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Chinese Army is full of wimps, sissies & little, PLA never won war in 6 decades: Indian Major Arya

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still took 20 Indians to fight 1 chinese
When the numbers were even the Indians got their asses handed to them
And by the way why should the Chinese fight India handfight when they can kill you with pinpoint accuracy from 3000 KM? Indian soldier has no Idea what is going to hit them, I think Modi has little idea thats why he is silent since last 2 weeks.

It is compulsory to watch Xi's biography film for all Chinese. How can they get ride of almighty dictator Xi?
And if India wants to become the world leader they have to study life of Modi, the mighty Chai Wala ? I think its now obvious as day light that Modi is going to fcuk India like nothing seen or heard before.
Just started trolling by pulling out some pictures from your Gallery.

We expect PLA should represent like a true army of Super Power, not like sissy army of mighty dragon who is getting beaten up by Malnourished IA.
Your super power IA should try catching the bullet with their heads. It'll be really impressive.

And by the way why should the Chinese fight India handfight when they can kill you with pinpoint accuracy from 3000 KM? Indian soldier has no Idea what is going to hit them, I think Modi has little idea thats why he is silent since last 2 weeks.
Seriously, bro, I am fed up with the cat and mouse game. Maybe the military hawks are planning. But after all this week of patience, if they call restrains, I'll have wasted my popcorn.
Your super power IA should try catching the bullet with their heads. It'll be really impressive.

Seriously, bro, I am fed up with the cat and mouse game. Maybe the military hawks are planning. But after all this week of patience, if they call restrains, I'll have wasted my popcorn.
As long as Modi is mum its clear indication that things are in favour of China.
Absolutely trash article. Written by some one who wants to provide a false sense of bravado in its soldiers before the battle starts. The article is full of conceptual misunderstandings e.g. if China's one child policy was adopted in 1979 how can it be responsible for China's (so called) poor performance in 1962, 1967 and 1979 wars with India and Vietnam?
In 1918 when the US soldiers landed on the war front of europe where generally germans and Britishers were dug-in eye ball to eye ball they were looked down with scorn even by their own allies. They were called DOUGHBOYS as they lacked military skills and courage which was hallmark of British and German soldiers for centuries. Soon the American boys started showinf their skills on the battle fields and within a few encounters it was evident that American soldiers were as good as any (rather, on occasions, better) than any other Army of the world. My experience on the battle field is that Indian soldiers fight better when fully drunk (especially Sikhs). Other than Sikhs, Rajpoots and Gurkhas fighting standard of Indian soldiers is below average.

Rubbish and your post wreaks of Pakistani bias.
Just check how many Victoria crosses Indian army won in ww2

Bravery has never been issue. In India or Pakistan included.

What we lack is great military leaders tactics and doctrine

China is a unknown quantity this amazing new power is yet to seriously demonstrate it's prowess.

India is the biggest enemy it can fight aside USA who smash them.to peices or Russia. Ditto.

India does have recent military history be it 65 or 71 and kargil.

India is good but not world class even i admit to this .

If we end up fighting the geographically barriers means it will. End in stalemate but only if we get constant resupply from Israel USA and Russia for ammo

USA will step in the world eill.not allow two massive countries go to war

Pakistanis sitting in their Kurta pyjamas with pop corn will.be disappointed their Chinese big brother wimped out again when push came to shove
Absolutely trash article. Written by some one who wants to provide a false sense of bravado in its soldiers before the battle starts. The article is full of conceptual misunderstandings e.g. if China's one child policy was adopted in 1979 how can it be responsible for China's (so called) poor performance in 1962, 1967 and 1979 wars with India and Vietnam?
In 1918 when the US soldiers landed on the war front of europe where generally germans and Britishers were dug-in eye ball to eye ball they were looked down with scorn even by their own allies. They were called DOUGHBOYS as they lacked military skills and courage which was hallmark of British and German soldiers for centuries. Soon the American boys started showinf their skills on the battle fields and within a few encounters it was evident that American soldiers were as good as any (rather, on occasions, better) than any other Army of the world. My experience on the battle field is that Indian soldiers fight better when fully drunk (especially Sikhs). Other than Sikhs, Rajpoots and Gurkhas fighting standard of Indian soldiers is below average.
It really has not much to do with the ethnicity, every empire started from little tribe, it is all about the system, rules, the leader.
The Jews were miserable for two thousand years, the Mongol back then and now is totally different..etc.
China trains her soliders the same way China trains her athletes and we all know how hardworking Chinese athletes and even average China people are. That's why China produces so many world champions and India barely produces any.

No communist troops lack fighting spirits anywhere in the world, communism is the best system for war mobilisation.

1.3 billion people can’t produce 2 olympics champions but like to brag how powerful he is. Midi knows better than these fool clowns
Chinese army is full of wimps, sissies & little emperors: Major Gaurav Arya rapist

PLA has not won a war in 6 decades. In 1979, Vietnam took off PLA’s trousers.

China, you have your mission.

Guarav Arya should be given back to Naxals.

Pakistanis sitting in their Kurta pyjamas with pop corn will.be disappointed their Chinese big brother wimped out again when push came to shove

We don't wear kurta pajamas, that is your national dress, not ours.

Were you also the one who was mocking Lahori movie theaters?

You know so little about Pakistan. We are not rubbish heap like India where people defecate in the streets.

