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Chinese Army is full of wimps, sissies & little, PLA never won war in 6 decades: Indian Major Arya

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Sorry but true China's lack of war experience is dangerous and the way they deal with border issues with India showd they are not ready for a fight. Being a super power and using martial arts and stones to fight doesn't send a good image of you to the world.
Politics is above the so called "Image", we don't fight just because we wanted to show the world that we can, we are not on a street, we are not gangster.
When time comes, we step in like in 1950s, dirt poor old China stand up against thousand times stronger US and their lackey in Korea.
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Sorry but true China's lack of war experience is dangerous and the way they deal with border issues with India showd they are not ready for a fight. Being a super power and using martial arts and stones to fight doesn't send a good image of you to the world.

Indian track record has been abysmal. Even if above is true and China seems just extra cautious due to economic challenges brought on by war, I think the latest episode showed Chinese discipline and unity as a source of strength which India deeply lacks.

Then there is the vast technological advantage China has. India stands no chance.

If you take into account battle-hardened Pakistani troops who have been fighting constant war for 12 years, then that more than makes up for any inexperience on China's part.

India is in for a rude awakening, because Indian rely on jingoism, wishful thinking, and false religious prophecies which have constantly failed them.
Rubbish and your post wreaks of Pakistani bias.
Just check how many Victoria crosses Indian army won in ww2

Bravery has never been issue. In India or Pakistan included.

What we lack is great military leaders tactics and doctrine

China is a unknown quantity this amazing new power is yet to seriously demonstrate it's prowess.

India is the biggest enemy it can fight aside USA who smash them.to peices or Russia. Ditto.

India does have recent military history be it 65 or 71 and kargil.

India is good but not world class even i admit to this .

If we end up fighting the geographically barriers means it will. End in stalemate but only if we get constant resupply from Israel USA and Russia for ammo

USA will step in the world eill.not allow two massive countries go to war

Pakistanis sitting in their Kurta pyjamas with pop corn will.be disappointed their Chinese big brother wimped out again when push came to shove
Pakistanis are not eating pop corns. We are ready to jump in.
Most of the Victoria Crosses of your SO_CALLED-INDIAN-ARMY-IN-WW1 and II were mostly won by either Muslim or Sikh or Rajpoot and Gurkha soldiers, There are negligible medals by central Indian soldiers.
dont talk of 65 or 71 wars, D Coy 17 Punjab (approximately 140 persons) stopped Indian Army divisional (approximate;y 17000 soldiers) for 4 days and 4 nights in 1965. In 1971 you were able to win but only with a 50:1 ratio in strength and resources. One should not under estimate his forces but over estimating them is an even bigger crime in warfare. I have seen your soldier in Kargil, most of them were made to drink heavily before attack. Drunk soldiers wont fight well, especially organized and well equipped army like china. China has not opened this border for fun or as the result on an accident, they want to send a message to the whole world through you. They will make you an example or their super power dreams are dashed. Expect the unexpected here.
Pakistan is very green and scenic, now discuss topic.

Pakistan is green and scenic than India????

Dude India is among top ten forest rich countries in the world and does contribute big when it comes to controlling global pollution....

India has numbers of gigantic evergreen rainforests with very rich wildlife and world's most deadly predators in it.....

In fact India is the only country in the world which is a home to both Lions and Tigers together.....

India has 24% of land secured under forests and this I'm just talking about mainland India.... I am not even mentioning the rich forest and wildlife on India's thousands of islands including lakshdweep, Andaman and Nicobar islands.... heck even densely populated Mumbai island is forest rich with wildlife and big cats.....

In comparison Pakistan has only 3% of total land under forests and in that too your biggest forest Changa Manga is manmade not natural.....

About wildlife also you are a very poor country in species..... and you don't even come close to even smaller Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in forests and wildlife so just forget about comparing your greenery with India....

Discovery channel has a program called WILD INDIA but have you ever seen them showing something WILD PAKISTAN????:-)

About beaches beauty check Goa, Konkan Maharashtra, karnataka, andaman and many other beaches..... your desert type looking beaches comes nowhere close......
Pakistan is green and scenic than India????

Dude India is among top ten forest rich countries in the world and does contribute big when it comes to controlling global pollution....

India has numbers of gigantic evergreen rainforests with very rich wildlife and world's most deadly predators in it.....

In fact India is the only country in the world which is a home to both Lions and Tigers together.....

India has 24% of land secured under forests and this I'm just talking about mainland India.... I am not even mentioning the rich forest and wildlife on India's thousands of islands including lakshdweep, Andaman and Nicobar islands.... heck even densely populated Mumbai island is forest rich with wildlife and big cats.....

In comparison Pakistan has only 3% of total land under forests and in that too your biggest forest Changa Manga is manmade not natural.....

About wildlife also you are a very poor country in species..... and you don't even come close to even smaller Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in forests and wildlife so just forget about comparing your greenery with India....

