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JH-7A all weather training in Xinjiang

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New plane from (AVIC) flew yesterday, not sure what it is though? your thought? (沈飞的新鸟飞了)

Clearly a version of a Flanker and concerning the long sting surely not a naval version. So either a J-11, J-16 ?

Or - and now I'm speculating a bit - since the sting looks quite fat, a Su-34-look-alike ???

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New plane from (AVIC) flew yesterday, not sure what it is though? your thought? (沈飞的新鸟飞了)

Back again to this post ! Is there a certain reason why some assume this to be a new plane from SAC and not simply a J-11 of some version or a J-16 ???

It is clear as hell a Flanker or did I miss any certain detail?

Back again to this post ! Is there a certain reason why some assume this to be a new plane from SAC and not simply a J-11 of some version or a J-16 ???

It is clear as hell a Flanker or did I miss any certain detail?

The original post(from CJDBY) had the title "A new bird from SAC is in the air", and inside the post he said he took the pictures near SAC and nothing more.

The replies to that post are mostly people suggesting it's either a J-11 or J-16.

So the most likely case is it's a "newly manufactured" bird not a "new model". (Since it's at SAC) Either that or the OP just put "new" in the title for no apparent reason.
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I am sure H-6K can carry more than 6 LACM. Maybe 3 inside the weapon bay, 6 under wing pylon. That will make it 9 missile per trip. Quite impressive.

Regrettably not, since the KD-20 si a bit longer than the H-6K's weapons bay. I just only have my handy at hand but when I'm back home I post an imge from last yera clearly showing that it is impossible.

Anyway 6 ALCMs + a decent fuel load isn't that bad at all...
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New Year greeting from AVIC

Would be interesting to know if this is a new-build J-15 and what's the currently highest number ?

I know the cheif editor of this magazine```:lol:

A friend of mine was so kind to post a note at his Weibo-account, so that at least a few military fans in China will know the truth. BTW he noted that this magazine did not have a good reputation in the past due to its low quality, copy-and-paste articles...


Harpia - FPC copy note by Huitong jetfight2000.jpg
AESA radar by (CAS; Chinese: 中国科学院)


Pardon, and I know right again I will get my bashings, but it is simply again an image posted without any reading !! Just to hype "China has a new AESA" !!!

That's exactly why I beg so often to do some resaerch before posting.

But if You would have read properly - just read the sign itself - You would have noticed this AESA is from the National Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology; NCSIST, which is the primary R&D institute for the Ministry of National Defence for ROC/Taiwan!!!

Even more the image shows clearly a F-16's radome and by the way the CAS, as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to come out with something like a fighter AESA would be strange, even silly. An AESA You would expect for a specific defence/science institute with a given number, but not from the CAS as a whole.

Or am I wrong !??


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