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Chinese to overtake English as the dominant language of the internet

Are you guys that desperate for validation of your perceived 'superiority' in every way that you need to resort to this level of absurdity? If what you say is true, then we 'inferior' people would like to see an explanation as to why China was humiliated and dominated for a couple hundred years by the Europeans, the Americans, and worst of all, the Japanese.

If you go by sheer speakers as 'dominant' then perhaps you have a case. But the word 'dominant' is not so narrowly defined as convenient for you.

Here is the word 'transistor' in different languages...

Transistor In Other Language Than English - Online Translation Dictionary | En.Organisasi.Org

How many languages can an engineer recognize the word without being fluent in any of them? This is the kind of dominance you do not have and possibly may never achieve.
philipin, viet abandoned chinese character, become failed countries. especially philipin almost joined to US.
Are you guys that desperate for validation of your perceived 'superiority' in every way that you need to resort to this level of absurdity? If what you say is true, then we 'inferior' people would like to see an explanation as to why China was humiliated and dominated for a couple hundred years by the Europeans, the Americans, and worst of all, the Japanese.

If you go by sheer speakers as 'dominant' then perhaps you have a case. But the word 'dominant' is not so narrowly defined as convenient for you.

Here is the word 'transistor' in different languages...

Transistor In Other Language Than English - Online Translation Dictionary | En.Organisasi.Org

How many languages can an engineer recognize the word without being fluent in any of them? This is the kind of dominance you do not have and possibly may never achieve.

we have totally independent science and engineering vocabularies that were partially borrowed from Imperial Japan and partially self made. Just like the French have ordinateur = computer and logiciel = software, so do we have 计算机 = computer and 软件 = software.

Chinese should be one of the easier languages to learn because of the straightforward grammar. The writing is hard, but in modern computers, it takes less time to type Chinese than to type English due to information density of Chinese being far higher.
Chinese should be one of the easier languages to learn because of the straightforward grammar. The writing is hard, but in modern computers, it takes less time to type Chinese than to type English due to information density of Chinese being far higher.

writing is indeed hard....but didnt get the second bolded comment of yours..first about density of chinese information..hope u r not mixing up it with the populations...second how a person can learn to write one of most difficult lang just because that particular lang has so called high density of info available on net???
more and more peoples learning chinese outside china, that's enough. it does not matter which language is at domination position. our culture protected and developed is the most important.

I do understand that however there will be a growing number of people don't speak Chinese likely English and other so their numbers will Grow, I can see Chinese at the number one with english as second.
writing is indeed hard....but didnt get the second bolded comment of yours..first about density of chinese information..hope u r not mixing up it with the populations...second how a person can learn to write one of most difficult lang just because that particular lang has so called high density of info available on net???

information density = highest amount of information per unit area. i can write something in 1 sentence of Chinese that takes 1 paragraph in English.
information density = highest amount of information per unit area. i can write something in 1 sentence of Chinese that takes 1 paragraph in English.

ya my dear friend..but here we are talking about learning how to write chinese...now u r saying if i type something in chinese, i will ve much more detail available in english...but to type something in chinese, i need to learn it right? and the point that I made is, it looks learning to write chinese is very difficult...

over to you with love...:-)
Chinese will not overtake english if all indian take to english, and let hope they do it will be the best outcome ever for China.
i don't think there is that many non-Chinese using Chinese as internet language.. but there are many Chinese using English as the language in cyber space though! so..this research doesn't sound all that accurate!!
The main criteria is flexibility and in that a language should have a balance of simplicity where it is needed and complexity where it is needed. Growing up in Hawaii, the Polynesian languages are easier to learn if one's desire is to communicate simple ideas quickly. The Hawaiian language has far fewer sounds than English. It has no 'F' whereas the Samoan language do, for example. The 'ah' sound is dominant in Hawaiian. But Hawaiian has proven to be poor at communicating complex ideas, especially technical ones, and when adapted to convey a complex technical idea, the speaker ended up speaking twice to three times as long as his peers.

English itself has gone through an evolution from integrating vocabulary from different languages and even making new terms for things yet to exist. If Hawaiian was put into the same pressures it would of changed accordingly, to assume English is the only language capable of this shows how small minded you are. The real reason why Hawaiian never caught on is because the lack of people speaking it to begin with along with the lack of economic incentive.
English itself has gone through an evolution from integrating vocabulary from different languages and even making new terms for things yet to exist. If Hawaiian was put into the same pressures it would of changed accordingly, to assume English is the only language capable of this shows how small minded you are. The real reason why Hawaiian never caught on is because the lack of people speaking it to begin with along with the lack of economic incentive.

Chinese has also changed significantly by inventing or integrating new vocabulary.

Watch as they say this proves Chinese is inferior, slave language :lol: the American neocons can do anything.
English itself has gone through an evolution from integrating vocabulary from different languages and even making new terms for things yet to exist.
Made even more possible by the flexibility of the alphabets at the elemental level.

If Hawaiian was put into the same pressures it would of changed accordingly, to assume English is the only language capable of this shows how small minded you are. The real reason why Hawaiian never caught on is because the lack of people speaking it to begin with along with the lack of economic incentive.
Nowhere did I said categorically that the Hawaiian language cannot be adapted. But there are serious limitations on how far before there are so many adapations that the language itself become unrecognizable.

The Hawaiian language is not a 'phonotactical' language, meaning consonent clusters like 'ch' or 'rh' or 'th' or the more complex 'chr' simply do not exist and they do not exist because they ARE NOT PERMISSIBLE. That is the great difference between languages: Permissibility. And this limitation is learned very early into the classes. In this situation, an adaptation is not possible but will require a whole new word. Same limitation for ideogrammatic languages like Chinese and Japanese.

As far as economic incentive goes, you are treading into human behaviors. If something is inherently limited in so many ways, especially when we are talking about science and technology, people will gravitate towards the things that are inherently more flexible.
0.4 billion people's mother language is english in the world;
1.6 billion people's mother language is chinese at least.
which is easy to learn?

If wikipedia is to be believed 1.5 billion people around the world speak English. So you are saying that 1.1 billion people are dumb not to understand the 'superiority' of Chinese.
I think a truer measure of a language's strength is the number of people who learn it as a second language.

We all learn our primary language as an accident of birth, but the conscious choice of a second language is dictated by its usefulness. (Yes, I know the equation gets a little complicated with intermarriage and global migration.)
The Chinese language has got huge numbers (especially Standard Chinese, i.e. Mandarin)... but is it mostly within China and Chinese communities.

English is far more widespread, and is still the international language. This was due to first the British Empire, and then later the American superpower which sealed English as having the most relevance in the world, where many countries have it as a first language, and many more as a second language.

I don't see this as a problem anyway. The Chinese language is for us, the Chinese people.

The only real negative consequence, is that we will lack a lot of soft power potential in the future. But East Asian countries such as Japan have already managed to pass that barrier before.
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