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Chinese jet fighters, an option to re-equip the Argentine Air Force

Feb 22, 2014
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China has emerged as a possible supplier of jet fighters to help modernize the Argentine Air Force, depleted since the 1982 Falklands' war, according to reports from Defense News. In effect the FC-1/JF-17’s, 'Thunder' operational with the Pakistani air force and proven in combat could be a suitable, accessible option for the Argentines after the Spanish, French, Israeli offers seem to have fallen through.

Another competitor, Brazil with the Swedish Grippen to be assembled and later manufactured in Sao Paulo has been dropped since 30% of the aircraft components are British made and London would object to any such sale that could threaten Falklands' defenses.

There is also the Russian option, even when the Argentine Air Force prefers Western aircraft. A Russian solution would be financially convenient for cash-strapped Argentina, as President Vladimir Putin, who made an official visit to Buenos Aires last September, offered to accept beef, wheat and other food goods as payment for military equipment.

However analysts such as author and former air commodore Kaiser Tufail said China’s FC-1/JF-17 is well-suited to Argentina’s operational requirements when considering acquisition and operating costs, as well as an increasing range of advanced weaponry.

“I believe that, given Argentina’s serious financial troubles, the FC-1/JF-17 would be just the right choice,” he said. “Despite the aircraft being short-legged, it is cheap and can be bought in large numbers.”

Similarly, analyst Haris Khan of the Pakistan Military Consortium think tank said Argentina’s occasionally difficult relations with Western nations and inability to modernize its airpower since 1982 means the FC-1/JF-17 should be all the more attractive.

“Argentina’s Air Force needs urgent replacements and FC-1/JF-17 very much fits the bill. It is more or less embargo free since it has almost zero parts involved from Western nations/NATO member states,” he said.

According to Defense News, Chinese officials reportedly offered the FC-1 to Argentina last year at the Paris Air Show, and even offered an option of local assembly, but the Argentines were apparently more tempted by offers of surplus Mirage F-1s from France and Spain respectively, and also an Israeli offer of Kfir Block 60s, before these options fell out of favor.

Argentina has a growing defense relationship with China that has seen it start to co-produce the Changhe Z-11, the CZ-11 Pampero, which is based on the Eurocopter A350 Ecureuil (Squirrel).

The CZ-11 program is part of Argentina’s bid to build up its aviation industry, therefore the offer of local production of the FC-1/JF-17 could still be tempting.

“I’m not sure what the base line of the local production capacity is, but this might be one of the avenues to have Argentina buy this aircraft. China has been very impressive with the line of weapons it has tabled in the past few years and it might just be able to fulfill all of Argentina’s requirements,” Khan said.

However, notwithstanding the FC-1/JF-17’s merits vis-á-vis Argentina’s operational requirements and its low operating costs, and despite China being Argentina’s second largest trading partner, plus its support for Argentina’s claim over the Falkland Islands, analysts acknowledge politics may yet impede a deal, especially considering the strength of an alternative Russian offer.

In effect, Brian Cloughley, former Australian defense attaché to Islamabad, believes the Russians may win.

“The FC-1/JF-17 is an excellent system, and Argentina could do worse than equip its Air Force accordingly, but the devil is in the detail, and given Russia’s concentration on expanding its trade and general economic cooperation with South American nations, it is likely that Moscow could offer a very good deal involving provision of Flankers.”

Nevertheless, Tufail does not think that purchasing Russian aircraft, such as members of the Flanker family, would be of much practical benefit to Argentina.

“Russian fighters would most certainly be unaffordable in large numbers and would merely be showpieces,” he said. “Also going in favor of the FC-1/JF-17 is the demonstrated operational status with an important air force like the [Pakistani Air Force].

“A BVR weapons fit would be an irresistible icing on the package,” he added, referencing the SD-10A beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile currently arming Pakistani JF-17s.

Given the efforts the British have put into denying Argentina advanced aircraft, Cloughley, who started his military career in the British Army, said Britain’s diplomatic efforts to deny Argentina the chance to modernize its airpower may have backfired by pushing it into the arms of China and Russia.

Chinese jet fighters, an option to re-equip the Argentine Air Force — MercoPress
Will Pakistan gain anything from if this deal go through? I think just China will export more FC-1/JF-17.
It is a joint project ... either Pakistan or china export both will get their share

I think China will get 50 %

pakistan will get 50 %
I think China will get 50 %

pakistan will get 50 %

It's not clear but Pakistan should have more significant interests in the project. AVIC supplies advisory work, some design (mostly on Bk 1) and some components to the project, but most values are added by Pakistani e.g. assembly line and its huge domestic supply chain. Pakistan has indeed demonstrated remarkable industrial capabilities, AVIC has learnt a lot from them, well done.
It's not clear but Pakistan should have more significant interests in the project. AVIC supplies advisory work, some design (mostly on Bk 1) and some components to the project, but most values are added by Pakistani e.g. assembly line and its huge domestic supply chain. Pakistan has indeed demonstrated remarkable industrial capabilities, AVIC has learnt a lot from them, well done.

Not to discredit the contributions by Pakistanis, however,
what has AVIC learnt from Pak? Itemise them please.
There was a news, search it. or ask any Pakistani oldies here. I just remember reading it.
It was false news from an unreliable source. I remember reading about it, and having it immediately debunked. The fact that PAF continues to advertise it, and is close to a deal with Nigeria, is evidence enough to prove that source wrong.
Not to discredit the contributions by Pakistanis, however,
what has AVIC learnt from Pak? Itemise them please.

I think mostly related to first-hand data and battlefield experience about low intensity regional warfare e.g. close range air-to-land attack. As war on terror is increasing taking center stage, it would be useful for PLAAF as well as AVIC the weaponry provider to work closely with battle-hardened PA to share experience. Due to different geopolitical concerns, China air force are more inclined to prep readiness for air superiority, strategic deterrance, strategic recon, strategic airlift, paratroop warefare, air defense, and some naval warfares (anti-sub, regional deterrance), etc.
Back to the topic, selling JF-17 to Argentina will result in objection from UK&Brazil. Since that Pakistan is a member of the Commonwealth and that China-UK currency-swap is going on, the expense may be high, let alone plus the objection from Brazil.
What can PK&CN benefit from the deal may be only about 1-2 billion $ and political/economic/millitary tie with Argentina.
But if we sell the aircrafts, UK may make some noise on HK&TW&Tibet issues, and support India in some aspects against PK, all these above are bothersome BS. Also Brazil won't stay silent.
UK and Brazil are powers, we must take them into consideration.
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