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Chinese companies to team-up with Indian firms to bid for five high-speed railway projects

Hmm,so u were here recently. No,chennai is 6 largest by population. Its airport and other facilites are good but there many others better than that. Its not just the case of tier1 cities like chennai ,even airport of tier2-3 cities in India are upgraded to International standards. There are many other projects under development in chennai with many other to come,i suppose. We have been slow bt that has do with the slump in the economy post european crises,from 9% economy fell down to 4.5% ,in that case its pretty hard to grow for any city,let alone chennai.but things are improving now, still the fact is it's still slower than china. Worst problem is they lack planning to turn chennai into a more modern city,its a bitter fact. Which wasn't the case of shanghai 20 yrs ago.
But then again we aint 20 yrs behind china,it hovers between 12-15 yrs.

That's what happens when labours cost is rising u tend to search for a new market. Just like it was the case of west flooding china in 80's & 90's. Chinese wouldn't be that stupid to miss their turn now to invest in India.

Bro to be honest, having being to both countries, I can tell you India is much more than 15 years behind China, should be at least 20years or more. As i said before, even the tier 3 and 4 cities in China i have been to are way more developed than Delhi(Indias capital city) , im not talking about tier 1 cities who are on a different level altogether..To be frank, China is on a different league.
Infrastructure wise, India even lags behind other small countries in Asia i have been to like Thailand, and Malaysia, which itself was a surprise to me. I think the Indian government has not invested enough in infrastructure. It really needs to invest more in this sector, since its crucial for a country growth/development, as its the base of development/industrial growth.

However, India has done quite well, considering it was nowhere only a few decades ago. The only thing is that China has done even better in all fields than India. But this doesnt means India should feel that bad, since China has witnessed a growth unprecedented in human history. So India coming second to that isn't that bad as others might think. If there was no China, then im sure every body will be talking about the India miracle. Its just that China is bigger/more prosperous and kind of overshadows India in all fronts, so this has made people to kind of ignore all india tremendous achievements, since they always tend to want to compare it with China, which shouldn't always be the case.

So i think India should focus on its own development path, independent of China. They are 2 different countries with different culture/systems. Its just our media who tend to always want to compare the 2, since they have ulterior motives of doing so. Im optimistic with the new indian government, things will improve for the better. Good luck to India.:-):cheers:
Bro to be honest, having being to both countries, I can tell you India is much more than 15 years behind China, should be at least 20years or more. As i said before, even the tier 3 and 4 cities in China i have been to are way more developed than Delhi(Indias capital city) , im not talking about tier 1 cities who are on a different level altogether..To be frank, China is on a different league.
Infrastructure wise, India even lags behind other small countries in Asia i have been to like Thailand, and Malaysia, which itself was a surprise to me. I think the Indian government has not invested enough in infrastructure. It really needs to invest more in this sector, since its crucial for a country growth/development, as its the base of development/industrial growth.

However, India has done quite well, considering it was nowhere only a few decades ago. The only thing is that China has done even better in all fields than India. But this doesnt means India should feel that bad, since China has witnessed a growth unprecedented in human history. So India coming second to that isn't that bad as others might think. If there was no China, then im sure every body will be talking about the India miracle. Its just that China is bigger/more prosperous and kind of overshadows India in all fronts, so this has made people to kind of ignore all india tremendous achievements, since they always tend to want to compare it with China, which shouldn't always be the case.

So i think India should focus on its own development path, independent of China. They are 2 different countries with different culture/systems. Its just our media who tend to always want to compare the 2, since they have ulterior motives of doing so. Im optimistic with the new indian government, things will improve for the better. Good luck to India.:-):cheers:
I know it brother that even our tier1 cities are too bad to be compared to their tier2-3 cities,though i haven't seen china in person but u have internet loaded with info's about china. As far as 20yrs is concerned,i still dont belive it,their tier1 cities where no better back in the early 90's it's all because ....
China has witnessed a growth unprecedented in human history.
that has propelled'em to such heights. It was possible only because of a good planning in the early 90's that turned say shanghai from this in '90

to this in 2010.its just their out of the world growth in last 2 decades that had made'em wt they are today. but i guess our time has come aswell :cheers: ,i just hope some nutcase isn't sitting in the planning commission that would spell a doom on our growth :D
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I know it brother that even our tier1 cities are too bad to be compared to their tier2-3 cities,though i haven't seen china in person but u have internet loaded with info's about china. As far as 20yrs is concerned,i still dont belive it,their tier1 cities where no better back in the early 90's it's all because ....

