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Chinese premier urges Japan to release Chinese skipper immediately, unconditionally


Jun 27, 2008
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Chinese premier urges Japan to release Chinese skipper immediately, unconditionally
English.news.cn 2010-09-22 08:42:10 FeedbackPrintRSS

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Tuesday urged Japan to release the illegally detained Chinese skipper "immediately and unconditionally."

"Otherwise, China will take further actions," Wen said when meeting with some Chinese nationals and Chinese Americans in the United States.

Wen, who arrived here Tuesday for a three-day visit, said the China-Japan relations have enjoyed improvements and developments with the efforts of both sides for many years.

"The Japanese side bears full responsibility for the current situation,and it shall bear all the consequences that arise," Wen said.

Wen demanded Japan swiftly correct its mistakes to bring the bilateral ties back to the track, a move that will be not only conducive to the bilateral ties, but also to world's peace, cooperation and development.
Look the history you would clear for it.
and no one want it .

History is a bit too vast and the idea is cloaked in a bit too much of ambiguity.Can you exactly point out,which part of history you are talking about??Some sources may be??
In China ,the premier are very sensitive to what he say,more than think twice through his mind before he open his mouth.Don't suprise they speach are so slow ,but it represent authority.
they say few warns in last 60 years. don't ignore these warns
I advice you just to search "Chinese premier warn"in wiki

Tried doing a search.Pardon my ineffective skill,I could not get any plausible result.Can you be kind enough to provide me with some links? This seems interesting to me.
August 1950, Chinese premier Zhou enlai warmed the us that china would go to war with it if it doesn't withdraw its invasion force from north Korea, the us ignored and china went to war as it claimed.

Similarly the premier warned the Indian government that it would go to war if India doesn't stop its "forward policy", India government ignored and china went to war

The Chinese senior politicians dont bluff/joke, if it tells you that they are prepared to take tough actions, chances are they are serious about it.
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August 1950, Chinese premier Zhao enlai warmed the us that china would go to war with it if it doesn't withdraw its invasion force from north Korea, the us ignored and china went to war as it claimed.

Similarly the premier warned the Indian government that it would go to war if India doesn't stop its "forward policy", India government ignored and china went to war

The Chinese senior politicians dont bluff/joke, if it tells you that they are prepared to take tough actions, chances are they are serious about it.

so will China attack Japan now? Good, will get to see some serious stuff after WWII.
August 1950, Chinese premier Zhao enlai warmed the us that china would go to war with it if it doesn't withdraw its invasion force from north Korea, the us ignored and china went to war as it claimed.

Similarly the premier warned the Indian government that it would go to war if India doesn't stop its "forward policy", India government ignored and china went to war

The Chinese senior politicians dont bluff/joke, if it tells you that they are prepared to take tough actions, chances are they are serious about it.

Come on get serious, China declare war over a fishingboat?

the United States agrees to help defend Japan against any foreign adversaries

Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Parties will consult together whenever in the opinion of any of them the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened in the Pacific.

Article IV

Each Party recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific Area on any of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional processes.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall be immediately reported to the Security Council of the United Nations. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

Article V

For the purpose of Article IV, an armed attack on any of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on the metropolitan territory of any of the Parties, or on the island territories under its jurisdiction in the Pacific or on its armed forces, public vessels or aircraft in the Pacific.

ANZUS Treaty - Full Text of the Security Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America

So declare war on Japan the US is obliged to intervene, US forces are attacked Australia and NZ are dragged in, it goes very rapidly down hill from there.

This is not 1950 China in part of the international comunity, no one is going to start a shooting match over a fishing boat.
Come on get serious, China declare war over a fishingboat?

Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ANZUS Treaty - Full Text of the Security Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America

So declare war on Japan the US is obliged to intervene, US forces are attacked Australia and NZ are dragged in, it goes very rapidly down hill from there.

This is not 1950 China in part of the international comunity, no one is going to start a shooting match over a fishing boat.

Not just fishing boat mate. If Japan successfully tries the Captain then it will mean that they are the ones in charge of Senkaku Islands and able to exercise the law in the area. China can't let that happen.

p.s. Let us be positive and hope that war won't happen, shall we?
if a country want a war just for a boat it is ridiculous .but this is much much bigger than a fishing boat,it is about territory .
The PLA first task is to protect the territory without interference ,Diaoyu island link to a huge area .any territory event are very serious .I hope some people acknowledge this accident not only a boat.
release captain is the only solution,don't make this thing more worse.we can cooperate for anything but not territory sovereign.
if a country want a war just for a boat it is ridiculous .but this is much much bigger than a fishing boat,it is about territory .
The PLA first task is to protect the territory without interference ,Diaoyu island link to a huge area .

The JSDF's job is to protect its own territory without interference as well.
The JSDF's job is to protect its own territory without interference as well.

Hmm, do i know you from somewhere? may be my s....., i thought you are a 45 yrs old Lebanese, but wtf an American now? :whistle:

On topic: keyword=disputed area, no nonsense please.:azn:
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