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Chinese drugs with "Made in India" Tag - Interpol probe

our trade volume is just 50B$,you can ban whatever you want,not just india hold the protection card in the hand

China s export to India is more than China imports....so you decide who will be the net loser....

The trade between India and China currently stands at about $50 billion.

China’s exports to India account for more than 2/3rds of the total trade while exports from India a meagre 1/3rd.
China s export to India is more than China imports....so you decide who will be the net loser....

The trade between India and China currently stands at about $50 billion.

China’s exports to India account for more than 2/3rds of the total trade while exports from India a meagre 1/3rd.

please ban whatever you want,then we can cut the crap,china is the loser,congrats
I think the thread has got diverted from the core issue. Knocking off motorcycles is not the same as knocking off life saving vaccines and drugs ..... especially if they do more harm than good ..... and then laying the blame on your biggest competitor by abusing his brand image.

Not done China. There are more ethical ways of becoming a world superpower.

Cheers, Doc
just one question about this propaganda thread:where can this "empty" win take you to,i can't call india winner everyday if you want

I was waiting for this....

I am not claiming any victory here....you made it a question of life and death....you were hell bent on proving that Chinese all manufacturers are innocent. and no Chinese Manufacturer gets involved in counter freighting....but the facts are otherwise......I just shared the same with you.....

may be you learnt something new today...may be I have learnt something here today...and thats what we are here for....
please ban whatever you want,then we can cut the crap,china is the loser,congrats

how about toxic tea withdrawn in NZ

More Chinese products found contaminated

my intention is not malign your nation, but definitely there is a serious problem. Somebody is trying to make a quick buck at the expense of others and your own status
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UPDATE:China doing copy cat in Indian handicrafts, say exporters

The lamps you light on Diwali or the 'rakhi' you tie on your brother's wrist may not have been made by domestic craftsmen. Chances are you may be tying your brother a China-made rakhi and lighting Chinese lamps.

Those in the handicrafts business say China has "invaded" the Indian bazaars replacing sale of traditional hand-made products with machine-made items manufactured on a big volume.

"They (China) copy our designs and export back (handicraft products) to us," Exports Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) Chairman R K Malhotra said. Almost all the major handicrafts items in metal, woodware, jute and toys are being imported. According to EPCH data, during 2007-08 import of handicrafts items from China stood at Rs 1,040.03 crore against 792.98 crore in 2006-07.

Besides, the Chinese manufacturers send these machine-made handicrafts to the global market giving tough competition to Indian suppliers.

"Ninety per cent of their products are machine-made .. So the items are low priced ... This is affecting our exports," Malhotra said.

The EPCH has sought a ban on import of these items stating the Chinese are ruining the Indian heritage of handicrafts.

The almost year-long global recession has also rendered close to 50 per cent people jobless in the sector's one-million worforce, EPCH said.

The Chinese import "invasion" has not only affected the domestic business and exporters, but also artisans. In any case, they were impacted by recession in the US and Europe, the major markets for the Indian handicrafts.

In 2008-09, handicrafts exports almost halved to $1.79 billion compared to that in the previous year.

What is the definition of illegal copy? If it is not patented or similarly regulated, everything can be legally reproduced.

Not aware of drug stuff, but I saw news from China that, some know that Indian gods are good selling point on Indian markets, they just hire craftsmen and go ahead to produce them. That of course will introduce competition in Indian market, but it is not illegal copy as long as it is labeled “made in China”.

A similar story happened here that Chinese porcelain that mimic JingDeZhen (of Jiangxi province) products but with about half price appeared on market. That immediately crushed those who sold true JingDezhen porcelains. But that is legal competition, because the mimics are all labeled with location of production which is not JingDeZhen!

So we all need to open our mind and face the world if we want to be more competitive.

BTW, I know there are lots loopholes in Chinese regulations. Corruptions are rampant at some cases. Fake drugs and products are no surprise in local Chinese news. Nonetheless, it is probably not appropriate to consider them as governmental behavior even though there are governmental officials involved in many cases. It is a defect of governance, just like many developing countries and some developed countries, exacerbated by greediness of some bad merchants.
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The bottom line guys is this "the chinese are No. 1 distributors of fake and copied things you can get any where in the world" if they like somthing and think it has a potential to sell they copy it...let it be any Bloody thing.. fighter jets, bikes , medicines , clothes etc.. etc.. etc. and etc... Now some of my pak friends cud say that "at least they use their brain to copy things hence they have brains" but if they really have brains why dont they use it in the right direction Invent somthing of their own? NO doubt the developed countries hesitate to sell their inventions to the chinese. and we all know why...
Thats why India is banning Chinese products in India......

not only that... consumer is being educated about the cheap copies produced in China...

U can ban whatever u want if u can not compete?

ever heard China ban Indian products? Never, because Indian goods can not compete in global market, at least not yet
The bottom line guys is this "the chinese are No. 1 distributors of fake and copied things you can get any where in the world" if they like somthing and think it has a potential to sell they copy it...let it be any Bloody thing.. fighter jets, bikes , medicines , clothes etc.. etc.. etc. and etc... Now some of my pak friends cud say that "at least they use their brain to copy things hence they have brains" but if they really have brains why dont they use it in the right direction Invent somthing of their own? NO doubt the developed countries hesitate to sell their inventions to the chinese. and we all know why...

the chinese are No. 1 distributors of fake and copied things you can get any where in the world. That's correct, and keep in mind at the same time,

the chinese are No. 1 distributors of everything you can get any where in the world
U can ban whatever u want if u can not compete?

ever heard China ban Indian products? Never, because Indian goods can not compete in global market, at least not yet

Compete?! :rofl:

Have you even gone through the reasons behind why India banned certain Chinese goods?

Chinese chocolates banned in India: Anand Sharma

India to ban Chinese clone phones

And read Chinese statement regarding ban on toys -
Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

large quality recalls by international toy giants, including Mattel Inc, hurt the industry as Western countries raised standards to ensure toy safety

India is not the only country which has raised health-safety concerns over Chinese products.

Instead of accepting the fact that some of the manufacturers in your country are bringing a bad name to Chinese industry, you find it more appropriate to taunt others for not being competitive enough?!
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the chinese are No. 1 distributors of fake and copied things you can get any where in the world. That's correct, and keep in mind at the same time,

the chinese are No. 1 distributors of everything you can get any where in the world

At least U accepted that it goes on under the noses of ur communist dictatorship mate... and U know what sucks mate... that the red regime willl NOT ban it...on the contrary they are part of it coz it brings loads money to china...as far as the money is conceerned its fine , but at the expence of innocent lives which those medicines take... can U really feel proud about that???:frown::disagree:
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