that has propelled'em to such heights. It was possible only because of a good planning in the early 90's that turned say shanghai from this in '90

to this in 2010.its just their out of the world growth in last 2 decades that had made'em wt they are today. but i guess our time has come aswell :cheers: ,i just hope some nutcase isn't sitting in the planning commission that would spell a doom on our growth :D

Yes i agree with you bro. However, when i said India is about 20 years or more behind China, i say this based on the fact that, it will be difficult/if not almost impossible for India to grow the way China did these past decades(i.e average 10% growthor more for 30 years) . Also the speed/planning/timely execution/project implementation/bureacracy in India is still a major upstacle for all these to happen. It will take time for al this to be rectified/corrected. So thats why i said India might take much more than 20 years to get to where China is at the moment(also bear in mind that China wont stay static, they are/will keep growing even more as well, since they still have a large room for growth/relatively low gdp per capital).

Anyway, India i believe has alot of potential, and if properly managed will achieve at least a decent living standard. Comparisms with China shouldnt always be the case, since they are two different countries/culture/history/political system. Afterall, i dont see our media always comparing Britain with France or Germany with France. which are all much more equal/closer to each other than China and India (where the gap is very big). So as i said, our media have ulterior motives for doing such comparisms everytime, since they have a beef with China, and want to make/keep India on its toes/suspicious/resentful of China and make India complacent. India shouldn't fall for this trick, which i think they arent falling for by the way.

Will be interesting to see India in 5 to 10 years from now, and see how things have changed with the new government. Kudos.:cheers:
Yes i agree with you bro. However, when i said India is about 20 years or more behind China, i say this based on the fact that, it will be difficult/if not almost impossible for India to grow the way China did these past decades(i.e average 10% growthor more for 30 years) . Also the speed/planning/timely execution/project implementation/bureacracy in India is still a major upstacle for all these to happen. It will take time for al this to be rectified/corrected. So thats why i said India might take much more than 20 years to get to where China is at the moment(also bear in mind that China wont stay static, they are/will keep growing even more as well, since they still have a large room for growth/relatively low gdp per capital).

Anyway, India i believe has alot of potential, and if properly managed will achieve at least a decent living standard. Comparisms with China shouldnt always be the case, since they are two different countries/culture/history/political system. Afterall, i dont see our media always comparing Britain with France or Germany with France. which are all much more equal/closer to each other than China and India (where the gap is very big). So as i said, our media have ulterior motives for doing such comparisms everytime, since they have a beef with China, and want to make/keep India on its toes/suspicious/resentful of China and make India complacent. India shouldn't fall for this trick, which i think they arent falling for by the way.

Will be interesting to see India in 5 to 10 years from now, and see how things have changed with the new government. Kudos.:cheers:

Modi-ji will make sure that India will surpass China by 2020 and become a superpower.
Yes i agree with you bro. However, when i said India is about 20 years or more behind China, i say this based on the fact that, it will be difficult/if not almost impossible for India to grow the way China did these past decades(i.e average 10% growthor more for 30 years) . Also the speed/planning/timely execution/project implementation/bureacracy in India is still a major upstacle for all these to happen. It will take time for al this to be rectified/corrected. So thats why i said India might take much more than 20 years to get to where China is at the moment(also bear in mind that China wont stay static, they are/will keep growing even more as well, since they still have a large room for growth/relatively low gdp per capital).

Anyway, India i believe has alot of potential, and if properly managed will achieve at least a decent living standard. Comparisms with China shouldnt always be the case, since they are two different countries/culture/history/political system. Afterall, i dont see our media always comparing Britain with France or Germany with France. which are all much more equal/closer to each other than China and India (where the gap is very big). So as i said, our media have ulterior motives for doing such comparisms everytime, since they have a beef with China, and want to make/keep India on its toes/suspicious/resentful of China and make India complacent. India shouldn't fall for this trick, which i think they arent falling for by the way.

