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Chinese expert doubts PLA's first strike capability, Says it is overhyped.


Jun 25, 2013
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PLA has no first strike capability: Chinese experts
PublishedJanuary 13, 2015|Byadmin

While experts from the United States and Russia expressed their concerns regarding China’s DF-31 and DF-31A intercontinental ballistic missiles, Liu Jiangping, a Chinese military analyst told the state run Global Times that the People’s Liberation Army is still unable to launch a first nuclear strike against North America.
Vasily Kashin from Moscow’s Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies said that the DF-31, DF-31A and DF-41 should be considered threats because they are all powered by solid-propellant rockets. It takes hours for China to launch the obsolete DF-5 missile because it is equipped with liquid fueled motor. As for the missiles using solid-propellant rockets, it would take the PLA only 30 minutes to launch them into the sky.
A report by the Pentagon said China at least has 10 DF-31 missile systems. The number of DF-31 mobile launching systems is estimated to be 30. At the same time, the DF-41 currently under development in China has the potential to wreak havoc on the United States as well as its allies in the Western Pacific since it can carry multiple warheads. With a more robust defense budget, China is now trying to project its influence onto its neighbouring states.
Liu told the Global Times on Jan. 8 that China’s power to threaten the United States had been exaggerated in those reports. Liu first said that the number of ballistic missiles China has is much fewer when compared to that of the United States. He went on to say that most of China’s missiles can not be used to launch a first strike against North America due to their range. in his opinion, Russia is trying to turn the attention of the United States to China through overstating PLA’s nuclear strike capability.

PLA has no first strike capability: Chinese experts | idrw.org
A web site that Indian members doubt, quotes a Taiwanese source on China that everybody doubts, and they are basing it on this one military ANALYST, sounds legit.

I completely believe this report. No first strike capabilities, everybody just calm down.
A web site that Indian members doubt, quotes a Taiwanese source on China that everybody doubts, and they are basing it on this one military ANALYST, sounds legit.

I completely believe this report. No first strike capabilities, everybody just calm down.

And that typical whine begins without realizing that this is not an editorial of newspaper but simply the quotation of one scientist.
That typical mentality of living in denial and living in fool’s paradise of wishful thinking is exposed once again as expected.
This is the difference between China and India. China try to downplay its ability while Indians like to brag.

Art of War.

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Art of War.

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
We always go following Sun Tzu's thoughts...before and now. This principle translates as "兵不厌诈" in Chinese.
This is the difference between China and India. China try to downplay its ability while Indians like to brag.
Well maybe it is needed for Indian govt since it has to show the national force to their voters, while Chinese govt always trys to hide PLA's capacity to get a good external environment for developing. India always try to act toughly against her neighbors, and this is bad for developing. Tolerance is really important for powers of the current worlds. If Chinese govt were like Indian's or Russia's, I think Vietnam would have been destroyed or yielded to China, though it may ruin the future of China for the coming sanctions posed by western countries. India has a very good external environment----Russia, US, EU are all trying to hold a good relationship with India and supporting her.
This is the difference between China and India. China try to downplay its ability while Indians like to brag.

you said exactly opposite. China does that. Here chinese scintist have busted the hype bubble of China.

He exposed all chinese missile which were termed as capable of Hitting US.
China nuclear deterrence has No First Use policy.
NFU of course means no first strike.

Wantchinatimes either totally gets it wrong or states the blatantly obvious, in this case.

China has never intended to preemptively attack another nation with nuclear weapons and 2nd Arty doctrine supports this. That's why China's warheads are all city busters as opposed to smaller yield warheads on some US and Russian missiles that are intended to attack enemy ICBM silos, etc.

The following link explains China's nuclear position perfectly. Despite having relatively few warheads compared to the US and Russia, the actual yield of China's arsenal is disproportionately large, reflecting China's strategy of attacking enemy population centers. Something China would only do if China was nuked first.

China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence
Art of War.

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War


But the problem is with the DRONES---you cannot hide anything from the Drones---also with comparative studies---ie with your available technologies what you can develop---there nothing much that is hidden from the U S----Sun Tzu era is long gone
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