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Chinese troops entered Indian territory, drove away herders: local official

the indian navy is a joke compared to PLAN, the only navy that could close the straits is the us and even then its at great cost.
and after sinking the indian navy at the straits, China can simply block all of india's water supply and all of india will either die of thirst or die or drinking sea water. :lol:
Yes of course. All India has to do is park its ships at the mouth of the Malacca Strait.The vast majority of China’s oil imports, from the Persian Gulf, Venezuela and Angola, pass by this route. Due to the strategic importance of the waterway, there is fear amongst Chinese officials that India could block the Malacca Strait in case of war.

jajaz toh khara kar day gey mitaarrr lakin testies may dumm kahan say liye gey! isliye "Sab changa sii" burkha utaro may lagay raho!

SU-30 MKI squadron in Thanjavur will keep in check China's strategic footprint in the IOR. Flankers will give IAF the capability to strike from large stand-off ranges on any target at sea or on land with pin-point accuracy in day or night and all weather conditions. Brahmos gives the Sukhois a combat radius of almost 1,500 km without mid-air refuelling.
With BrahMos missiles, that can fly almost three times the speed of sound at Mach 3, the Sukhois will bolster India's deterrence in the high seas right up to the Malacca Strait.
ohhh sheeettt! i read it twice i thought India will scare China with Tejas but no its still SU 30 MKI! no rapaheeel serr?
and after sinking the indian navy at the straits, China can simply block all of india's water supply and all of india will either die of thirst or die or drinking sea water. :lol:

Paa Jee: Unfortunately, China is not ready even to grant them the stature of a "Khoti".

In all the 14 meetings held, on border standoff, Chinese have always sent their Major Generals to negotiate with Indian Lieutenant Generals. Chinese are thoroughly degrading Indians, now, in all their interactions.

Paa Jee: Unfortunately, China is not ready even to grant them the stature of a "Khoti".

In all the 14 meetings held, on border standoff, Chinese have always sent their Major Generals to negotiate with Indian Lieutenant Generals. Chinese are thoroughly degrading Indians, now, in all their interactions.
Where were Brahmos when abhinone done was paraded on international media ?
Whese were brahmos when indian military was slaughtered at galwan?

Do you think you could put a blockade on malaca strait qhile your national capital is witin the range of (put Missiles aside) Their Rocket Artillery ?
If you have such options then why modi is too scared to even name China?
Slaughtered? Ghatak troops of Indian Army have given befitting reply to the CCP soldiers. That's why they have hidden their casualties for straight 8 months. Even US intelligence agencies have accepted that by no means its a victory for the Chinese military


O PaaJee,

What a Sad Day for India and Indianness!

PLA shooz and the good Indians run and complain... while trading with them all the time!

SaffronBandits can gang up on unarmed, alone muslim girl.. or lynch, rape..murder... muslims by isolating them 50 to 1...

But!...but when the PLA shooz... the good Indians run!!!

Can we say that India has become China's khotti?

Quading or no Quading... Khotti!!!


Where were Brahmos when abhinone done was paraded on international media ?
Whese were brahmos when indian military was slaughtered at galwan?

Do you think you could put a blockade on malaca strait qhile your national capital is witin the range of (put Missiles aside) Their Rocket Artillery ?
If you have such options then why modi is too scared to even name China?

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Yes of course. All India has to do is park its ships at the mouth of the Malacca Strait.The vast majority of China’s oil imports, from the Persian Gulf, Venezuela and Angola, pass by this route. Due to the strategic importance of the waterway, there is fear amongst Chinese officials that India could block the Malacca Strait in case of war.

Venezuela is in SOUTH AMERICA. It does not need Malacca Strait route. Don't they teach geography in India?

Venezuela is in SOUTH AMERICA. It does not need Malacca Strait route. Don't they teach geography in India?

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Almost 80 percent of China's oil imports passed through the South China Sea via the Strait of Malacca. For an oil-hungry country like China, a long-term closure would present a worrisome economic and political scenario.
Yes of course. All India has to do is park its ships at the mouth of the Malacca Strait.The vast majority of China’s oil imports, from the Persian Gulf, Venezuela and Angola, pass by this route. Due to the strategic importance of the waterway, there is fear amongst Chinese officials that India could block the Malacca Strait in case of war.

Has to, wish to, want to, will do, can do,.....blah blah.

But China already did and you still have to or has to wrt your streanh. Lol
So, PaaJee, are you saying that India is not China's Khotti but... the self-delcared ShoooperPaawar is China's Kukri?

You are creating Enigma after Engima...


Paa Jee: Even "Khoti" or "Kukrhi" shows some resistance, when attacked. Yeh Indian tau bilkul he lambay parh gaye haen, China kay saamnay. :lol:
Indeed, PaaJee, the good Indians did offer their foreheads, cheekbones and backs to PLA to practice Acupunture!

So, are you saying that China is not even accepting the ShooperPaaawar India as Kukhri?

Sad day for Indianess...

China doesn't even accept India as China's Kukhri...

Lamay pah gay nay... good Indians!!!

SaffronBandits are no threat to China!

BraMuis useless against PLA!!!


Now, in fact, China is rubbing salt after salt on their wounds. Latest one, being creating a scenario, so that India was compelled to boycott the Olympic, which it didn't go far, when asked by US & UK. As a Punjabi saying is:

"Gharon ghar ganwaaya
Tay, baahron bharhwa kawaheya"
Almost 80 percent of China's oil imports passed through the South China Sea via the Strait of Malacca. For an oil-hungry country like China, a long-term closure would present a worrisome economic and political scenario.
You have highlighted the importance of Malacca strait for China well however blocking of it would clearly mean war. If China has a choke point, then India also has a choke point (keeping in view that both sides avoid the nuclear exchange).

Are you proposing that India should block it today to push back Chinese from Ladakh as other areas or it is just a strategy in case of an all out war?
You have highlighted the importance of Malacca strait for China well however blocking of it would clearly mean war. If China has a choke point, then India also has a choke point (keeping in view that both sides avoid the nuclear exchange).

Are you proposing that India should block it today to push back Chinese from Ladakh as other areas or it is just a strategy in case of an all out war?

By the time India will start preparations for blocking the strait; Chinese forces would be on the gates of Delhi. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Almost 80 percent of China's oil imports passed through the South China Sea via the Strait of Malacca. For an oil-hungry country like China, a long-term closure would present a worrisome economic and political scenario.
You are safe because Indians denial strategy is better than fighting in reality.

SU-30 MKI squadron in Thanjavur will keep in check China's strategic footprint in the IOR. Flankers will give IAF the capability to strike from large stand-off ranges on any target at sea or on land with pin-point accuracy in day or night and all weather conditions. Brahmos gives the Sukhois a combat radius of almost 1,500 km without mid-air refuelling.
With BrahMos missiles, that can fly almost three times the speed of sound at Mach 3, the Sukhois will bolster India's deterrence in the high seas right up to the Malacca Strait.

Thanjavur is farther from the straits than hainan is, never mind the even shorter distance from china's SCS bases.

A fight over/near the straits would give every single advantage to china over india, china has more planes, better planes, and a shorter distance to the battlefield, meaning more time on station and more jets in the theater at any given time. and if we bring PLAN into the mix it would be a one-sided massacre of indian forces. PLAN's number of air-defence capable destroyers and frigates is about the same as all of the capital ships, including subs and corvettes , in the indian navy put together.

if you're talking about protecting indian shores, well...okay, china has no interest in blockading india, nor does it have to forces right now to enforce a tight blockade even if it wanted to.

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