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Chinese army refuses to vacate Arunachal

Do you expect others to bog down to your level man? get a grip!

Coming from you that is rich.. Pages and pages of insults and when some one showed the mirror and its now racist post?? First you get a grip!! :lol:

Hopefully, they ban you as a racist. Its up to them now. I don't enforce the rules, they do.

No they dont.. There is no racist in it.. People like you troll all the time and get away with it.. So its not a problem!!
Im anything but a racist..

Have a self review of your previous posts in many threads.. You can see it whether you are a racist or not.. Anyway back to the topic..

During shelling causalities are bound to happen.. There are many Indian villagers also died due to Pakistan firing.. It is not the first and it wont be the last.. Its the risk villagers take when the live near the border.. You are making a big fuss out of it..
Have a self review of your previous posts in many threads.. You can see it whether you are a racist or not.. Anyway back to the topic..

Yes sure i hate you... but not a racist.. unless u want me to be.

During shelling causalities are bound to happen.. There are many Indian villagers also died due to Pakistan firing.. It is not the first and it wont be the last.. Its the risk villagers take when the live near the border.. You are making a big fuss out of it..

Since the shelling started 2-3 civilians including children n old people have been killed,properties destroyed and dozens injured.
Yes sure i hate you... but not a racist.. unless u want me to be.

And we hate you too except your food :D.. You can do whatever you want.. Nothing much difference is going to happen anyway!!

Since the shelling started 2-3 civilians including children n old people have been killed,properties destroyed and dozens injured

Yes, its unfortunate.. We have soldiers here who wont be seeing their family never again.. Its the risk defending your nation.. Its the risk those villagers take also.. If the government was so much concerned, then they should have re located them to a safer area..
And we hate you too except your food :D.. You can do whatever you want.. Nothing much difference is going to happen anyway!!

Cant say the same abt ur food..

Yes, its unfortunate.. We have soldiers here who wont be seeing their family never again.. Its the risk defending your nation.. Its the risk those villagers take also.. If the government was so much concerned, then they should have re located them to a safer area..

Defending ur nation by shelling villages? as for relocating do you think its easy to relocate hundreds or thousands of families and tell them to leaver their houses,properties etc?
Defending ur nation by shelling villages? as for relocating do you think its easy to relocate hundreds or thousands of families and tell them to leaver their houses,properties etc?

Are we shelling villagers purposefully?? Shelling happens most of the time between us.. Its not the first time villagers from either side died due to it.. It wont be the last time.. Get back from the moral high ground.. Your army also killed many villagers in our country too.. If you dont want you villagers to be killed, then you will have to re locate them otherwise you will have to live with it!!
Indians are you still getting f**ked by China?

Not been a good Independence day for you guys has it

ISI bogeymen along with Kashmiri militants "supposedly" killed 5 of your troops, then your sub drowned and now China have literally invaded your territory.

See thats what happens when all you care about is money, your relationships with the world are economical and trade based, you don't have any real friends.

In low intensity conflicts such as these you are on your own. Regional matters stay in the region.
Indians are you still getting f**ked by China?

Not been a good Independence day for you guys has it

ISI bogeymen along with Kashmiri militants "supposedly" killed 5 of your troops, then your sub drowned and now China have literally invaded your territory.

See thats what happens when all you care about is money, your relationships with the world are economical and trade based, you don't have any real friends.

In low intensity conflicts such as these you are on your own. Regional matters stay in the region.

Better than Begging IMF & World Bank for Constant Bailouts & not to forget Uncle sam for AID

Regarding you point about relations ships
like you have one with China we have one with Russia
only we have an Equal one & you have a Unequal one

& you should not talk about getting F***** from other countries as you get 'F***** as you say' by other Countries on Daily Basis
By the way If i were you I would keep my Head down you never know what may comedown from Sky

believe me even if you capture.

they wont do anything..like aksai chin they will give away arunchunal to china yet again

after all arunchunal/assam were historically part of greater china

& Pakistan was Part of Akhand Bharat of Hindu Baniyas :devil:
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