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The US will not fight Russia, since Russia has a lot of nuclear weapons, meanwhile it cannot threaten the US global hegemony. It is not worthy to fight Russia.

The US will only be willing to lash their military adventurism against Russia when Russia becomes a 10+ trillion economy with the possible economic strength to fully replace the US.
I wouldn't say that. If US fears Russia's nuclear weapons, they wouldn't so outlandishly oppose Russia and trying to destroy the Soviet Union. They will avoid nuclear exchange but they will if Russia fires one first. There is no love-loss between USA and Russia. With China, it is completely different. They kill us, they kill themselves and the world economy. We are basically an engine that drives global growth right now. Just for logic alone, the US wouldn't fight an all-out war. It is disastrous to global economy and also risk nuclear Armageddon because we do possess the capability to destroy the US's major cities like NY, LA, Chicago.
Also, America is not willing to fight a nuclear war with Russia.

If they are not willing to fight under such conditions, they have no hope of maintaining their global hegemony.

They prefer to play games, and to break their opponents from the inside. Everyone from Falun Gong to the Dalai Lama has American funding in their pockets. Luckily the CCP won't take any shit from these groups, and will crack down without mercy.

Normally, they will not fight against any major nuclear powers.

But when they are about to economically lose to you and cannot stop you, then you have to be aware of their possible military adventurism, since they will not surrender without a fight.

Always remember that, a cornered beast with multiple wounds is far more dangerous than a healthy one.
Normally, they will not fight any major nuclear powers.

But when they are about to economically lose to you and cannot stop you, then you have to be aware of their possible military adventurism, since they will not surrender without a fight.

Always remember that, a cornered beast with multiple wounds is far more dangerous than a healthy one.

It's harder for America, since they want to maintain their "global hegemony".

It's easier for China, because we don't want global hegemony, we just want to break America's global hegemony.

I don't think America has the guts to risk a nuclear war, they had many chances, but they always backed down. Which means they cannot hold on to their hegemony.

Regardless, we need to induct hundreds of HGV strategic weapons as soon as possible. You're right, a cornered animal is the most dangerous. Instead of cornering them we should give them chances to escape (back out and save face), and they will take the chance to escape.
Normally, they will not fight against any major nuclear powers.

But when they are about to economically lose to you and cannot stop you, then you have to be aware of their possible military adventurism, since they will not surrender without a fight.

Always remember that, a cornered beast with multiple wounds is far more dangerous than a healthy one.
I doubt the US will risk American lives for being 2nd in economic order. It's just stupid to fight a nuclear war with us because they can't handle being 2nd. After all, the US is a developed, high-living standard country. Being 2nd to us is not a shame. We are a big-*** country with smart people. It is no shame to lose to us in economy. Now losing to Japan in 1980s is really shameful because Japan is only 1/5 the size of the US. There is no logic for the US to risk all that because of some "Asian puppet friends" or getting butthurt over being 2nd. I mean the sign is on the wall since 2010. Everyone in the world knows we will pass them.
I wouldn't say that. If US fears Russia's nuclear weapons, they wouldn't so outlandishly oppose Russia and trying to destroy the Soviet Union. They will avoid nuclear exchange but they will if Russia fires one first. There is no love-loss between USA and Russia. With China, it is completely different. They kill us, they kill themselves and the world economy. We are basically an engine that drives global growth right now. Just for logic alone, the US wouldn't fight an all-out war. It is disastrous to global economy and also risk nuclear Armageddon because we do possess the capability to destroy the US's major cities like NY, LA, Chicago.

It is hard to say when they have nothing to lose, but it is likely that if they go down, then the only country they want to bring with them is China.

It is dangerous to evaluate your biggest opponent with the optimistic mindset, you should be prepared for the worst possible scenario.

It's harder for America, since they want to maintain their "global hegemony".

It's easier for China, because we don't want global hegemony, we just want to break America's global hegemony.

I don't think America has the guts to risk a nuclear war, they had many chances, but they always backed down. Which means they cannot hold on to their hegemony.

Regardless, we need to induct hundreds of HGV strategic weapons as soon as possible. You're right, a cornered animal is the most dangerous. Instead of cornering them we should give them chances to escape (back out and save face), and they will take the chance to escape.

Their economy is based on the global hegemony, and when you take that factor out, then it might cause the domino effect to that country's foundation.

China has suddenly shown the HGV is an intimidation to scare them off. Otherwise, they would still have the feeling that they can defeat China in a nuclear war and still survive.
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It is hard to say when they have nothing to lose, but it is likely that if they go down, then the only country they want to bring with them is China.

It is dangerous to evaluate your biggest opponent with the optimistic mindset, you should be prepared for the worst possible scenario.

I agree, we must prepare for the worst case scenario. That's why we need enough HGV strategic weapons to take out 95% of their population.

I wonder if they will agree to suffer those losses in order to avoid losing their global hegemony.

They will target Russia too, and Russia will target them. That will take care of the remaining 5%.
I agree, we must prepare for the worst case scenario. That's why we need enough HGV strategic weapons to take out 95% of their population.

I wonder if they will agree to suffer those losses in order to avoid losing their global hegemony.

They will target Russia too, and Russia will target them. That will take care of the remaining 5%.

China must cozy up with Russia when it is needed.

Maybe even an alliance will become a must when the US has started to lose the mind.
It is hard to say when they have nothing to lose, but it is likely that if they go down, then the only country they want to bring with them is China.

