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China welcomes Japanese people to improve bilateral ties

Japan is a country who only respect the strongman. Remember the Imjin War? It took the Ming army to intervene and help Joseon's Korea defeat Japan and forcefully return Japan back to the tributary state. At that time, the Ming was POWERFUL. The US is POWERFUL and that is why Japan fear them. The Japanese only fear big gun, a lot of them. In order to bring peace and stability in Asia, we must strive to be the most powerful country militarily on earth. I consider our power is equivalent of the USA in 1914, exactly 100 years ago at the outbreak of World War 1. We know at that time, US is an industrial monster while the British Empire was a global superpower with the most influential and had the biggest gun. By 1945, the US simply grow too strong that they can take on the British Empire and any world powers. By 1960s, the US is a superpower rival that with the Soviet Union. By 1990s, the US became the undisputed superpower with no rivals. If history repeats itself, I can see our projection of power will be similar to the US's ascending superstardom. By 2045s, we will be strong enough to take on any world powers. By 2060s, we will be a rival superpower with the US in all aspects, economy, military, technology, manpower, quality/quantity. By 2090s, we will suffocate the US with our growing strength in quantity that make the US looks like Russia to that of SU. There is a reason the 21st century belongs to us!

Bro, your prediction is pretty much reasonable and conservative, but maybe it won't even take that long.
Bro, your prediction is pretty much reasonable and conservative, but maybe it won't even take that long.
Yeah, we are a little ahead of schedule but being conservative is part of our culture. There should be no doubt in our mind by 2040s, we can single-handily take on any world powers.
Yeah, we are a little ahead of schedule but being conservative is part of our culture. There should be no doubt in our mind by 2040s, we can single-handily take on any world powers.

I just don't know what's wrong with the US, why they are making so many stupid moves recently?

They suppose to focus to keep China under their watch, but meanwhile they just messed up in Ukraine.

Maybe before the failure, everyone would become idiotic and overconfident.
I just don't know what's wrong with the US, why they are making so many stupid moves recently?

They suppose to focus to keep China under their watch, but meanwhile they just messed up in Ukraine.

Maybe before the failure, everyone would become idiotic and overconfident.
The US wants us on their side in a possible showdown with Russia or if WW3 breaks out, just like the British Empire wants the US on their side in WW1&2. As a matter of fact, I see the US is using the carrot stick and has soften their tone toward us. Just a few years ago, they treated us like shit but right now they are very scare that we turn to Russia side.
The US wants us on their side in a possible showdown with Russia or if WW3 breaks out, just like the British Empire wants the US on their side in WW1&2. As a matter of fact, I see the US is using the carrot stick and has soften their tone toward us. Just a few years ago, they treated us like shit but right now they are very scare that we turn to Russia side.

Nope, i think this is the lack of determination from the US policy makers.

Since they now view China as the biggest threat of their global hegemony. But with their current weakened power, they have to focus 100% on China in their Asia-Pacific Pivot, meanwhile it means that they have to leave Middle East and Europe at the same time.

But you know that the US has managed in these two places for many decades, so they might feel pretty reluctant to give up these two places.

The recent US involment in Syria and Ukraine might just reflect their hesitation and unwillingness to leave there.

Because the lack of determination of fully implementing the Asia-Pacific Pivot by leaving ME and Europe, they are now wasting a lot of time in these two irrelevant places.

Meanwhile the Asia-Pacific Pivot has been severely affected and delayed by their recent involvement in Syria and Ukraine, so this pivot is destined to fail.
And you need a smack on your head, and learn how to spell.
You can beat me as well as I should have beaten you firstly just like Japan and China.
But after all we are the only brothers as oriental in this world.
We may had war inside ourselves but we should united as one to against any outsider insulting us.

In Chinese:兄弟阋于墙
Nope, i think this is the immaturity of the US policy.

Since they now view China as the biggest threat of their global hegemony. But with their current weakened power, they have to focus 100% on China in their Asia-Pacific Pivot, meanwhile it means that they have to leave Middle East and Europe at the same time.

But you know that the US has managed in these two places for many decades, so they might feel pretty reluctant to give up these two places.

The recent US involment in Syria and Ukraine might just reflect the hesitation of the US to leave there.

Because the lack of determination of fully implementing the Asia-Pacific Pivot by leaving ME and Europe, they are now wasting a lot of time in these two irrelevant places.

