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Chinese think tank suggests division of India

If India did not want to tangle with China in future then it would have accepted Chou En Lai's offer for a straight swap between Aksai China and a part of Andra Pradesh. Instead India has kept the boundary issue in limbo so that it can make Andra Pradesh a staging post for activities inside Tibet. This is where the Bangladesh transit facility comes in. India will use the transit facility to move military equipment to its North East for action in Tibet sometime in the future. We know all this so why is India trying to hide its intentions if it is not looking for a clash?

We followed what was given to us after gaining independence. "McMahon Line" which PRC never accepted.

And Andhra Pradesh is in South India..
If India did not want to tangle with China in future then it would have accepted Chou En Lai's offer for a straight swap between Aksai China and a part of Andra Pradesh. Instead India has kept the boundary issue in limbo so that it can make Andra Pradesh a staging post for activities inside Tibet. This is where the Bangladesh transit facility comes in. India will use the transit facility to move military equipment to its North East for action in Tibet sometime in the future. We know all this so why is India trying to hide its intentions if it is not looking for a clash?

WHAAAA!!!!:woot::woot: You talk about geo-political issue without an iota of idea about geography....I never knew all this time we were talking to a school kid.....
:lol: Andhra Pradesh is hosting Anti China elements :lol:

@Munshi bhai...there is a BIG difference between Andhra and Arunachal, so no chance of a typo...This proves you dont know anything about India or china. Dont ridicule yourself using the word south tibet:lol:
WHAAAA!!!!:woot::woot: You talk about geo-political issue without an iota of idea about geography....I never knew all this time we were talking to a school kid.....

If India did not want to tangle with China in future then it would have accepted Chou En Lai's offer for a straight swap between Aksai China and a part of Arunachal Pradesh. Instead India has kept the boundary issue in limbo so that it can make Arunachal Pradesh a staging post for activities inside Tibet. This is where the Bangladesh transit facility comes in. India will use the transit facility to move military equipment to its North East for action in Tibet sometime in the future. We know all this so why is India trying to hide its intentions if it is not looking for a clash?

I sometimes get mixed up between the names of Indian States especially between Arunachal Pradesh and Southern Tibet ........
:lol: Andhra Pradesh is hosting Anti China elements :lol:

@Munshi bhai...there is a BIG difference between Andhra and Arunachal, so no chance of a typo...This proves you dont know anything about India or china. Dont ridicule yourself using the word south tibet:lol:

Hey I admitted my error. honest mistake. I wrote Arunachal Pradesh when I actually meant Southern Tibet .......
If India did not want to tangle with China in future then it would have accepted Chou En Lai's offer for a straight swap between Aksai China and a part of Arunachal Pradesh. Instead India has kept the boundary issue in limbo so that it can make Arunachal Pradesh a staging post for activities inside Tibet. This is where the Bangladesh transit facility comes in. India will use the transit facility to move military equipment to its North East for action in Tibet sometime in the future. We know all this so why is India trying to hide its intentions if it is not looking for a clash?

I sometimes get mixed up between the names of Indian States especially between Arunachal Pradesh and Southern Tibet ........

I am willing to put behind the mistake.Anyways,can you provide me a link to this incident,of Zhou En lai's offer asking for a straight swap??I was just going through the exchange of letters between Jawaharlal Nehru and Zhou En Lai.I could not find any such offer.Am I missing something?
I am willing to put behind the mistake.Anyways,can you provide me a link to this incident,of Zhou En lai's offer asking for a straight swap??I was just going through the exchange of letters between Jawaharlal Nehru and Zhou En Lai.I could not find any such offer.Am I missing something?

Actually I found the reference in this article -

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

which states -

"The logical solution to this issue would seem to be an exchange of claims on these marginal lands - China keeps Aksai Chin and India holds on to Arunachal Pradesh. But it hasn't happened yet, despite the creation of resolution mechanisms and over a dozen meetings in recent years.

The whys and wherefores have ignited entertaining and informative Internet flame wars between Indian, Chinese, and Tibetan advocates. [3]

However, a close look at the evidence appears to indicate that China has put an Aksai Chin for Arunachal Pradesh swap on the table for years - starting with Zhou Enlai in the 1950s - but the Indian government has found it in its interests to insist that the fate of the two regions be negotiated separately.