Pakistan is very green and scenic, now discuss topic.
China didn't lose a fight after 1949, including beating UN and India handsdown.

India can't train people for any purposes well cause hard training, discipline and unity are just not part of your culture.

Chinese soldiers pass around live grenade - Hot potato

Tough looking India military personnel



Malnourished chickens.
The People’s Liberation Army of China’s only justification to exist in the modern world is that they emerged victors in the Chinese Civil War. Apart from that victory, there isn’t really much to the PLA’s credit, and that might explain Chinese unwillingness to escalate matters with any country, especially India, beyond a point, despite aggressive posturing by the dragon on all fronts.

Chinese superiority, militarily so, is a myth. China often worries about the lack of a battle-hardened army of soldiers that can put up a tough fight. And as per military discussions on the Chinese side itself, much of the PLA’s incapacity to indulge in heated armed conflicts, stems from the One-Child Policy of the Communist state which has turned out to be an unmitigated disaster for the country.

The One-Child policy was brought into force in 1979 by the CCP, to curb the menace of a growing population. Anyone with more than one child, post-1980, was made to face the wrath of the tyrannical Chinese state, not to mention that the second child was snatched away from parents and dispatched to anonymity.

As a direct result of the One-Child policy, defence think tanks within China are of the increasing opinion that the PLA is made up of “wimps”. “Soldiers from the one-child generations are wimps who have absolutely no fighting spirit,warned the Study Times, a government publication in China.

Close to 70% of the Chinese military force is comprised of single-children, with no siblings. As such, they have been brought up as pampered “little emperors” by parents and grandparents. Having psychological impacts that growing up alone might have, there is a constant fear among strategic quarters in China that the softness of their force would spell a death-knell for the country’s expansionist and belligerent ambitions around all of its borders. In 2015, perhaps having smelled the coffee, China brought in the two-child policy.

However, for the said relaxations to reap benefits would take another 20 years, at least. Going by the aggressive posturing which the dragon is currently indulging in, with its inefficient and pampered military, it wouldn’t be long before they receive a drubbing of their lifetimes. Chinese families are very emotional about their child, since there’s only one. As such, millions of children grew up believing they were “little emperors”. Studies have shown stark differences between children having siblings in China before 1980, as opposed to those who grew up as the lone child in a family.

In order to deal with their own mess, the PLA has been forced to resort to special training, in order to straighten up “spoiled” soldiers. As a matter of fact, the Chinese military is a non-disciplined and non-calculative force, as a result of which skirmishes initiated by overenthusiastic Chinese commanders along the LAC often end up embarrassing the top leadership in Beijing.

This is not to discount their military superiority over India, over a wide range of parameters. Of course, China continues to remain a force to reckon with, not to mention a constant headache for India’s political and military leadership. However, history is replete with instances of China overestimating its wartime capabilities, and ending up with egg on its face. Essentially, the PLA is a non-combative, and if I may, a decorative force, which is paraded around every year on 1st October, the day when China was founded.

TFIPOST, in another article, had explained how the Chinese military is incapable of fighting. Even in the 1962 war that it waged on India, there isn’t much China can proudly proclaim as part of a supposedly rich military history. In 1967, India humiliated and defeated the wits out of the aggressor, PLA in the Nathu-La conflict, inflicting over 400 casualties on the enemy, while itself not losing more than 90 men. In 1979, China was thrashed by the Vietnamese military, which foiled the dragon’s plans of invading its country. Essentially, the PLA is not a battle-hardened force, as opposed to their Indian counterparts.

The Indian Army is a highly disciplined force, whose military history dates back to the Saragarhi battle. Our army is at a constant state of combat-readiness, particularly due to our notorious western neighbour. Whether it be internal security operations in the Kashmir valley or the Northeast, the Indian Army is never in a state of rest, as opposed to the PLA, who have to play games on the LAC in order to keep themselves occupied. Basically, China has a lot of odds stacked against them, if they choose to escalate matters with India, which it now turns out, they haven’t.

After intense posturing along the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh, and India matching up to their buildup every time, China has indeed blinked. This goes on to show that as opposed to the popular opinion, the Chinese are well aware of their limitations, and a conflict with India might end up embarrassing them big time, just like they were pulverized in 1967.

Sorry but true China's lack of war experience is dangerous and the way they deal with border issues with India showd they are not ready for a fight. Being a super power and using martial arts and stones to fight doesn't send a good image of you to the world.
They thinks you are weak when we treated them with care and warm, return their weapons.
Sun Tzu's logic can not be applied on them.

Friends, you should have no confusion about their mindset. Their ego must be smashed into a million pieces like Ghaznavi did to Somnath. Their leaders must be put to death like Aurangzeb did to their gurus and saddhus who instigated others.

We Pakistanis have historical experiences ruling over these Indians for one thousand years. You have all you need to know by our knowledge.

I am glad COAS visited China before these skirmishes, I can see that Pakistan and China are coordinating well.

This major who raped his maid is your refen4ce looooool. Why did he get kicked out at the rank of a major....because he was useless even in the indian army. Now on the internet you guy love him because he talks shyte

He raped his maid with his relative and killed her husband. He is a disgusting human being, but it seems India promoted him to a PR role.

In Indian, inhumanity and lack of morality are rewarded with high positions.

Modi mass-rapist and mass butcher of Gujurat fame is proof of that. Indian society is sick.
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