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Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

I didn't say right or wrong, just amazed at how you decrypt the sketches. What do you think about J11D with WS10 TVC vs Su35 in terms of dogfight? The AL41 engines in Su35 has higher thrust but no improvement on top speed compared to Su30MK with TVC. J11D has better radad and engines than Su30MK but the Su35 still has 5000lb more in afterburning thrust

No offence meant; I simply wasn't sure ... anyway thanks! :-)

Concerning a possible J-11D-based or derivate comparable to a Russian Su-35 I think it is much too early to say so. So far I would wait for a confirmation, that such a TVC-equipped variant exists and then for more images and data... everything else is pure speculation.
No offence meant; I simply wasn't sure ... anyway thanks! :-)

Concerning a possible J-11D-based or derivate comparable to a Russian Su-35 I think it is much too early to say so. So far I would wait for a confirmation, that such a TVC-equipped variant exists and then for more images and data... everything else is pure speculation.

J11D, i would put it somewhere having better AESA, avionics, RWR, displays, HUD, missile systems, fuel efficiency and combat radius than Su35. The Su35 excels in thrust to weight and acceleration with more powerful engines.
My God !!!
This is Big !!!

Finally what I have been to waiting to see at last...
China coming out with a SU-35 counterpart with TVC and AESA radar. J-11D was thought to be dead after 2 prototypes, but here is the new teaser...


@aliyusuf @Mangus Ortus Novem @Blacklight
Indeed interesting, but why should that be good for the PAF? I'm sure China still won't sell any Flanker.
I have one more puzzle piece on this one, Which will make it interesting for you as well but lets wait and see.
I have one more puzzle piece on this one, Which will make it interesting for you as well but lets wait and see.

please.... you know my impatience. I don'r want ... I cannot wait!
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I have one more puzzle piece on this one, Which will make it interesting for you as well but lets wait and see.

Come on ... one day wait is enough! Let's unveil this "one more puzzle piece on this one"! :azn:
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