Will be interesting to see India in 5 to 10 years from now, and see how things have changed with the new government. Kudos.:cheers:
So thats why i said India might take much more than 20 years to get to where China is at the moment
Exactly,this how u can put it,w may indeed take a longer time than chinda did to build those megacities. But saying India is 20yrs behind china would mean india cities now, look just like their counterparts of the early 1990's,which isn't the case ,as you can see in the pic i posted.shanghai was no where close to India's financial capital in the early 1990's ,it was possible cos of well executed planning and out of the world growth that did the magic :)
But for India not just red tape ,it is also planning that has effected India on a whole,they keep coming wid a plan and then scrap it,come up wid another one and again scrap it,and by that time the world has moved on by 5-10 yrs.at times i feel like lining'em up in a line like bots and aim for a few headshots,Ah..wet dreams :D
Media shows what sells among the crowd,in india comparision wid china or pak sells,its a simple fact,agree wid it or not. Same is wid british media in particular ,showing only ''poor India''. Anyways its up for the present govt to take up the resposibility,we have a great chance to grow,and should make 100% out of it. Bussiness sentiments have improved vastly,investments are pouring in,its just for the time we will see the change,we need to clean up our house first cos we have got whole time in the world to make comparisions ,later. :-) :cheers:
Exactly,this how u can put it,w may indeed take a longer time than chinda did to build those megacities. But saying India is 20yrs behind china would mean india cities now, look just like their counterparts of the early 1990's,which isn't the case ,as you can see in the pic i posted.shanghai was no where close to India's financial capital in the early 1990's ,it was possible cos of well executed planning and out of the world growth that did the magic :)
But for India not just red tape ,it is also planning that has effected India on a whole,they keep coming wid a plan and then scrap it,come up wid another one and again scrap it,and by that time the world has moved on by 5-10 yrs.at times i feel like lining'em up in a line like bots and aim for a few headshots,Ah..wet dreams :D
Media shows what sells among the crowd,in india comparision wid china or pak sells,its a simple fact,agree wid it or not. Same is wid british media in particular ,showing only ''poor India''. Anyways its up for the present govt to take up the resposibility,we have a great chance to grow,and should make 100% out of it. Bussiness sentiments have improved vastly,investments are pouring in,its just for the time we will see the change,we need to clean up our house first cos we have got whole time in the world to make comparisions ,later. :-) :cheers:

Yes I agree with you bro. India does need better governance /leadership, together with better planning /project implementation/execution. Those who blame democracy for India's woes are wrong, since there are other democracies even in Asia who are doing just fine /better than India in infrastructure. Like Thailand and Malaysia I mentioned earlier. In fact I have been to turkey and I can say even Turkey has way better infrastructure than India and they still has big projects going on there to make things better (you just have to visit Ankara and instabul to see for yourself ). So blaming democracy for India's woes is just avoiding to take the blame for the government incompetence /mismanagement. same as hailing China's autocratic system for its growth, it's not, it's due to government policies/wilingness/ability to carry out projects when they mean/need it. It will have been the same had China been a democracy.

Same with corruption. China and many other countries in the world (even European countries )are corrupt as well, but that doesn't stop/restrict/impede projects being carried ou /implemented. Here the blame lies with government incompetence as well.

As I said before India shouldn't always have to compare with China, since China has witnessed a growth unparalleled in history, so won't be fair to make such comparisons. The rate of building /infrastructure going on in China is simply mind buggling. Also China and India both have different systems /policies /culture/history etc. India should follow its own development path , it can borrow /learn from Chinas experience but it shouldn't copy china, since one thing that works in one country won't always work on the othe due to cultural and environmental differences. So India has to find its own development path while keeping an open mind /learning from others while adapting it to India's own local conditions.

I'm optimistic on India due to its young/dynamic/hard working population, plus the country still has lots of potential for growth if well managed /used.

All the best to India.:cheers:
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Like it or hate it, on economic/Infra front India might benefit more by engaging China than Japan.
Like it or hate it, on economic/Infra front India might benefit more by engaging China than Japan.

Yes on this one, i agree with you, However, India still views China with suspicion. Afterall, i read in the financial times not too long ago that China had even proposed to finance 30% of Indias infrstructure needs by the tune of 300billion dollars, But India rejected it due to 'Security concerns'.:lol: I LMAO when i red that. Even Japan who has more issues/problems with China invested alot in China during the 90s(even today they still have lots of investments) and it was never consiered a security threat.:lol: Thats one reason south Asia still lags decades behind east asia in development and trade, since south Asian countries tend to be too paranoid against each other/rivals. Just look at China-India trade(1.4 and 1.2 billion people) who share a land border together and China- Japan(1.4 and 150million people) who are even more bitter ennemies. Looking at the trade volume, i cant help but be amaze of how China- India trade is so minuscule.:agree:

So i doubt India will ever allow China to invest much in their infrastructure for 'security reasons'.:bounce:
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