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Chinese professor urges the government to offer parents 1 million yuan ($156,000) for each newborn child in a bid to shore up the country's birthrate

Liang: It's doable and worthwhile for China to spend 1%-5% of its GDP to encourage couples to have more children

Liang Jianzhang, an economics professor at Peking University, told the Global Times that it is necessary, effective and important to further encourage fertility and increase the population to improve China's economy.


The only thing that can solve this problem in near long term is easing the immigration policies and bringing in thousands of new families /individuals every year.
There are 1.4 billion chinese I don’t know why some think it’s too little. We in Vietnam live in nightmare if there are more comming.
We used to make joke Vietnam landmass will be subdued if they line up at the border and pee. Sorry no offense.
Soon making babies will be big business in China. poor people and religious fanatic will keep procreating sitting at home do nothing.
Technology can solve population problem. We will have artificial womb in future. New babies will be raised rapidly by government , groom to be scientist and professional.

A guardian for many childrens will be allocated to raise them up, educate them in a hostel environment, just like a classroom.
My take is career women and fertility rate is mutually exclusive. The leaders must ponder the trade off in increasing fertility by putting women at home, at the expense of at least 40% of GDP.

Putting women to work is sure way to drive a race to slow motion extinction.

One way is income tax cut for single breadwinner working class parent family.
Japanese women hardly work after marriage, but look at Japan's fertility rate. Moreover, depriving women of their right to work is a very serious political red line in China, and no one dares to try it.

I am not sure you ever have a baby.

I no longer interested to talk about this topic with you.

Go read up.
He's right. In China, most kindergartens will provide full-time video online services. All parents can connect to the kindergarten's camera through the kindergarten's app at any time to view the current situation of their children. Kindergarten activities are very rich, and no teachers dare to ignore children. These kindergartens are usually chain listed enterprises, and they attach great importance to brand reputation.
All East Asian nations have low fertility rate.

You probably do not want to import Indians or African or Muslims on massive scale (China is all along scooping up elites all over the world nevertheless). They are culturally incompatible when West are taking all opportunities to cook up China genociding Nazi.

We can get some population from Southeast Asia, especially Vietnamese and Lao people.
My solution would be to implement a national housing strategy where public housing provides majority of residence for people.

1. To be eligible, an individual must be married with a child on the way to qualify for a 2 bedroom. To qualify for larger units with better conditions, they need more kids.

2. Implement a progressively increasing "childless" tax on individuals without kids to compensate for medical and social cost to care for them later in life. If still childless by 40, then 5% tax added to income tax bracket. Every decade adds 5% more until they reach retirement age.
If having babies because the easiest and quickly way to become millionaires like this scholar suggested, I guarantee there'll be enough people trying to have more babies like there's no tomorrow.
Technology can solve population problem. We will have artificial womb in future. New babies will be raised rapidly by government , groom to be scientist and professional.

A guardian for many childrens will be allocated to raise them up, educate them in a hostel environment, just like a classroom.
Sounds psychotic

China is soliciting opinions on the green card policy on a large scale, and a new permanent residence policy for foreigners will be introduced immediately.
In fact, there will be a baby boom in China in the future. The number of people between the ages of 20 and 39 is obviously smaller than that of the last decade, so they have fewer children. But the number of people between the ages of 10 and 19 is significantly larger than in the last decade, and they will have more children at that time, which will also make the population more stable.


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If having babies because the easiest and quickly way to become millionaires like this scholar suggested, I guarantee there'll be enough people trying to have more babies like there's no tomorrow.

You sure get overwhelm by some fanatics babies or low IQ parents. Good way to make monies. This amount of monies can last a long time in village.

But you see little improvement in BJ SH. This monies can only buy a toilet.

Soon there will be anti eugenics in China.
Japanese women hardly work after marriage, but look at Japan's fertility rate. Moreover, depriving women of their right to work is a very serious political red line in China, and no one dares to try it.

He's right. In China, most kindergartens will provide full-time video online services. All parents can connect to the kindergarten's camera through the kindergarten's app at any time to view the current situation of their children. Kindergarten activities are very rich, and no teachers dare to ignore children. These kindergartens are usually chain listed enterprises, and they attach great importance to brand reputation.

You are extrapolating. Many countries encourage women to have sabbatical or give huge incentive for women to stay at home for babies,

Even Japan is way higher than Shanghai. Shanghai BJ is already lower than 1.

China is boastered by village women who work at home. If entire China women work in office, you get race extinction.

Please do not get confuse.

And research shown nursery lowers IQ. Read the papers.

And it is naive to think just a few internet link video camera can solve all problems in nursery.
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You sure get overwhelm by some fanatics babies or low IQ parents. Good way to make monies. This amount of monies can last a long time in village.

But you see little improvement in BJ SH. This monies can only buy a toilet.

Soon there will be anti eugenics in China.
Even the government gives one million for every new born, the government knows that parents will still spend more on their babies, government won't do bad business, it's more calculating than the people.
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