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Chinese premier urges Japan to release Chinese skipper immediately, unconditionally

August 1950, Chinese premier Zhou enlai warmed the us that china would go to war with it if it doesn't withdraw its invasion force from north Korea, the us ignored and china went to war as it claimed.

Similarly the premier warned the Indian government that it would go to war if India doesn't stop its "forward policy", India government ignored and china went to war

The Chinese senior politicians dont bluff/joke, if it tells you that they are prepared to take tough actions, chances are they are serious about it.

wow, but it isn't 1960s any more i dont think there will be war. But who knows you guys have strong army...
wow, but it isn't 1960s any more i dont think there will be war. But who knows you guys have strong army...

No one wants war until it is absolutely necessary. Both China and Japan will be set back by at least a decade if war were to break out but if the China's territorial integrity is challenged and we have no choice, we are not afraid to go to war.
Japanese PM calls for further ties with China

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said in New York Friday that Japan and China need to handle matters calmly so as to further develop bilateral ties.

He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler captain returned to China early Saturday Beijing time after being illegally detained by Japan from Sept. 7 to Sept. 24.

The Japanese prosecutors made the decision of release on Friday "after comprehensively considering the nature of the incident from all angles," Kan told a press conference in New York, where he attended the UN General Assembly with other world leaders.

Calling China and Japan "important neighbors," Kan said "it is necessary for both Japan and China to handle matters calmly in order to deepen our mutually beneficial and strategic relationship."

On Sept. 7, two Japan Coast Guard patrol ships and a Chinese trawler collided in waters off China's Diaoyu Islands. On the following day, the Japan Coast Guard illegally seized the Chinese trawler, and detained the trawler's captain, Zhan Qixiong, and 14 fishermen on board, drawing strong protests from the Chinese government and people.

The Japanese side freed the 14 fishermen and the boat on Sept. 15, but continued to hold Zhan. A Japanese court announced on Sept. 19 that Zhan's detention would be extended by another 10 days.

Early Saturday morning Beijing time, Zhan arrived safely in Fuzhou, capital of southeast China's Fujian Province by a chartered plane.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement after his return that the Chinese government expressed "strong protest" against Japan, whose detention, investigation or any form of judiciary measures for the Chinese trawler and fishermen are unlawful and invalid.

China asked the Japanese side to make apology and compensation for the incident, the statement said. It also said the two sides should resolve the problems of Sino-Japanese relationship through dialogue and consultation.
I beg to differ.

I think Japan loses small, wins big.

Japan loses small, because it sets free the captain.

Japan wins big, because it gains US explicit acknowledgment that the islands are under Japanese administration.

I think this kind of articulated, non-vague declaration on the US part is unprecedented.

On the other side, the ordinary people of American generally don’t feel comfortable with Japanese militarism. But, this country is a democracy for the few in many cases. For instance, the majority of Americans doesn’t like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet the leaders still go with it. Why? Because there are only two bad apples to pick, and both turned out to be warmongers. :hitwall:

What unprecedented non-vague declaration on the U.S. part are you referring to?
Chinese influence is increasing over her neighbor day by day.... No wonder economic progress play an important role in international relations!
Japan warns of economic fallout from China row

