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Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

What he's saying is that the price tag will always yield a 5% (or more) profit margin, and thus if its cost rises significantly then the PLAAF might not buy it in the first place.

It is not cost rise, it is the design target cost VS the realized cost delta.
It is not cost rise, it is the design target cost VS the realized cost delta.

Sorry but that by definition is a rise in cost. The target cost isn't something that engineers and managers think up on a whim.
Sorry but that by definition is a rise in cost. The target cost isn't something that engineers and managers think up on a whim.

Then the cost can rise in China, missing design target is not just limited to US in this regard.
Then the cost can rise in China, missing design target is not just limited to US in this regard.

No air force would buy a 4th generation jet whose cost is greater than that of a 5th generation platform, so the claim that the J-16 has a cost that is 110% that of the J-20 is certainly false.
COST is a classified information, so no one here is supposed to know the truth.

Based on the cost information, foreign agencies may guesstimate the Quantity to produce based on that nation's economy strength and/or its military budget, something undesirable. By logic if I were the decision maker I would have quoted the much marked-up cost to the unrelated ears and eyes to disguise the potential for all possible considerations... :D:P
No air force would buy a 4th generation jet whose cost is greater than that of a 5th generation platform, so the claim that the J-16 has a cost that is 110% that of the J-20 is certainly false.

Your logic is pretty weak in this regard
Your logic is pretty weak in this regard

Care to explain why?? What's illogical to question that an AF would still purchase a less-capable, more dated and much more expensive design in preference to a more-capable, more modern and less expensive one?

The only factor for such a decision would be an established maintenance and logistic chain, contractual issues or a political decision.

41st and 95th Brigades confirmed...

J-11A 65320 - 41. Brigade xs.jpg
J-11B 70267 + 70262 - 95. Brigade - 20171115 xs.jpg
For the first time a J-16 was spotted with low visibility markings :-) ... maybe for the naval aviation??
J-16 low vis - 20171127.jpg

What Flanker is this bird is? The radome doesn't has a lance model antenna, but it has only 1 pilot. So It can't be J-16. And it doesn't has canard, so it can't be J-15. So what is it? SU-35, J-11D, or new Chinese Flanker model?

Edit :
And you said that it is an old model J-11A or SU-27SK? How can it be?
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