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Chinese premier urges Japan to release Chinese skipper immediately, unconditionally

it is a dispute water ,Japan who start this disputed event,both sides need serious to deal with it ,not a ship .it is a really big problem.Japan have detain the captain more than two weaks , are they want more?
Anti-Japan Sentiment Gains Strength in China


As tensions between China and Japan continue to escalate, both sides can take solace knowing that things could be much worse. And not long ago, they were. In 2005, large demonstrations broke out in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and other Chinese cities in response to Japanese efforts to win a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council and a Japanese history textbook that downplayed its wartime aggression. Protesters smashed windows of Japanese restaurants and other businesses, and police struggled to control thousands of demonstrators who surrounded the country's embassy in Beijing, some hurling rocks and bottles over the compound's gates.
On Saturday Chinese demonstrators gathered at the Japanese Embassy once again. The date was the 79th anniversary of the Mukden incident, a plot by Japanese Imperial Army officers that helped provoke the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. This time the antagonism was over unoccupied islets in the East China Sea known as the Diaoyu in Chinese and the Senkaku in Japanese. Japan has administered them since the early 1970s, when the U.S. ended its post – World War II control. But China and Taiwan also lay claim to them, and the likelihood of oil and gas reserves in the surrounding seabed has raised the stakes of the dispute. On Sept. 7, Japan detained a Chinese skipper after a collision between his fishing boat and two Japanese coast guard vessels happened near the islands. While Japanese authorities released the boat's 14 Chinese crew members, captain Zhan Qixiong is still being held while he is investigated for "obstructing officers on duty." Zhan, 41, could face three years in prison.
The Sept. 18 protest in Beijing was small and tightly managed by police, who outnumbered the 100 or so demonstrators by several times. The authorities allowed small groups of five or six to pass through police lines surrounding the Japanese Embassy and march to the front gate, where they chanted demands that Zhan be released. "Japanese invaders roll out of the Diaoyu," read one sign. "Wake up the Chinese people," said another, written on a rubber bath mat. "Our territory has been taken by the Japanese and our ship has been rammed. They've arrested the captain and want him to say the Diaoyu are part of Japan," said one demonstrator, a 25-year-old student who declined to give his name. "We shouldn't come here? Every Chinese should come."
The authorities had, indeed, made efforts to limit the turnout. Many posts on domestic blogs and message boards that discussed the demonstration were taken down. Since the Sept. 7 incident there has been a heavy police presence outside the embassy. And during the weekend's demonstration, officers would tell people to move along any time more than a couple dozen people gathered in one spot. Their fear was not just that the protesters could get out of hand, as they did in 2005, but that they could find other targets for their anger. Anti-Japanese protests in China have a long history of turning against the government, going back to the start of the May 4th Movement in 1919, when student demonstrations against handing over German concessions to Japan in Shandong province also focused on China's weak response to imperial powers. On Saturday, the numbers of police outside the Japanese Embassy were matched by those protecting the Chinese Foreign Ministry building one mile to the north. A group of protesters broke away and began to march toward the Foreign Ministry, but were met by police who took their signs and forced them to disperse. "Forget about it!" several officers shouted at the demonstrators.
In reality, it's been the Chinese government that has largely monopolized the expressions of anger at the latest Diaoyu incident. Uichiro Niwa, the Japanese ambassador to China, has been summoned five times by Chinese officials demanding the captain's release. On Tuesday, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told a group of overseas Chinese in New York City that the Diaoyu are China's "sacred territory" and Zhan's detention is "illegal, unreasonable and has caused grave harm to the captain and his family," according to a statement posted on the Foreign Ministry's website. "If the Japanese side continues to cling to its stubborn course, the Chinese side will take action, and the serious consequences will be borne by the Japanese side," Wen said.
China has suspended high-level contacts with the Japanese government, and talks on resolving competing claims to gas deposits in the East China Sea were also postponed. Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku called for calm on both sides Tuesday. "We should be careful not to stir up narrow-minded, extreme nationalism," he said. The next day, he suggested high-level talks between the two sides to resolve the dispute.
While the public anger directed at Japan is more restrained than in 2005, patching up diplomatic relations yet again might not be as easy as before. Japan and China have enjoyed relatively stable ties in recent years. In 2006, Junichiro Koizumi was the last Japanese prime minister to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, controversial in China because some war criminals are among the soldiers enshrined there. But this year, China surpassed Japan to become the world's second largest economy, and Japanese leaders are concerned that China's policy of maintaining a weak currency is hurting Japanese exports. The growing tension over economic issues may make compromise in other areas difficult.
And the nature of the current dispute is different from the 2005 discord, says Andrew L. Oros, associate professor of political science and international studies at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland. "This crisis is about territory, something China is very sensitive about, and Japan is holding a Chinese citizen. The latter issue could, in principle, be resolved if the captain were released... But the former issue cannot easily be resolved since both countries have firm positions on their sovereignty," Oros says. "I think this issue is more serious and more difficult."
I was told that in 2005 incident, Japanese brand cars were blocked by angry crowds in Shenzhen, showing their disapproval to the car drivers, though there were no ugly actions.

Toyota, Honda, Suzuki cars may face sales decline during these tension period. However that will be good news to European and Chinese brand cars.

If current dispute will to carry on for long time, Japanese business in China will feel the pain, far more than Chinese exporters. Japanese economy has been stagnant for decades, they will have economic problem if their export to China decline.

There is no need to go to war or drastic action from Chinese government, action from ordinary people will take will be suffix.

