.

Of course we can see the results of that fight.

China captured over 100 Indians.
India captured 0 Chinese.

China provided video and photos to prove this and stated as such.
India only doctored one video of Indian forces beating up a PLA soldier who came out of a vehicle and pretended they have photos and videos of more.

China gained control and held control of the clash point until negotiations for disengagement happened.
India lost control and did not manage to gain any control.

China killed India's commanding officer and held all senior officers for up to a week.
China's commanding officer is alive and well.

China returned captured Indians for days after the event.
India admitted they did not capture any people or land.

How is the above possible when India "won" the engagement?

Where is India's proof? Here are some of China's.





Meanwhile India paid a no name, one man conspiracy theory operation to publish some random Indian made claim on victory and without evidence or backing. Remember that no media organization recognizes India's claims and TASS even went on record to say that their information on India killing PLA is based on unverified Indian sources.

India has no guts to admit they lost so bad and India's damage control is to promote stories and paying other random people to publish them. No one with credibility and reputation has published India's story. I wonder why.

I also wonder how India could win but then lose so bad by having all their soldiers captured. All their shit INSAS rifles captured, and their officers killed or captured to sign papers of admission. All the evidence points to India lying and covering its *** and of course losing very badly. Otherwise where is India's evidence? Why does India not officially say anything but use propaganda paid agents to do their talking because they can then deny those rumors and stories came from the Indian government.

Every sane and unbiased person can see the truth behind all this.

India is very good at making claims and spinning stories. Just like it has with blocking Malacca strait and having power over it. India is the weakling with strong desires but no talent or work ethic to really achieve anything. It therefore just talks and makes empty proclamations and when people stopped listening to India's proclamations, India started spending $300M a year to pay their massive fake news publications to do the talking for it. It's so pathetic it is sad. 30% starving, 50% in poverty, 20% in extreme poverty and india wants everyone to know its supa dupa powa.
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