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Chinese professor urges the government to offer parents 1 million yuan ($156,000) for each newborn child in a bid to shore up the country's birthrate

Even Global Times is calling for intervention, for fertility rate of 1.3, and it is expected to go even lower.


China recorded 12 million births in 2020, marking a drop for the fourth consecutive year, while some Chinese demographers warned that China’s number of newborns is likely to drop to below 10 million in a few years, and if no forceful intervention policy is introduced, China’s fertility rate may become the lowest in the world.

The number of newborns in China in 2020 was down from 14.65 million in 2019, and China’s total fertility rate of women of childbearing age was 1.3, a relatively low level, according to the results of the seventh national population census released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday.

The continued low birth level would allow India to soon replace China as the world's most populous country in 2023 or 2024, Chinese demographers said.

Liang Jianzhang, an economics professor at Peking University, told the Global Times that China’s fertility rate will continue to drop in the coming years, and may become the world’s lowest.

“According to the existing data, in the next 10 years, the number of women aged 22 to 35, which is the childbearing period, will drop by more than 30 percent compared with the present data. Without strong policy intervention, China’s new-born population is likely to fall below 10 million in the next few years, and its fertility rate will be lower than Japan’s, perhaps the lowest in the world,” Liang predicted.

According to the World Bank, the birth rate of South Korea, Japan, US, and EU in 2018 was 0.98, 1.42, 1.73, and 1.6 respectively.

He Yafu, an independent demographer, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the total fertility rate of 1.3 contains the disappearing effect of the second-child policy China introduced in 2016, and leaving out the effect, the total fertility rate could only stand at around 1.1.

India maintained a fertility rate of around 2.3, which indicated that its population may surpass China’s by 2023 or 2024, He said, earlier than the latest UN prediction in 2019 that this would happen by 2027. Some Chinese demographers also predicted that India may overtake China in population as early as 2022.

Song Jian, a demographer from the Center for Population and Development Studies of Renmin University of China, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the number of newborns and total fertility rate are two important criteria for evaluating a country’s fertility level, both of which have seen drops for several consecutive years in China.

Normally, once the total fertility rate slips below 1.5, a country falls into the low fertility trap and is unlikely to recover, which means that the total population will soon start to decline, according to demographers.

However, Song said that the total fertility rate of 1.3 reflected the fertility rate of a specific period in China, which may be affected by several factors, including the impact of COVID-19 in 2020.

What is needed to assess whether a country has fallen into the trap of low fertility was replacement level fertility, which refers to the average number of children born per woman in her lifetime. That figure needs a long time to track and calculate, Song said.

However, the 2020 fertility rate was still looking grim, Song said, noting that China needs to figure out ways to encourage couples to have more children.

According to a survey recently completed by Song and her team, most Chinese couples surveyed have a higher willingness to have a second child, but in fact fewer of them actually put this willingness into action.

It meant that many couples wanted to have second children, but due to various reasons such as the high cost of raising children, they eventually abandoned the idea. Song said that we have to figure out what has prevented those couples from having a second child.

Policies such as lowering education costs and adjusting educational concepts are needed, Song said.


I'vd be happy with 1.8 to 2.3. Right now it's 1.6-1.7

It's 1.3 now, and will likely drop further as China continues to develop and urbanize.

And previous data on TFR of 1.6~1.8 is highly unreliable anyway.

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One policy tools to encourage baby is bigger living space. Government can relocate some highly paid institutions to nearby satellite village, and hence, the relocated worker will have cheap big house and high salary.

To do this government must build express train connection from village to city center.

For example many well paid jobs are located in Suzhou, which is 82km or 20 minutes HSR ride from Shanghai.

But now Suzhou is also expensive (still much lower than Shanghai). Nevertheless, workers taking Shanghai salary can still buy big appartment in Suzhou.

But in between Suzhou - Kunshan - Shanghai corridor, there are still farms that can be use for cheap big housing.

Also Shanghai - Jiaxing is quite rural in between.
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That population expert believed that China's TFR will jump to 4.5 (almost twice of India) if China relaxes her birth controls lol.


It's 1.3 now, and will likely drop further as China continues to develop and urbanize.

And previous data on TFR of 1.6~1.8 is highly unreliable anyway.

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1.3 is really low. probably need to loosen immigration at this point. The two child policy should be abolished asap. I don't know what the CCP is waiting for.
All East Asian nations have low fertility rate.