Discovery channel has a program called WILD INDIA but have you ever seen them showing something WILD PAKISTAN????:-)

About beaches beauty check Goa, Konkan Maharashtra, karnataka, andaman and many other beaches..... your desert type looking beaches comes nowhere close......


This is not so famous beach near my office.
Why are you so much offended. I am praising you guys. I say 1 mard e momin is equal to 10 Hindu baniya and one macho Chinese soldier is equal to 20 Baniya. If you want want, i can increase the ratio.

Pray allah to make it happen very soon. Under Modi , we have become 5th largest economy from 11th in 2014. What about you in leadership of Imaran?
No need to praise....enjoy afghani special
Pakistan is green and scenic than India????

Dude India is among top ten forest rich countries in the world and does contribute big when it comes to controlling global pollution....

India has numbers of gigantic evergreen rainforests with very rich wildlife and world's most deadly predators in it.....

In fact India is the only country in the world which is a home to both Lions and Tigers together.....

India has 24% of land secured under forests and this I'm just talking about mainland India.... I am not even mentioning the rich forest and wildlife on India's thousands of islands including lakshdweep, Andaman and Nicobar islands.... heck even densely populated Mumbai island is forest rich with wildlife and big cats.....

In comparison Pakistan has only 3% of total land under forests and in that too your biggest forest Changa Manga is manmade not natural.....

About wildlife also you are a very poor country in species..... and you don't even come close to even smaller Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in forests and wildlife so just forget about comparing your greenery with India....

Discovery channel has a program called WILD INDIA but have you ever seen them showing something WILD PAKISTAN????:-)

About beaches beauty check Goa, Konkan Maharashtra, karnataka, andaman and many other beaches..... your desert type looking beaches comes nowhere close......

If what you say is true then remember to post the links here. Otherwise they are just more lies and indian fairy tales.........:azn:
I think your Afghans brethren have visited you. You butt is gaping so much you are talking out of it

Wow, thanks for that image. You're disgusting

I think this Indian is better than you. I can read his content but i can't read yours, makes me wanna puke.
Pakistan is green and scenic than India????

Dude India is among top ten forest rich countries in the world and does contribute big when it comes to controlling global pollution....

India has numbers of gigantic evergreen rainforests with very rich wildlife and world's most deadly predators in it.....

In fact India is the only country in the world which is a home to both Lions and Tigers together.....

India has 24% of land secured under forests and this I'm just talking about mainland India.... I am not even mentioning the rich forest and wildlife on India's thousands of islands including lakshdweep, Andaman and Nicobar islands.... heck even densely populated Mumbai island is forest rich with wildlife and big cats.....

In comparison Pakistan has only 3% of total land under forests and in that too your biggest forest Changa Manga is manmade not natural.....

About wildlife also you are a very poor country in species..... and you don't even come close to even smaller Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in forests and wildlife so just forget about comparing your greenery with India....

Discovery channel has a program called WILD INDIA but have you ever seen them showing something WILD PAKISTAN????:-)

About beaches beauty check Goa, Konkan Maharashtra, karnataka, andaman and many other beaches..... your desert type looking beaches comes nowhere close......

Both India and Pakistan are worst when it comes to pollution and murder of forests.

Stop lying.

How can we enjoy something special on which you have trade mark. You can enjoy as well as whole Ummah.

Leave the Ummah out of it. You Indians are enjoying the wealth of our Ummah. Be grateful.
Wow, thanks for that image. You're disgusting

I think this Indian is better than you. I can read his content but i can't read yours, makes me wanna puke.
Well who the f cares what you think...go join your indian best friends for a a cup of warm cow juice...and dont address me again indian lover...

How can we enjoy something special on which you have trade mark. You can enjoy as well as whole Ummah.
Those afghais love you and you love them..
Northern alliance and india bhai bahi...lovers lovers. Dont be shy...admit it you have been loved by afghanis that's why yiu talk out of your rear
Well who the f cares what you think...go join your indian best friends for a a cup of warm cow juice...and dont address me again indian lover...

LOL calm down.

Not wanting to read that pornograhic text makes me an Indian lover?

Take a chill pill. You've become what you're criticising.

Thanks for reminding me by the way. I am going to have some delicious beef koftay soon
LOL calm down.

Not wanting to read that pornograhic text makes me an Indian lover?

Take a chill pill. You've become what you're criticising.
I was calm....but when people like you say indians are better than us then
You deserve the same treatment.

Ps re forest we are planting a billion trees...so before talking get your facts straight.
Pakistanis going off topic
Our country is greener than yours
What nonsense

Stick to topic Chinese army super power
Are they ready to fight
Pushing and shoving like girls
Can you imagine usa Israel UK Germans Israelis doing this

It's kiss chase lol lol

Sums up China
Girls playing girly game
I think the latest episode showed Chinese discipline and unity as a source of strength which India deeply lacks.
There is a sky and earth difference between China and India if we comes to Social Governance,discipline,working culture and this is one of the main reason why both countries gained independence at almost the same time with similar GDP but ended up where we are right now.
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