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Chinese professor urges the government to offer parents 1 million yuan ($156,000) for each newborn child in a bid to shore up the country's birthrate

automation doesnt help if US slap 25% to all CN products, Foxconn, Nike, Adidas etc will quit CN to ASEAN.

They did that since first day trump get into office, 2016.

But until now, there is nothing happen. And even many of them keep expanding & building New Massive Factory in China 😉


They did that since first day trump get into office, 2016.

But until now, there is nothing happen. And even many of them keep expanding & building New Massive Factory in China 😉

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Bcs Foxconn havent got 25% tariff yet, while other ones which get 25% tariff are declining.




Imports of non-tariffed items from China have begun to pick up in recent months, after a global downturn in trade triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. Even so, imports from China overall were at $472 billion for the 12 months ended March 31, compared to a peak of $539 billion in 2018.

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Bcs Foxconn havent got 25% tariff yet, while other ones which get 25% tariff are declining.

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Imports of non-tariffed items from China have begun to pick up in recent months, after a global downturn in trade triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. Even so, imports from China overall were at $472 billion for the 12 months ended March 31, compared to a peak of $539 billion in 2018.

You using old data, look at the new one.

China Export & Import with US (From Q1 2021) It's Rising, dude 😉 @Viva_Viet even hit 61.3% growth mark


You using old data, look at the new one.

China Export & Import with US (From Q1 2021) It's Rising, dude 😉 @Viva_Viet even hit 61.3% growth mark
View attachment 744332
View attachment 744333

You using old data, look at the new one.

China Export & Import with US (From Q1 2021) It's Rising, dude 😉 @Viva_Viet even hit 61.3% growth mark
View attachment 744332
View attachment 744333

they are non-tariffed items, while tariffed items are declining .
Rural Areas are the usual place that drive the birth rates since it's very lax and chance of any one reporting you is pretty low if it's hard to reach, I don't expect them to do anything about it since they still want cheap labor in China to drive growth. High population is manageable if the government is good enough with technology.

India has a bad government which is why their high population is a massive disadvantage.
Putting women to work is sure way to drive a race to slow motion extinction
Don't worry. Chinese men are already going outside the country for brides due to one child policy which led to an uneven sex ratio between men and women(boys are preferred and female usually aborted/killed off). This will only increase with time as more Chinese men who are left out seek brides abroad from pakistan/Vietnam/Cambodia/Ukraine/Russia/Latin America or anywhere they can get a wife, after all its better than them remaining single and alone for their while life. So it's not possible the country will keep the country's han race pure. Moreover I don't see anything wrong with that, there is nothing wrong with mixed marriages. The Chinese will get used to it with time as well.
Even Global Times is calling for intervention, for fertility rate of 1.3, and it is expected to go even lower.


China recorded 12 million births in 2020, marking a drop for the fourth consecutive year, while some Chinese demographers warned that China’s number of newborns is likely to drop to below 10 million in a few years, and if no forceful intervention policy is introduced, China’s fertility rate may become the lowest in the world.

The number of newborns in China in 2020 was down from 14.65 million in 2019, and China’s total fertility rate of women of childbearing age was 1.3, a relatively low level, according to the results of the seventh national population census released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday.

The continued low birth level would allow India to soon replace China as the world's most populous country in 2023 or 2024, Chinese demographers said.

Liang Jianzhang, an economics professor at Peking University, told the Global Times that China’s fertility rate will continue to drop in the coming years, and may become the world’s lowest.

“According to the existing data, in the next 10 years, the number of women aged 22 to 35, which is the childbearing period, will drop by more than 30 percent compared with the present data. Without strong policy intervention, China’s new-born population is likely to fall below 10 million in the next few years, and its fertility rate will be lower than Japan’s, perhaps the lowest in the world,” Liang predicted.

According to the World Bank, the birth rate of South Korea, Japan, US, and EU in 2018 was 0.98, 1.42, 1.73, and 1.6 respectively.

He Yafu, an independent demographer, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the total fertility rate of 1.3 contains the disappearing effect of the second-child policy China introduced in 2016, and leaving out the effect, the total fertility rate could only stand at around 1.1.

India maintained a fertility rate of around 2.3, which indicated that its population may surpass China’s by 2023 or 2024, He said, earlier than the latest UN prediction in 2019 that this would happen by 2027. Some Chinese demographers also predicted that India may overtake China in population as early as 2022.

Song Jian, a demographer from the Center for Population and Development Studies of Renmin University of China, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the number of newborns and total fertility rate are two important criteria for evaluating a country’s fertility level, both of which have seen drops for several consecutive years in China.

Normally, once the total fertility rate slips below 1.5, a country falls into the low fertility trap and is unlikely to recover, which means that the total population will soon start to decline, according to demographers.

However, Song said that the total fertility rate of 1.3 reflected the fertility rate of a specific period in China, which may be affected by several factors, including the impact of COVID-19 in 2020.

What is needed to assess whether a country has fallen into the trap of low fertility was replacement level fertility, which refers to the average number of children born per woman in her lifetime. That figure needs a long time to track and calculate, Song said.

However, the 2020 fertility rate was still looking grim, Song said, noting that China needs to figure out ways to encourage couples to have more children.

According to a survey recently completed by Song and her team, most Chinese couples surveyed have a higher willingness to have a second child, but in fact fewer of them actually put this willingness into action.