As India formalized its control over Arunachal Pradesh - it is now incorporated as an Indian state and not a border territory - the prospect of swapping recognition of Aksai Chin has become more remote. Instead, it became possible that India would simply hold on to Arunachal Pradesh and not bother to acknowledge the Chinese claim over Aksai Chin at all."
I can understand frustration of these so called think tanks cause in their own country they dnt have right to talk (freedom of speech) so their start about others

Easy way to remove frustration :hitwall:

Best of Chinese think tank :rofl:
As from past 3 days same crappy article from a di*ckhead think scum tank is in Pdf..

Actully we must divide china into turkimestan,Tibetan autonomus,russia can take its part ,taiwan is already a separate entity then we have japanese who want some piece of cake ,then we have filipino ,damn!even pakistan can take back their Gilgit :lol:... Now whose with me do drop your thanks below
@Mbi munshi as i understand your shattered fantansy but it's better to shut mouth when two adults are talking IMHO china and india.:cheeky: :D
Oh well, every single time someone dig out this two yrs old so-called Chinese think tank article, some low EQ idiots keep rushing in to take the bait. unbelievable.:lol:
Actually I found the reference in this article -

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

which states -

"The logical solution to this issue would seem to be an exchange of claims on these marginal lands - China keeps Aksai Chin and India holds on to Arunachal Pradesh. But it hasn't happened yet, despite the creation of resolution mechanisms and over a dozen meetings in recent years.

The whys and wherefores have ignited entertaining and informative Internet flame wars between Indian, Chinese, and Tibetan advocates. [3]

However, a close look at the evidence appears to indicate that China has put an Aksai Chin for Arunachal Pradesh swap on the table for years - starting with Zhou Enlai in the 1950s - but the Indian government has found it in its interests to insist that the fate of the two regions be negotiated separately.

As India formalized its control over Arunachal Pradesh - it is now incorporated as an Indian state and not a border territory - the prospect of swapping recognition of Aksai Chin has become more remote. Instead, it became possible that India would simply hold on to Arunachal Pradesh and not bother to acknowledge the Chinese claim over Aksai Chin at all."

Let me tell you Munshi,Zhou was indeed a brilliant politician and statesman.He laid the foundation stone for China's development.China,time and again has claimed some part of Arunachal Pradesh as their territory.
In April, 1954, when India signed a border trade agreement with China, categorically acknowledging Tibet as a "Region" of China. Nobody in New Delhi bothered to ask the Chinese where the borders of the "Tibet Region of China" extended to. Barely few months later, Indian border patrols found Chinese soldiers intruding into Bara Hoti, on the Tibet-Uttar Pradesh border. Indian diplomats also discovered that Chinese maps were showing large parts of Ladakh and Assam (now Arunachal Pradesh) as parts of Tibet. Zhou said the maps were old,and they will be rectified.But as is it with any border dispute,there was a communication gap,and each country built its own perspective.The leaders who came later,followed in the same footsteps.

But it was not Zhou who started asking for Arunachal or at least a part of it in liu of Aksai Chin.For that matter,I dont think anybody asked for an exchange.

Here is a very intriguing letter from the Chinese Premier,to the then India Prime Minister.Go through it. You may find it interesting:

Premier Chou En-Lai's Letter to Prime Minister Nehru​

His Excellency Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru
Prime Minister of the Republic of India
New Delhi

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

Your Excellency's letter dated September 26, 1959, has been received. It is most unfortunate that subsequently another unexpected border clash took place on October 21 within Chinese territory in the area south of the Kongka Pass. Regarding this clash, the Chinese and Indian Governments have already exchanged several notes, including the November 4 note of the Indian Government to the Chinese Government. Most regrettably, this note of the Indian Government not only disregards in many respects the basic facts of the question of boundary between the two countries and the truth of the border clash, but adopts an attitude which is extremely harmful to the friendly relations between the two countries. Obviously, it is in no way helpful to a settlement of the question to take such an attitude. Under the present circumstances, I consider that the most important duty facing us is, first of all, to take effective steps, speedily and without hesitation, to earnestly improve the disquieting situation on the border between the two countries, and work for the complete elimination of the possibility of any border clash in the future.