It is dangerous to evaluate your biggest opponent with the optimistic mindset, you should be prepared for the worst possible scenario.
There is no question that we will take any precautionary step to avoid that scenario. But make no mistake about it, the US do have the capability to drag us to hell with them, just as we do have that capability to drag them to hell with us. This is the force of balancing that will dissuade each side from committing that wrong path. For the US economy to fall from heaven to hell, it will requires many stupid economic policies happening in a short period of time. But fact remains for a long time, the US needs us for their growth. Their corporations need us, especially when we shift to domestic consumption. There is a lot of potential there for the US to rebound. Likewise, our corporation needs the US's market for global growth. This is why under no circumstance the US will try to fight us in the future. Bring us down = bring themselves down, too.
There is no question that we will take any precautionary step to avoid that scenario. But make no mistake about it, the US do have the capability to drag us to hell with them, just as we do have that capability to drag them to hell with us. This is the force of balancing that will dissuade each side from committing that wrong path. For the US economy to fall from heaven to hell, it will requires many stupid economic policies happening in a short period of time. But fact remains for a long time, the US needs us for their growth. Their corporations need us, especially when we shift to domestic consumption. There is a lot of potential there for the US to rebound. Likewise, our corporation needs the US's market for global growth. This is why under no circumstance the US will try to fight us in the future. Bring us down = bring themselves down, too.

Agree with that, and it requires the US to be capable to adapt how to live in a future multipolar world.
I agree, we must prepare for the worst case scenario. That's why we need enough HGV strategic weapons to take out 95% of their population.

I wonder if they will agree to suffer those losses in order to avoid losing their global hegemony.

They will target Russia too, and Russia will target them. That will take care of the remaining 5%.

A little disappointed... I fully expect irrational bloodlust and warmongering nationalism from some of the usual hyper-nationalists here, but not you. Of course, you're entitled to your opinions.. I just expected a little more from someone logical I respected.

if I made posts here about how powerful the US nuclear triad is, or how it is capable of massive population obliteration, I would immediately be called an "American warmonger" As you full well know, any first nuke strike against us would be met with a massive nuclear response. Just something to keep in mind.

I will now leave this thread in peace and let the mutual kudos continue
A little disappointed... I fully expect irrational bloodlust and warmongering nationalism from some of the usual hyper-nationalists here, but not you. Of course, you're entitled to your opinions.. I just expected a little more from someone logical I respected.

if I made posts here about how powerful the US nuclear triad is, or how it is capable of massive population obliteration, I would immediately be called an "American warmonger" Speaking of obliteration, some of your friends here seem to be under the delusion that the US would just sit there and not respond to a nuclear attack. Very delusional indeed. As you full well know, any first nuke strike against us would be met with a massive nuclear response. Just something to keep in mind.

I will now leave this thread in peace and let the mutual kudos continue

If you had followed our conversation (or even read the sentence previous to the one you highlighted :P), you would see that we are talking about a "worst case scenario" where the USA will wage a war on us to prevent losing their global hegemony.

How do we protect ourselves, when even someone like General MacArthur threatened to nuke China, out of desperation during the Korean War? When 5 years previous to that they actually did use nukes, the only time they have ever been used?

And when America has invaded 3 separate countries in the past decade alone?

The entire point of MAD is the ability to cause unacceptable retaliation. America can do that do us, so is it wrong that we want to have the ability to reply? No, in fact it is our duty to acquire such means.
A little disappointed... I fully expect irrational bloodlust and warmongering nationalism from some of the usual hyper-nationalists here, but not you. Of course, you're entitled to your opinions.. I just expected a little more from someone logical I respected.

if I made posts here about how powerful the US nuclear triad is, or how it is capable of massive population obliteration, I would immediately be called an "American warmonger" As you full well know, any first nuke strike against us would be met with a massive nuclear response. Just something to keep in mind.

I will now leave this thread in peace and let the mutual kudos continue
You don't need to worry, my American friend. We have a no 1st strike policy.
Well I'm certainly not interested in nuking anyone either. it wouldn't be like a video game, thats for sure.

We have a "No First Use" policy (we cannot nuke or make a threat to nuke other countries first), so any nuking done by China is only possible in "retaliation" against a nuclear or nuclear equivalent attack on us.

Whereas America and Russia have "First strike" policies. It would be irresponsible if we did not take this into consideration, considering that both have threatened to nuke us before, America during the Korean War and Russia during the Sino-Soviet split.

We have to make sure that no one will be able to "make good" on these threats, by having an HGV arsenal of sufficient power to ensure unacceptable retaliation against anyone who could possibly commit a first strike on us.
We have a "No First Use" policy (we cannot nuke or make a threat to nuke other countries first), so any nuking done by China is only possible in "retaliation" against a nuclear or nuclear equivalent attack on us.

Whereas America and Russia have "First strike" policies. It would be irresponsible if we did not take this into consideration, considering that both have threatened to nuke us before, America during the Korean War and Russia during the Sino-Soviet split.

We have to make sure that no one will be able to "make good" on these threats, by having an HGV arsenal of sufficient power to ensure unacceptable retaliation against anyone who could possibly commit a first strike on us.

For me the "No First Use" policy is a term used to just to give an impression of a responsible nuclear power..... This policy is taken by the government of the country unilaterally and if they decide they can withdraw this any time...... (It applies for both of our countries :) )

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