Meanwhile the Asia-Pacific Pivot has been severely affected and delayed by their recent involvement in Syria and Ukraine, so this pivot is destined to fail.
The US can't contain us. Containing us is the equivalent of putting a suicide bomb on their economic engine. The US knows that. We know that. Our economy is very much integrated with the rest of the world, and with the US, itself, plays a vital role. The Asia Pivot is nothing more than a clown show to the US puppet allies. The US doesn't dare getting into a two front wars in Europe and Asia. It will corrupt and put everything the US had built for the last 200 years to ruin. They know that. That is why they have signal to us, "to pick the right side in history" regarding possible showdown with Russia. They can said to us "Great power comes with responsibility". This is a reminder, finally an official acknowledgement that we are approaching equality with the US's power. This is important because it demonstrates the US will not risk alienate us further because fighting us now is hardly a guarantee victory, let alone with us in the future when we will be 10x stronger in all aspects. The US is very clever and they will use any opportunity to slow down our ascendant, but at the same time, will remain flexible in wooing us into the West's side. The Christian majority news, World biggest GDP PPP, and carefully public statement during Obama Asia Tour were all tactic trying to woo us. If push comes to shove, the US will choose Western Europe over Asia. They know that. We also do and that's how future geopolitics will play out. We will live to see them.
The US can't contain us. Containing us is the equivalent of putting a suicide bomb on their economic engine. The US knows that. We know that. Our economy is very much integrated with the rest of the world, and with the US, itself, plays a vital role. The Asia Pivot is nothing more than a clown show to the US puppet allies. The US doesn't dare getting into a two front wars in Europe and Asia. It will corrupt and put everything the US had built for the last 200 years to ruin. They know that. That is why they have signal to us, "to pick the right side in history" regarding possible showdown with Russia. They can said to us "Great power comes with responsibility". This is a reminder, finally an official acknowledgement that we are approaching equality with the US's power. This is important because it demonstrates the US will not risk alienate us further because fighting us now is hardly a guarantee victory, let alone with us in the future when we will be 10x stronger in all aspects. The US is very clever and they will use any opportunity to slow down our ascendant, but at the same time, will remain flexible in wooing us into the West's side. The Christian majority news, World biggest GDP PPP, and carefully public statement during Obama Asia Tour are all tactic trying to woo us. If push comes to shove, the US will choose Western Europe over Asia. They know that. We also do and that's how future geopolitics will play out. We will live to see them.

The US might be willing to fight against China only in the Asia-Pacific, but the only dilemma for them is that the ME and Europe will be left empty, and other regional powers might seize the opportunity to occupy the territory.

Now they might feel extremely regretful by electing GWB, the guy and his buddies have funded two unnecessary wars and left China out of their radar. This has provided China 10 years of golden opportunity.

Even now Obama's administration has reput China into the radar, but the current US economy and strength have already been greatly weakened, so they don't have enough power to contain against us.

Obama has more vision than GWB, but he is still not the man who can carry these weights on the shoulder.

When you made one bad move initially, then the rest will all be bad. That's why the policy maker has to be prudent before implementing any policy. Since this decision might affect the fate of a nation.
The US might be willing to fight against China only in the Asia-Pacific, but the only dilemma for them is that the ME and Europe will be left empty, and other regional powers might seize the opportunity to occupy the territory.

Now they might feel extremely regretful by electing GWB, the guy and his buddies have funded two unnecessary wars and left China out of their radar. This has provided China 10 years of golden opportunity.

Even now Obama's administration has reput China into the radar, but the current US economy and strength have already been greatly weakened, so they don't have enough power to contain against us.

Obama has more vision than GWB, but he is still not the man who can carry these weights on the shoulder.

When you made one bad move initially, then the rest will all be bad. That's why the policy maker has to be prudent before implementing any policy. Since this decision might affect the fate of a nation.
I have a question. If push comes to shove between Western Europe or Asia, which do you think the US will choose? We know the US has a cultural affinity with Western Europe but they know their economy will largely depend on Asia Growth for the next century.
I have a question. If push comes to shove between Western Europe or Asia, which do you think the US will choose? We know the US has a cultural affinity with Western Europe but they know their economy will largely depend on Asia Growth for the next century.

Western Europe no doubt, since China is both racially and culturally completely alien to them and the biggest threat of their global hegemony.

BTW, they didn't start a war with USSR because that USSR cannot replace them as the most dominant economic power in the world. The power of the military came from economy. Without a powerful economy, you can never fund those advanced military technologies.

So when they can defeat their enemy in a chessboard, then they wouldn't need to pull out the gun. But right now, the US is on verge to lose to China in the chessboard, so you shouldn't underestimate their willingness to make hazard by pulling out the gun. The war could happen when the US feels they can lose the chessboard game with China imminently.
The US can't contain us. Containing us is the equivalent of putting a suicide bomb on their economic engine. The US knows that. We know that. Our economy is very much integrated with the rest of the world, and with the US, itself, plays a vital role. The Asia Pivot is nothing more than a clown show to the US puppet allies. The US doesn't dare getting into a two front wars in Europe and Asia. It will corrupt and put everything the US had built for the last 200 years to ruin. They know that. That is why they have signal to us, "to pick the right side in history" regarding possible showdown with Russia. They can said to us "Great power comes with responsibility". This is a reminder, finally an official acknowledgement that we are approaching equality with the US's power. This is important because it demonstrates the US will not risk alienate us further because fighting us now is hardly a guarantee victory, let alone with us in the future when we will be 10x stronger in all aspects. The US is very clever and they will use any opportunity to slow down our ascendant, but at the same time, will remain flexible in wooing us into the West's side. The Christian majority news, World biggest GDP PPP, and carefully public statement during Obama Asia Tour were all tactic trying to woo us. If push comes to shove, the US will choose Western Europe over Asia. They know that. We also do and that's how future geopolitics will play out. We will live to see them.