You probably do not want to import Indians or African or Muslims on massive scale (China is all along scooping up elites all over the world nevertheless). They are culturally incompatible when West are taking all opportunities to cook up China genociding Nazi.

1.3 is really low. probably need to loosen immigration at this point. The two child policy should be abolished asap. I don't know what the CCP is waiting for.
All East Asian nations have low fertility rate.

You probably do not want to import Indians or African or Muslims on massive scale (China is all along scooping up elites all over the world nevertheless). They are culturally incompatible when West are taking all opportunities to cook up China genociding Nazi.
I was thinking of some SEA nations like Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Philippines. I see nothing wrong with Africans either.
China professor calls for million-yuan reward to boost birth rates
May 12, 2021

A Chinese professor has urged the government to offer parents 1 million yuan ($156,000) for each newborn child in a bid to shore up the country's declining birth rate, sparking a debate on social media about the soaring costs of raising children.

China's population rose by its slowest rate in decades from 2010-2020, the country's latest census showed, raising fears that the country's dwindling workforce will be unable to support an increasingly elderly population. read more

Liang Jianzhang, professor at Peking University's School of Economics and also founder of travel service provider Ctrip, said in a video posted on his Weibo social media channel that it would cost 10% of China's GDP to raise birth rates from the current 1.3 to the replacement level of 2.1.

That amounts to 1 million yuan per child, and could be allocated in the form of cash, tax relief or housing subsidies, he said.

"I've spoken to a lot of young people ... if it's just a few tens of thousands of yuan it basically wouldn't encourage people to have another child," he said.

The costs would be offset by future contributions made to the economy, said Liang.

"If a family gives birth to another child, that child's future contributions to social security, to tax revenues, will exceed 1 million yuan," he said.

The comments were trending on Weibo on Tuesday night, with users debating whether it was a reasonable use of China's tax revenues, and whether 1 million yuan was even enough to cover educational costs.

"Having a child and not making the most of their talents is considered a crime in today's society," said a user posting under the name Not Old and Confused.

"It should be done as early as possible - if you wait a couple of years no one will want to give birth even for 2 million yuan," said another user named Rainy Wind.

($1 = 6.4285 yuan)

Not going to work
Why not learn lessons from Japan and Singapore?
To have more babies they set up government run dating rendezvous and sex hotels.
But seriously, there are 1,4b chinese you want more? More chinese live in overseas territories. I doubt the planet will survive.
You cannot import your way to remedy the shortfall of 1.4 billions.

Absolutely no way.

I see Myanmese integrating with Chinese easily. Barmese and all minorities except Myanmar-Indians are originated from China.

Vietnam culture is 99% similar to China. We can just call Vietnam culture = China culture.

Pinoy are from Formosa or Taiwan. With some effort, Chinese can assimilate Pinoy.

Laos are originated from China also.

Thai are from China also.

Chinese can assimilate Khmer. Khmer is similar to Southern Chinese but not Northern Chinese.

But no way Myanmese and others will fill the gap. They fertility problems also.
1.3 is really low. probably need to loosen immigration at this point. The two child policy should be abolished asap. I don't know what the CCP is waiting for.

China is just too big to rely on immigration. And what is the quality of immigrants China can attract, on a large scale?

Even Germany is having limited success in immigration with a much smaller population and higher GDP per capita.

Not possible.

China's population is too large and culture/language too difficult to integrate foreigners for immigration to work.

Germany, a highly developed country with just 80m people, can't attract enough quality immigrants to make up for their demographic shortfall. They had to compromise quality to admit a larger quantity of immigrants to reverse the population decline.

And even the 1m refugees admitted to Germany did little to reverse the situation.

Unless you're willing to accept any quality of foreigner into China.

Even so, can you find 100m people to move to China?

And even more beyond more 2035? Until 2100?

That population expert believed that China's TFR will jump to 4.5 (almost twice of India) if China relaxes her birth controls lol.

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Upload it on Weibo, ppl are going to have a good laugh.
Upload it on Weibo, ppl are going to have a good laugh.

Many people on Weibo are already calling out on him lol. Because he's still saying many births went unreported.

Not sure if you can read Chinese.


And it's not just him alone.

China is just too big to rely on immigration. And what is the quality of immigrants China can attract, on a large scale?

Even Germany is having limited success in immigration with a much smaller population and higher GDP per capita.

it could focus on overseas people of Chinese decent first.
also, China is becoming a big destination for foreign students. providing those students work visas and path to green card/nationalization is worth it.

in either case, I've say quality of immigrants would be pretty high.
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