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Chinese Army is full of wimps, sissies & little, PLA never won war in 6 decades: Indian Major Arya

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If what you say is true then remember to post the links here. Otherwise they are just more lies and indian fairy tales.........:azn:

Dude I have given such proofs here in many jungles related threads..... still

Forestry in India is a significant rural industry and a major environmental resource. India is one of the ten most forest-rich countries of the world.Together, India and these other 9 countries account for 67 percent of total forest area of the world.[1] India's forest cover grew at 0.20% annually over 1990–2000,[2] and has grown at the rate of 0.7% per year over 2000–2010,[2] after decades where forest degradation was a matter of serious concern.[3]

As of 2010, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates India's forest cover to be about 68 million hectares, or 22% of the country's area[4][5] The 2013 Forest Survey of India states its forest cover increased to 69.8 million hectares by 2012, per satellite measurements; this represents an increase of 5,871 square kilometers of forest cover in 2 years.[6] However, the gains were primarily in northern, central and southern Indian states, while northeastern states witnessed a net loss in forest cover over 2010 to 2012.In 2018, the total forest and tree cover in India increased to 24.39% or 8,02,088 km2 [7][8].


Now Google Forestry in Pakistan and you will learn how really GREEN your Pakistan is.....
Mate o was calm....but when people.liek you say indians are better than us t
You deserve the same treatment.

Ps re forest we are planting a billion trees...so before talking get your facts straight.

A billion trees aren't going to make for the massive deforestation that has taken place.

In 1999, in shool we were told Pakistan is covered by 25% or 35% (forgot exact figure) forest. Now that figure is barely 5% or less than that.
Pakistanis going off topic
Our country is greener than yours
What nonsense

Stick to topic Chinese army super power
Are they ready to fight
Pushing and shoving like girls
Can you imagine usa Israel UK Germans Israelis doing this

It's kiss chase lol lol

Sums up China
Girls playing girly game
Look at their smile.
Both India and Pakistan are worst when it comes to pollution and murder of forests.

Stop lying.

Leave the Ummah out of it. You Indians are enjoying the wealth of our Ummah. Be grateful.

Such things happen almost in every country but that mostly happens with forests near mega population centers..... Indian big gigantic forest deep inside country has not seen human since ages.....

And for even those forests and wildlife near population centers because of Gov't strict laws the forest which was 22% in 2013 of the total land grew to 24.69% by 2018.....
A billion trees aren't going to make for the massive deforestation that has taken place.

In 1999, in shool we were told Pakistan is covered by 25% or 35% (forgot exact figure) forest. Now that figure is barely 5% or less than that.
Yes and your teachers were as well educated as they are today. Meaning dumb teaching the blind.
Billion trees won't make a difference. Ok.so let just sit on our hands and talk.
Ofcourse there is rapid deforestation going on globally. This is not right but to lump Pakistan in the same group as india where we are clearly better is just plain wrong
Pakistanis going off topic
Our country is greener than yours
What nonsense

Stick to topic Chinese army super power
Are they ready to fight
Pushing and shoving like girls
Can you imagine usa Israel UK Germans Israelis doing this

It's kiss chase lol lol

Sums up China
Girls playing girly game

You are right unfortunately. I was expecting China to have killed a lot of Indians and grab half the Kashmir by now but it seems Chinese are cowards and only brave against unarmed Uighurs women and men. Even with 1 billion men, they can't get an ounce of courage amd and these cowards talk about America.

Same goes for Indians. I wanted to see some Chinese killed at least to get revenge for some Uighurs but meh.

Cowards on both sides wasting our time.

Even Iran had more guts against superpower than China has against India.
You are right unfortunately. I was expecting China to have killed a lot of Indians and grab half the Kashmir by now but it seems Chinese are cowards and only brave against unarmed Uighurs women and men. Even with 1 billion men, they can't get an ounce of courage amd and these cowards talk about America.

Same goes for Indians. I wanted to see some Chinese killed at least to get revenge for some Uighurs but meh.

Cowards on both sides wasting our time.

Even Iran had more guts against superpower than China has against India.
It's better for Pakistan to solve the Kashmir problem by their own. It shows China can not be trusted as a Super Power in term of military. All these are good lessons for Pakistani Awaam
Politics is above the so called "Image", we don't fight just because we wanted to show the world that we can, we are not on a street, we are not gangster.
When time comes, we step in like in 1950s, dirt poor old China stand up against thousand times stronger US and their lackey in Korea.
You just took the words out of my mouth. I was about to say the Chinese Government wanted to show we are a responsible UN power. But if push comes to shove, we will go swinging (metaphor).
Dude I have given such proofs here in many jungles related threads..... still


Now Google Forestry in Pakistan and you will learn how really GREEN your Pakistan is.....

The above is just about forestry in india. It does not compare it with other countries as you are insinuating. The source is wikipedia which is neither reliable or irrefutable. So as usual, your claims fall flat on their face.
You just took the words out of my mouth. I was about to say the Chinese Government wanted to show we are a responsible UN power. But if push comes to shove, we will go swinging (metaphor).
Nope it's not like India Pakistan where numeric superiority is visible. You have very less choices and by most you do pushing and shoving.

Look at their smile.
They are looking healthy.
The above is just about forestry in india. It does not compare it with other countries as you are insinuating. The source is wikipedia which is neither reliable or irrefutable. So as usual, your claims fall flat on their face.

Dude stop arguing just for the sake of it.....

I wasn't at all insinuating any other countries but just telling the truth about how Pakistan compares with India when it comes to GREEN and SCENIC....