Side note: less food stuff export to Japan may bring down inflation on foods in China's domestic market, though food companies will lose some export income.
so will China attack Japan now? Good, will get to see some serious stuff after WWII.

Actually no, I was just answering nForce's prior question. I don't think China will go to war with Japan over this dispute at all, because the Chinese government itself has not said so (at least not yet). If you look at PLA's past wars, they are defensive in nature and it gives plenty of warnings + opportunities for its targeted adversary to defuse the conflict first, if China doesn't explicitly say it will go to war then it most probably won't.

What I noticed is some state media agencies have published articles proposing trade sanctions on Japan, (mostly likely published with CCP's blessing), this is probably the strongest evidence on what China is prepared to do next if things get tough.

Sure enough a trade war between the two will hurt both countries, but given the structural difference of the two economies, this will most definitely hurt Japan more: China mainly imports high end electronics/automobiles from Japan, these are the industries that China is strategically developing and promoting (or even protecting, if you like) domestically, and there are high quality alternatives from the west; Japan imports plenty of raw materials, food and daily essentials from China (and China is its biggest trade partner in the world), price increases on these daily essentials will push up the inflationary effects on its citizens. Given Japan's stagnant growth, 0 interest rate environment and its central bank's desperate effort to devalue its currency, a run-away inflation would be a heavy blow that could drag it into further recession.

This altogether is not helped by Japan's relative unstable political environment: it changes its senior leadership more frequently than a college student changes its facebook profile photos, prolonged unfavourable economic conditions will likely trigger yet another government change. So all in all, the threat of a trade war will probably just give what China demands without having to fire a shot -- just one of the many implied benefits for having large economic power.
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Maybe Chinese friends should consider a larger picture -- Until very recently US bases in Japan were a big problem for the Japanese people, even the alliance with the US was not seen as necessary.

Maybe a outside power is using this problem as a excuse, maybe an outside power wants this problem to grow and grow - so that things may change for the outside power and for the political party in Japan that invites the outside power to stay and to say that it will stay for stability and security but will create instability and insecurity - Such a outside power must not be given the opportunity for mischief, but if it has been decided to confront this issue, then confrontation must be complete.
Maybe Chinese friends should consider a larger picture -- Until very recently US bases in Japan were a big problem for the Japanese people, even the alliance with the US was not seen as necessary.

Maybe a outside power is using this problem as a excuse, maybe an outside power wants this problem to grow and grow - so that things may change for the outside power and for the political party in Japan that invites the outside power to stay and to say that it will stay for stability and security but will create instability and insecurity - Such a outside power must not be given the opportunity for mischief, but if it has been decided to confront this issue, then confrontation must be complete.

In fact, this is a step in the normalization of Japan's military, using the crisis to achieve this, even if the U.S. is actually not very satisfied.
In fact, this is a step in the normalization of Japan's military, using the crisis to achieve this, even if the U.S. is actually not very satisfied.

So can we expect the Japanese to not rely on the U.S. military and gain the ability to develop strategic weapons?
Not just fishing boat mate. If Japan successfully tries the Captain then it will mean that they are the ones in charge of Senkaku Islands and able to exercise the law in the area. China can't let that happen.

p.s. Let us be positive and hope that war won't happen, shall we?

用钓鱼岛 :china:
Hmm, do i know you from somewhere? may be my s....., i thought you are a 45 yrs old Lebanese, but wtf an American now? :whistle:

On topic: keyword=disputed area, no nonsense please.:azn:

wha?:what: you got the wrong guy.

Disregarding the bolded ,yes, the area is disputed. I was responding to the mention that it the Chinese military's duty to defend Chinese territitory. The area is disputed, thus both sides can claim to be defending their territory.

:edit: Also i'm surprised the news that China has for the time being halted certain rare earth shipments to Japan isn't up yet.
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So can we expect the Japanese to not rely on the U.S. military and gain the ability to develop strategic weapons?

Only the first step, you look at the news in Japan, the Japanese military has been expanded, although the step is small, but it is the first step, the U.S. actually do not want to see Japan's normalization, but also do not want China's expansion to influence in Asia, This is a game, China and the United States is likely to cooperate, to block Japan, but there may be conflicts because of the deliberate attempt of Japan, Japan hopes that China and the United States from the conflict, the use to the Japanese military alliance with the United States.
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Only the first step, you look at the news in Japan, the Japanese military expansion has been prepared, although the step is small, but it is the first step, the U.S. actually do not want to see Japan's normalization, but also do not want to influence China's expansion in Asia, This is a game, China and the United States is likely to cooperate, to block Japan, but there may be conflicts because of the deliberate attempt of Japan, Japan hopes that China and the United States from the conflict, the use to the Japanese military alliance with the United States.

So this further proves my point that it is unlikely for the U.S. to get involved militarily.
So this further proves my point that it is unlikely for the U.S. to get involved militarily.

It is highly unlikely that US interferes militarily...china is much much stronger economically and militarily than what she used to be in the past..I dont think US would risk a collateral destruction:disagree:
It is highly unlikely that US interferes militarily...china is much much stronger economically and militarily than what she used to be in the past..I dont think US would risk a collateral destruction:disagree:

This, however, wouldn't stop the U.S. from offering military support through technological transfers. If the U.S. takes no action at all it will not make a very good impression on other U.S. allies.
There's no chance for war. Both sides are playing this very carefully. China just denied a report alleging it has completely halted REE export to Japan. So we don't even want an trade war let along a real war.
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