The way I see it, the US has been taking every stupid steps to further alienate China -- and doing that for whom? The Philippines and Vietnam. Somebody must have hit Obama in the head when he was a toddler, because going so aggressive against China will only narrow down his room for maneuver in East Asia. China will slowly push the US out as it resists to cling on the likes of Abe and Aquino. Same stupid move they did with Russia (mostly Hillary did and Kerry carries on). US is getting an overrated power; very much like made in Hollywood superheros.
The way I see it, the US has been taking every stupid steps to further alienate China -- and doing that for whom? The Philippines and Vietnam. Somebody must have hit Obama in the head when he was a toddler, because going so aggressive against China will only narrow down his room for maneuver in East Asia. China will slowly push the US out as it resists to cling on the likes of Abe and Aquino. Same stupid move they did with Russia (mostly Hillary did and Kerry carries on). US is getting an overrated power; very much like made in Hollywood superheros.

Yes, but China still has to aware the possible adventurism of their right-wing groups.

Since those corporate elites who control the US are all heavy gamblers by nature, so don't ever underestimate their military adventurism against China.

They didn't do it to the USSR because USSR was already losing the chess game, so there is no need to pull out the gun.
Western Europe no doubt, since China is both racially and culturally completely alien to them and the biggest threat of their global hegemony.

BTW, they didn't start a war with USSR because that USSR cannot replace them as the most dominant economic power in the world. The power of the military came from economy. Without a powerful economy, you can never fund those advanced military technologies.

So when they can defeat their enemy in a chessboard, then they wouldn't need to pull out the gun. But right now, the US is on verge to lose to China in the chessboard, so you shouldn't underestimate their willingness to make hazard by pulling out the gun. The war could happen when the US feels they can lose the chessboard game with China imminently.
Then that is the geopolitical outcome of the future because I don't envision the US willing to fight China in the future over Asia. However, I do envision the US will fight Russia over Western Europe if they have to. It is the backbone of the US's skeleton.

Right now we need a military muscle more than anything. Historically, we were always strong in economy. Even the Qing economy is powerful but their military is so weak they got tramp over easily. We will not make that mistake again. Our military power hinder on the development of WS-15. This is why I never get excited over any new aircraft until I heard news of WS-15. 2020 is it. This is the year we will have at least a good understand of our military strength because quite honestly, once we master high-thrust engine, there is no stopping us from producing more capable aircraft. We need to master the engine more than anything else right now.
Then that is the geopolitical outcome of the future because I don't envision the US willing to fight China in the future over Asia. However, I do envision the US will fight Russia over Western Europe if they have to. It is the backbone of the US's skeleton.

Right now we need a military muscle more than anything. Historically, we were always strong in economy. Even the Qing economy is powerful but their military is so weak, they got tramp over easily. We will not make that mistake again. Our military power hinder on the development of WS-15. This is why I never get excited over any new aircraft until I heard news of WS-15. 2020 is it. This is the year we will have at least a good understand of our military strength because quite honestly, once we master high-thrust engine, there is no stopping us from producing more capable aircraft. We need to master the engine more than anything else right now.

The US will not fight Russia, since Russia has a lot of nuclear weapons, meanwhile it cannot threaten the US global hegemony. It is not worthy to fight Russia.

The US will only be willing to lash their military adventurism against Russia when Russia becomes a 10+ trillion economy with the possible economic strength to fully replace the US.
Western Europe no doubt, since China is both racially and culturally completely alien to them and the biggest threat of their global hegemony.

BTW, they didn't start a war with USSR because that USSR cannot replace them as the most dominant economic power in the world. The power of the military came from economy. Without a powerful economy, you can never fund those advanced military technologies.

So when they can defeat their enemy in a chessboard, then they wouldn't need to pull out the gun. But right now, the US is on verge to lose to China in the chessboard, so you shouldn't underestimate their willingness to make hazard by pulling out the gun. The war could happen when the US feels they can lose the chessboard game with China imminently.

Also, America is not willing to fight a nuclear war with Russia.

If they are not willing to fight under such conditions, they have no hope of maintaining their global hegemony.

They prefer to play games, and to break their opponents from the inside. Everyone from Falun Gong to the Dalai Lama has American funding in their pockets. Luckily the CCP won't take any shit from these groups, and will crack down without mercy.
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