What I'm lying here???? Yes India is among top 10 forest rich countries in the world.... your hatred isn't going to change that fact.....

If you want other sources than wiki then please check below....a 2016 report....

Top 10 countries with largest forest cover (in sq. km)
Russia, the world’s largest country by area, has the largest forest cover. It is one of the rare countries that have seen an increase in forest cover since 1990, thanks to the dedication of the Russian government. More than 20% of the world’s untouched forests are in the Russian Federation.

In contrast, Indonesia and Brazil both have been losing forests at an alarming rate. Brazil lost 1.35 million hectares of primary rainforests in 2018 alone. About 20% of the great Amazon rainforest has been destroyed in the last 40 years. The Amazon rainforest covers nine countries, and about 60% of it is in Brazil. Indonesia, which was once almost entirely covered in forests, has witnessed extensive deforestation in the last three decades.

Another country affected by massive deforestation is the Democratic Republic of Congo. Illegal logging, mining, and construction have caused a loss of forest cover in the country. People cut wood from the Virunga National Park to use it for various activities. It also threatens the habitat of many endangered animal species.

  1. Russia (8,148,895 sq. km)
  2. Brazil (4,925,540 sq. km)
  3. Canada (3,470,224 sq. km)
  4. United States of America (3,103,700 sq. km)
  5. China (2,098,635 sq. km)
  6. Democratic Republic of Congo (1,522,665 sq. km)
  7. Australia (1,250,590 sq. km)
  8. Indonesia (903,256 sq. km)
  9. Peru (738,054 sq. km)
  10. India (708,604 sq. km)
In this list, only India, China, the US, and Russia have seen their forest cover increase between 1990 and 2016. But that might not be enough to prevent the damaging effects of climate change, especially given the rapid loss of forests in other countries.


In 2018 forest cover further grew up to 802088 sq km....

India total forest cover alone put together makes a country almost the size of Pakistan and still it's growing.... today in spite of huge population we have 24% of the land under dense forests (deep forests still untouched by human) and government does have a target to let the cover grow up to 33%.....

Indian track record has been abysmal. Even if above is true and China seems just extra cautious due to economic challenges brought on by war, I think the latest episode showed Chinese discipline and unity as a source of strength which India deeply lacks.

Then there is the vast technological advantage China has. India stands no chance.

If you take into account battle-hardened Pakistani troops who have been fighting constant war for 12 years, then that more than makes up for any inexperience on China's part.

India is in for a rude awakening, because Indian rely on jingoism, wishful thinking, and false religious prophecies which have constantly failed them.
India's biggest crime has been against its own population by lying, lying and lying, They have subjugated the Judiciary and Media, no body can speak truth in India. A nation which likes to live in a make believe world far far away from reality is bound to be the shock when they are confronted with stark realities.

Pakistan is green and scenic than India????

Dude India is among top ten forest rich countries in the world and does contribute big when it comes to controlling global pollution....

India has numbers of gigantic evergreen rainforests with very rich wildlife and world's most deadly predators in it.....

In fact India is the only country in the world which is a home to both Lions and Tigers together.....

India has 24% of land secured under forests and this I'm just talking about mainland India.... I am not even mentioning the rich forest and wildlife on India's thousands of islands including lakshdweep, Andaman and Nicobar islands.... heck even densely populated Mumbai island is forest rich with wildlife and big cats.....

In comparison Pakistan has only 3% of total land under forests and in that too your biggest forest Changa Manga is manmade not natural.....

About wildlife also you are a very poor country in species..... and you don't even come close to even smaller Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in forests and wildlife so just forget about comparing your greenery with India....

Discovery channel has a program called WILD INDIA but have you ever seen them showing something WILD PAKISTAN????:-)

About beaches beauty check Goa, Konkan Maharashtra, karnataka, andaman and many other beaches..... your desert type looking beaches comes nowhere close......
Look who is talking, Out of 10 pollutest and dirties cities of the world India has 6
India's biggest crime has been against its own population by lying, lying and lying, They have subjugated the Judiciary and Media, no body can speak truth in India. A nation which likes to live in a make believe world far far away from reality is bound to be the shock when they are confronted with stark realities.

Look who is talking, Out of 10 pollutest and dirties cities of the world India has 6

Some cities can be polluted due to huge population and growth.... not total India.....

After all it's a large intercontinental country with vast landmass dedicated to forests....

It was just to inform a member who was boasting how GREEN and SCENIC Pakistan is when compared to India which it no way come close to India when it comes to scenic beauty and richness of green nature.....
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Dude stop arguing just for the sake of it.....

I wasn't at all insinuating any other countries but just telling the truth about how Pakistan compares with India when it comes to GREEN and SCENIC....

What I'm lying here???? Yes India is among top 10 forest rich countries in the world.... your hatred isn't going to change that fact.....

If you want other sources than wiki then please check below....a 2016 report....


In 2018 forest cover further grew up to 802088 sq km....

India total forest cover alone put together makes a country almost the size of Pakistan and still it's growing.... today in spite of huge population we have 24% of the land under dense forests (deep forests still untouched by human) and government does have a target to let the cover grow up to 33%.....


Your source clearly states that as a proportion, india is not even in the top 10 for forestation cover. In absolute terms, india's land mass only makes it to number 10 in terms of forestation cover. Even according to your sources, those figures are not good considering india's population is more than 1.4 billion and it's land mass is only 3× greater than that of Pakistan. NOWHERE in your source does it state that india's forestation cover is growing. Your sources are contradicting yourself. Read them CAREFULLY.
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