It meant that many couples wanted to have second children, but due to various reasons such as the high cost of raising children, they eventually abandoned the idea. Song said that we have to figure out what has prevented those couples from having a second child.

Policies such as lowering education costs and adjusting educational concepts are needed, Song said.

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Huh....what were your leaders thinking will happen when they implemented the one child policy so drastically? Even a layman could have predicted this will happen at one point in time.
Don't worry. Chinese men are already going outside the country for brides due to one child policy which led to an uneven sex ratio between men and women(boys are preferred and female usually aborted/killed off). This will only increase with time as more Chinese men who are left out seek brides abroad from pakistan/Vietnam/Cambodia/Ukraine/Russia/Latin America or anywhere they can get a wife, after all its better than them remaining single and alone for their while life. So it's not possible the country will keep the country's han race pure. Moreover I don't see anything wrong with that, there is nothing wrong with mixed marriages. The Chinese will get used to it with time as well.

Huh....what were your leaders thinking will happen when they implemented the one child policy so drastically? Even a layman could have predicted this will happen at one point in time.

It was Deng following the advise of Rockerfellas, which is part of the package of US-China detente.
It was Deng following the advise of Rockerfellas, which is part of the package of US-China detente.
Yes I did watches a documentary about that just last year during lockdown(yes was very bored lol ) :sick: I never knew that before actually until I watched that program. I'm actually surprised the CCP carried on with thatbpolicy for so long and we're championing it as if it's such a good thing for them. I was surprised to see the US/rockfellas tried to carry out a similar program with India's government. They actually started with sterilising many poor Indian women in exchange for government help/food and access to social programs however the program fell through after some time due to some scandals. It was actually an interesting program which I never knew about. I'm surprise you know about this actually.
If you want to increase the birth rate, then you need to create conditions where you don't need two full time working parents to afford to run a household. Reality is that pregnant women and women raising young children cannot also be in the workplace at the same time. Just getting enough sleep with an infant is challenge enough - let alone also working 40 hours a week. You also emotionally deprive your next generation and undermine your family values through this system.

Now it doesn't have to be women alone who take the hit - flexible working policies or policies which allow workers to easily get contracts which allow them to works say only 4 days a week, would allow fathers to also have a higher participation in childcare.

For example, my workplace allow me to drop my children to school and pick them up in the mornings and evenings. I work a longer day. I also spend my lunchtime a few days a week with my infant child, whilst my partner works.
Yes I did watches a documentary about that just last year during lockdown(yes was very bored lol ) :sick: I never knew that before actually until I watched that program. I'm actually surprised the CCP carried on with thatbpolicy for so long and we're championing it as if it's such a good thing for them. I was surprised to see the US/rockfellas tried to carry out a similar program with India's government. They actually started with sterilising many poor Indian women in exchange for government help/food and access to social programs however the program fell through after some time due to some scandals. It was actually an interesting program which I never knew about. I'm surprise you know about this actually.

Greta girl is yet another Rockerfella genre.

For all the horse-trading, USA soldout Taiwan to China. But USA gain more. If not for China joining USA gang, USSR would not collapse.

The US strategic planners today all regretted about this Taiwan sales.
Greta girl is yet another Rockerfella genre.

For all the horse-trading, USA soldout Taiwan to China. But USA gain more. If not for China joining USA gang, USSR would not collapse.

The US strategic planners today all regretted about this Taiwan sales.
I guess the program was more of a way to limit population growth and prevent the excessive use of resources going towards these countries. Not sure why it was encouraged so much in mostly poor developing countries back then . Actually African countries were also encouraged to do the same. However due to the failure of the system(not much discipline/accountability) it was not possible to be implemented like in China.
However, I think its normal that Deng had to do some concessions as well for the greater good and growth of the country . After all, China was just too poor/weak back then. So the country didn't have much leeway to push across its own weight/points vis a vis the US, apart from its usefulness as another added counterweight which the US could use against the Soviets. So it was also in China's interests to make concessions and be admitted into the world financial/trade industry/WTO/UNSC etc so Deng had to negotiate while bearing that in mind, since both countries were not equal.
However, I don't understand why they kept that policy for so long, and they still haven't revoked it even to this day. That to me is surprising.
I guess the program was more of a way to limit population growth and prevent the excessive use of resources going towards these countries. Not sure why it was encouraged so much in mostly poor developing countries back then . Actually African countries were also encouraged to do the same. However due to the failure of the system(not much discipline/accountability) it was not possible to be implemented like in China.
However, I think its normal that Deng had to do some concessions as well for the greater good and growth of the country . After all, China was just too poor/weak back then. So the country didn't have much leeway to push across its own weight/points vis a vis the US, apart from its usefulness as another added counterweight which the US could use against the Soviets. So it was also in China's interests to make concessions and be admitted into the world financial/trade industry/WTO/UNSC etc so Deng had to negotiate while bearing that in mind, since both countries were not equal.
However, I don't understand why they kept that policy for so long, and they still haven't revoked it even to this day. That to me is surprising.

Without China help against USSR, USA could be the country that implode. Imagine if USSR is able to delay her collapse until 2021, and with China as a sidekick.

Now USA is supporting India against China. Yet another old trick.

However Indians are to fcuk up that moving Industries there wont work.

The goodies given to Indians include H1B visas, and a large number of Indians CEO in top USA companies.

India jump in.
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