As the Sino-Indian boundary has never been delimited and it is very long and very far or comparatively far from the political centres of the two countries, I am afraid that, if no fully appropriate solution is worked out by the two Governments, border clashes which both sides do not want to see may again occur in the future. And once such a dash takes place, even though a minor one, it will be made use of by people who are hostile to the friendship of our two countries to attain their ulterior objectives. There is a history of long-standing friendship but no conflict of fundamental interests between our two countries, and our Governments are initiators of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. We have no reason to allow the tension on the border between our two countries to continue.

Your Excellency's letter of September 26 contains many viewpoints to which the Chinese Government cannot agree. Regarding these, I would like to state my views on another occasion. I am glad, however, that this letter reiterates that the Indian Government attaches great importance to the maintenance of friendly relations with China and agrees to the view consistently held by the Chinese Government that the border disputes which have already arisen should be settled amicably and peacefully and that pending a settlement the status quo should be maintained and neither side should seek to alter the status quo by any means. In order to maintain effectively the status quo of the border between the two countries, to ensure the tranquillity of the border regions and to create a favourable atmosphere for a friendly settlement of the boundary question, the Chinese Government proposes that the armed forces of China and India each withdraw 20 kilometres at once from the so-called McMahon Line in the east, and from the line up to which each side exercises actual control in the west, and that the two sides undertake to refrain from again sending their armed personnel to be stationed in and patrol the zones from which they have evacuated their armed forces, but still maintain civil administrative personnel and unarmed police there for the performance of administrative duties and maintenance of order. This proposal is in effect an extension of the Indian Government's proposal contained in its note dated September 10 that neither side should send its armed personnel to Longju, to the entire border between China and India, and moreover a proposal to separate the troops of the two sides by as great a distance as 40 kilometres. If there is any need to increase this distance, the Chinese Government is also willing to give it consideration. In a word, both before and after the formal delimitation of the boundary between our two countries through negotiations, the Chinese Government is willing to do its utmost to create the most peaceful and most secure border zones between our two countries, so that our two countries will never again have apprehensions or come to a clash on account of border issues. If this proposal of the Chinese Government is acceptable to the Indian Government, concrete measures for its implementation can be discussed and decided upon at once by the two Governments through diplomatic channels.

The Chinese Government has never had the intention of straining the border situation and the relations between the two countries. I believe that Your Excellency also wishes to see the present tension eased. I earnestly hope that, for the sake of the great, long-standing friendship of the more than one thousand million people of our two countries, the Chinese and Indian Governments will make joint efforts and reach a speedy agreement on the above- said proposal.

The Chinese Government proposes that in order to further discuss the boundary question and other questions in the relations between the two countries, the Prime Ministers of the two countries hold talks in the immediate future.

Respected Mr. Prime Minister! The peoples of our two countries desire that we act promptly. I think we should satisfy their desires and not let those who seek every chance to disrupt by all means the great friendship between China and India attain their sinister objective. I await an early reply from Your Excellency.

I take this opportunity to express to you my cordial regards.

(Signed) CHOU EN-LAI
Premier of the State Council
of the People's Republic of China
its my 3rd post about the same topic divison of india i just love to see the feeling of insecurity and no self esteem and in inferiorty complex which India have that makes me laugh n wonder how come they call them selves a superpower or emerging one.the way they troll n troll n troll i love it i love making them angry about the issues they feel the most insecure with.lo good going uncle sams lil pets
its my 3rd post about the same topic divison of india i just love to see the feeling of insecurity and no self esteem and in inferiorty complex which India have that makes me laugh n wonder how come they call them selves a superpower or emerging one.the way they troll n troll n troll i love it i love making them angry about the issues they feel the most insecure with.lo good going uncle sams lil pets

Pal, I agreed with most of the "results" of your "experiment" even though we Chinese got the short end of the stick. Brilliant, i must say:partay:
PS, and i admire your "honesty" :tup:
Every now and then, someone jumped out giving a story like this.

Have you heard the "the silly boy who cry "wolf is coming"" story?
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