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Chinese think tank suggests division of India

@Hindustani, perhaps you are talking about this:

Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. - NYTimes.com

Note that this was back in the 1960's, when the Dalai Lama said that he was training anti-Chinese militants, while being hosted on Indian soil, by the Indian government.

China TODAY has no active armed insurgencies, just some cases of ethnic unrest, which never manage to turn into full-blown insurgencies.

We have no armed groups like the Indian Maoists, who wage an open war against the Indian state.

ok ok gotcha, I see what you're trying to say now.
If this is true then this is very good news for India and her neighbors. Indians love democracy and what is more democratic than to have a dozen free Indian states? Each Indian state can choose their own path of development in their free democratic environments.

All states in different direction is anarchy,not democracy.In democracy,a person belonging to one state has the same civilian rights in the other state as well.So,one state does not belong to the people of that state only,but to the people of the country as a whole.
All states in different direction is anarchy,not democracy.In democracy,a person belonging to one state has the same civilian rights in the other state as well.So,one state does not belong to the people of that state only,but to the people of the country as a whole.

He's living in the medieval era.. :lol:
ok ok gotcha, I see what you're trying to say now.

Just to clarify, there is a big difference between separatism, ethnic unrest, and a full-blown armed insurgency. Separatism is simply wanting to be separate, ethnic unrest is a step up from that (some violence), and an armed insurgency is another step up.

To qualify as an armed insurgency, you need to have a group like the Indian Maoists, who wage open violent warfare upon the Indian state.
Just to clarify, there is a big difference between separatism, ethnic unrest, and a full-blown armed insurgency. Separatism is simply wanting to be separate, ethnic unrest is a step up from that (some violence), and an armed insurgency is another step up.

To qualify as an armed insurgency, you need to have a group like the Indian Maoists, who wage open violent warfare upon the Indian state.

Well I knew that... :lol:

so by what you're saying the "Tibetan uprising" is pretty much dead..
If this is true then this is very good news for India and her neighbors. Indians love democracy and what is more democratic than to have a dozen free Indian states? Each Indian state can choose their own path of development in their free democratic environments.

Yes a very good suggestion. I think if China takes the proposal to the UN for calling on India to hold a referendum in each State for independence Bangladesh and Pakistan will second the motion. Each part of India must be set free so their democracy can prosper to the fullest.
So we are only allowed to have ridiculous Indian think tanks make claims about dividing up China and not the other way around?
Yes a very good suggestion. I think if China takes the proposal to the UN for calling on India to hold a referendum in each State for independence Bangladesh and Pakistan will second the motion. Each part of India must be set free so their democracy can prosper to the fullest.

Sorry buddy, our policy is "no interference in other countries internal affairs".

If there is another ethnic riot in Tibet, that the Chinese government traces back to the Dalai Lama (i.e. from Indian soil)... then maybe there could be a case made for "retaliation".

But I doubt it will happen, and there are other diplomatic methods by which we can pay them back.
Sorry buddy, our policy is "no interference in other countries internal affairs".

If there is another ethnic riot in Tibet, that the Chinese government traces back to the Dalai Lama (i.e. from Indian soil)... then maybe there could be a case made for "retaliation".

But I doubt it will happen, and there are other diplomatic methods by which we can pay them back.

I understand your position and I was just trying to annoy the Indians here. But more seriously I think a clash is inevitable in around 5-10 years time as India improves its military and economy it will become more expansionist and will meddle in Tibet, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Central Asia as it is doing in all other South Asian countries now. It is simply a matter of time before India and China butt heads. It will mainly be because of Indian arrogance and dreams for a greater India. You have to understand the Indian mentality. This is a clash that the US is already promoting.
I understand your position and I was just trying to annoy the Indians here. But more seriously I think a clash is inevitable in around 5-10 years time as India improves its military and economy it will become more expansionist and will meddle in Tibet, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Central Asia as it is doing in all other South Asian countries now.

Thanks for being honest :lol:

And I really doubt India wants to interfere with another country's problem. The only reason why India meddled with East Pakistan, was because India just realized what kinda neighbor pakistan was after 2 wars and happened to take advantage of pakistan's misfortune. Central Asia? LOL it's called trade and diplomatic ties. I'm sorry if you still have feelings for "West Pakistan" but that's how the dice rolls buddy..
Afghanistan - We're building infrastructure and developing ties with them. "one man's enemy is another man's friend"

And I believe India is using the "Tibet" card to counter China for any future support for the NE Indian States including arming the Maoists/Naxals
And I believe India is using the "Tibet" card to counter China for any future support for the NE Indian States including arming the Maoists/Naxals

Well you started using the Tibet card in 1959.

Fast forward to today. The Indian government says there is no link between China and the Indian Maoists.

Honestly, I think your use of the Tibet card backfired on you, since there were no real problems between China and India before 1959.
Thanks for being honest :lol:

And I really doubt India wants to interfere with another country's problem. The only reason why India meddled with East Pakistan, was because India just realized what kinda neighbor pakistan was after 2 wars and happened to take advantage of pakistan's misfortune. Central Asia? LOL it's called trade and diplomatic ties. I'm sorry if you still have feelings for "West Pakistan" but that's how the dice rolls buddy..
Afghanistan - We're building infrastructure and developing ties with them. "one man's enemy is another man's friend"

And I believe India is using the "Tibet" card to counter China for any future support for the NE Indian States including arming the Maoists/Naxals

If India did not want to tangle with China in future then it would have accepted Chou En Lai's offer for a straight swap between Aksai China and a part of Andra Pradesh. Instead India has kept the boundary issue in limbo so that it can make Andra Pradesh a staging post for activities inside Tibet. This is where the Bangladesh transit facility comes in. India will use the transit facility to move military equipment to its North East for action in Tibet sometime in the future. We know all this so why is India trying to hide its intentions if it is not looking for a clash?
Well you started using the Tibet card in 1959.

Fast forward to today. The Indian government says there is no link between China and the Indian Maoists.

Honestly, I think your use of the Tibet card backfired on you, since there were no real problems between China and India before 1959.

With Indian support, Tibetan delegates signed an agreement in May 1951 recognizing PRC sovereignty but guaranteeing that the existing political and social system of Tibet would continue.... After the persecution of Tibetans, they settled in India but
PRC accused India of expansionism and imperialism in Tibet and throughout the Himalayan region. China claimed 104,000 km² of territory over which India's maps showed clear sovereignty, and demanded "rectification" of the entire border

That's what started the friggen war.
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