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Chinese companies to team-up with Indian firms to bid for five high-speed railway projects

I can understand your proud.
Yet trains are not simple technology. it is easier to say than to do.
Rocket runs a few minutes and trains need to run many years.
Also India`s industry can not support such high tech stuffs. It is the truth...

We have the technology to put 10 satellite with one rocket and this is simply a railway technology. It is simply a question of focus. We can get it much chepear and better than anydoy else. So keep your technology (Borrowed) with you and relax.
India allwoing China to invest in their infrastructure? This is a security threat that can be exploited by China to spy on India and sabotage the country. This deal shouldnt be allowed, since Chinese firms are owned/backed by the communist party CCP and cant be trusted. They should be ban. loool Just sarcasm.:D:P

Well its surpsing to see India inviting China to supply/build/upgrade it railways/high speed trains. Its welcomed though, since i have noticed south asians are too reticent to trade with their rival countries which has made the region lag behind alot compared to east asia who trades alot with each other even firece rivals like China and Japan trade alot with each other, In fact even China- Vietnam(90million people) trade is almost equal to China-India(1.2billion people) trade.:cheesy: something is defintely wrong.:agree:
Sino-Indian trade at present is $72 billion slated to reach $100 billion by next year and $500 billion by 2020, whereas China-Vietnam trade is presently at $ 50 billion.

And both are considered adversaries of China!! Funny world, what? 8-)
Sino-Indian trade at present is $72 billion slated to reach $100 billion by next year and $500 billion by 2020, whereas China-Vietnam trade is presently at $ 50 billion.

And both are considered adversaries of China!! Funny world, what? 8-)
they are trying to infiltrate in our market so that they can grab our necks wenever needed.....smart isn it ???
I can understand your proud.

It is fine.

Yet trains are not simple technology. it is easier to say than to do.
Rocket runs a few minutes and trains need to run many years.
Also India`s industry can not support such high tech stuffs. It is the truth...

Look we have 4000+ HP engine already with us. We have the engines which can pull the trains at 225 KM +. We have 10000 HP engine under development. We just need to lay down proper track and accident prevention devices.
Hey Guy
Don`t be angry...
Though you may not like China, the way China goes is still best suit for India.
Educate the people, make them work, even from low end, and try to reach the high end.
If you let the proud cover your eyes, and aim something India cannot support, you will fail..

when did we say we need charity.....these chinese companies are teaming up with indian firms to bid for HSR projects ...but will obviously go to the japanese bidders....which are much more expansive....but have better quality....so keep your s***t to yourself and write something worth writing
Hey Guy
Don`t be angry...
Though you may not like China, the way China goes is still best suit for India.
Educate the people, make them work, even from low end, and try to reach the high end.
If you let the proud cover your eyes, and aim something India cannot support, you will fail..
its not about pride..........m saying is that no one is doing charity over here.....
they are trying to infiltrate in our market so that they can grab our necks wenever needed.....smart isn it ???
Sectors requiring security have been left out like communications, defence etc. The Chinese helping in establishing a high speed rail network, will not affect security per se, unless they can stop our trains by remote control from Beijing!! :cheesy:
Well, as I said, it is easier to say than to do.
Having an engine does not mean a full high speed train system to be ready..
There is a long way to go..

Look we have 4000+ HP engine already with us. We have the engines which can pull the trains at 225 KM +. We have 10000 HP engine under development. We just need to lay down proper track and accident prevention devices.
It is fine.

Look we have 4000+ HP engine already with us. We have the engines which can pull the trains at 225 KM +. We have 10000 HP engine under development. We just need to lay down proper track and accident prevention devices.
Well, as I said, it is easier to say than to do.
Having an engine does not mean a full high speed train system to be ready..
There is a long way to go..

Do not talk vague. If you have any specific reason than say else stop trolling.
Sectors requiring security have been left out like communications, defence etc. The Chinese helping in establishing a high speed rail network, will not affect security per se, unless they can stop our trains by remote control from Beijing!! :cheesy:
china is our biggest exporter...our max. stuff comes from china.....dosn really matter in which sector they invest or trade ....wat matters is the flow of money......for example...our companies buy china made chips at very low prices and that too in bulk....agr china ki satki to apni economy ki fatki..........
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Well, I mean both Japan and China want make money from India..
They will not transfer tech to India, but keep tech in their hands and make more money..
So only difference is Chinese ask for less and Japans ask for more...

its not about pride..........m saying is that no one is doing charity over here.....
when did we say we need charity.....these chinese companies are teaming up with indian firms to bid for HSR projects ...but will obviously go to the japanese bidders....which are much more expansive....but have better quality....so keep your s***t to yourself and write something worth writing

India does not presently have the industrial capability to produce HSR trains. The person you quoted is not a dumbass at all.

Truth hurts.
I see India people are very proud.
Sometimes too proud to hear truth and face the reality.

India does not presently have the industrial capability to produce HSR trains. The person you quoted is not a dumbass at all.

Truth hurts.
India does not presently have the industrial capability to produce HSR trains. The person you quoted is not a dumbass at all.

Truth hurts.
i know we do not have the technology ryt now.............but nobody is doing charity ....we are paying and they are building simple as that........
I can understand your proud.
Yet trains are not simple technology. it is easier to say than to do.
Rocket runs a few minutes and trains need to run many years.
Neither is rocket science a child's play , it is the toughest to say the least. You make things when if you put in a lot of money into it,that's what India hasn't done yet.
Also India`s industry can not support such high tech stuffs. It is the truth...
True,we are pretty immature in this right now ,its jus like china of early 1990's when japanese & european companies where jumping into china for building HSR lines.
Projects undertaken in India perhaps will be sort of a Jv between Indian & chinese companies. Its too early to predict though.
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