September 25, 2010, Saturday

TOKYO: Japan warned that a deepening territorial row with China could hurt both of Asia’s biggest economies, but declined to link the feud to the detention of four of its nationals on suspicion of entering a Chinese military zone.
The two sides are already locked in an increasingly heated dispute triggered by Japan’s detention of a Chinese fishing boat captain whose trawler collided earlier this month with two Japanese patrol boats in waters near islands both sides claim.
Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda warned that worsening ties between the two countries would be bad for both economies.
“A cooling of relations between Japan and China over the Senkaku problem would be bad for Japan’s economy, but it would also be a minus for China,” he told a news conference.
“It’s desirable that both sides respond in a calm manner.”
Sino-Japanese ties had improved after a deep chill in 2001 to 2006, but the latest feud has underscored the fragility of relations long plagued by disputes over wartime history and rivalry over territory, resources and mutual military suspicions.
“I think this case presents the biggest obstacle for years in relations between China and Japan.
Both sides were on track with efforts to improve relations, but now they have clearly deteriorated,” said Liu Jiangyong, an expert on China-Japan relations at Tsinghua University in Beijing.
“Trade and economic ties could be damaged if Japan does not solve this problem, because mutual trust is at stake.”
Japan’s sluggish economy has become increasingly reliant on China’s dynamism for growth.
China has been Japan’s biggest trading partner since 2009 and bilateral trade reached 12.6 trillion yen (US$147 billion) in the January-June period, a jump of 34.5 per cent over the same time last year, Japanese data show.
“The Japanese economy’s future performance seems to depend on whether the problem is solved quickly,” Japanese Economics Minister Banri Kaieda told a news conference.
China has cancelled diplomatic meetings and student visits to protest against the trawler captain’s detention, and concerns are simmering that Beijing is holding back shipments of rare earth minerals vital for electronics goods and auto parts.
Trade Minister Akihiro Ohata told a separate news conference that Tokyo had confirmed there was no official export ban, but added that the ministry was still looking into the matter after hearing from traders that exports had been suspended.
Analysts say the trawler dispute is in part a row over sovereignty in an area with rich natural gas resources.
The islands are known as the Diaoyu islands in China and the Senkaku island in Japan.
The deadline for Japanese prosecutors to decide whether to charge the trawler captain is Sept 29.
Beijing also has territorial disputes with southeast Asian nations in the South China Sea, where Washington has come out in favour of a multilateral approach, raising China’s hackles.
“China is becoming more assertive and is finding out that everyone doesn’t like being walked over,” said Jeffrey Kingston, director of Asian studies at Temple University’s Japan campus.
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku, commenting on the affair, said it was important for the two countries to foster strategic, mutually beneficial relations, a nod to the deep economic ties that would be at risk if the row worsens.
Sengoku also said Japan saw no link between the islets row and the detention of the four Japanese nationals.
China’s Xinhua news agency said, “The state security authorities in Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei, have taken measures against the four people according to law after receiving a report about their illegal activities.”
A spokeswoman for Fujita Corp said that five of its employees were missing in China, four Japanese nationals and one Chinese national.
But they had no firm information on their whereabouts.
She said the employees were in China in connection with a project to dispose of chemical weapons abandoned in China by the Japanese military at the end of World War Two.
Japan has been assisting in the disposal of chemical weapons left behind by its Imperial Army during World War Two as part of efforts to improve bilateral relations. — Reuters
a few things I think China should and should not do

What China should is to mend our ties with Japan as soon as possible. The biggest problem in Chinese foreign affairs in the next few months is RMB, Japanese PM just confirmed his country's resolve in devaluing its currency, so China has Japan as a unlikely ally in the currency problem.

Therefore China shouldn't push Japan too hard, we demanded an apology from Japan but won't get any. From our perspective, we're still losing out on the issue because Japan detained our citizen for 10+ days, and it doesn't make one feels good other country can detain and release your citizens at will. But from Japanese perspective they've sort of lost in the confrontation. So I hope people in the Foreign Ministry understand it's politically impossible for Japan to apologize and avoid pushing them too hard.

Another thing we definitely shouldn't do is to make the captain some sort of national hero. It's of course wrong for Japanese to detain and initiate legal procedure against him, but let's fact it, it's wrong for him to fish near Diaoyutai to begin with. A Sino-Japanese agreement in 1975 banned fishermen from both countries to operate in the disputed area. In an interview the captain said he will continue to fish in his traditional fishing areas including Diaoyutai, we need to make sure he gave up that idea.
if conviced, the japanese nationals will face execution for espionage.

i hope that this can be carried out. we have executed many japanese drug dealers in the past. these people are worse than drug dealers, therefore should also be executed.
to Nomenclature
Which 1975 sign that both country can't do any unilateral change before negotiations.
then both country all do something there absolutely Japan do more.
Japan set a lighthouse and destroy the symbol set by China and control it with a fixed patrol boat, then China encourage fishing there and patrol it sometimes .
this is not just happen this year . for a long time.
that is right ,if Japan and China both leave there.
^^^ You can also get the exhaust by accelerating in reverse.
No advantage to the trawler for ramming a bigger and better designed ship
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