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Chinese Air Force (PLAAF) News & Discussions

One thing China should never ignore is that US acted on BELIEVING in unconfirmed rumour (later proved to be FAKE) of Iraq possessed WMD (weapon of Mass Destruction). They started a war with fake news then, they can still do it again in future.

And US is the center of propagating fake news for political gains, especially against China in the last 4 years right up to just 2 or 3 days before from Biden becoming the president.

The core system of the US, AKA the deep state, didn't and will never simply believe in unconfirmed rumours. The launch of the 2nd Iraqi war is completely intentional with very fine planning in order to further strengthen petrodollars and also create extra rewards for America's arms industry.
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The real catalyst is not Gulf war I but 1996 PRC/Taiwan strait crisis. China who never view US as future enemy suffer a rude awakening when they have nothing to stop US CVN if crisis really started with a conventional warfare.

Jiang Zemin despite very corrupted leader kickstart China real military modernization program.
Xi Inspects Air Force Troops in Guizhou Ahead of Spring Festival
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday inspected an aviation division of the Air Force stationed in southwestern Guizhou Province ahead of the Spring Festival, or the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Me again with a strange request: I'm looking for an image - if my memory is correct - showing several PLAAF soldiers (might have been cadets ?) standing in uniform forming a "70" for the 70th anniversary?

... I can't find it anymore.

Best and thanks

Via @空军新闻 from Weixin

More information is coming out from Taiwan itself regarding the United States UN Ambassador Kelly Craft's aborted trip to Taiwan in the last days of the Trump administration.


In recent days our military intelligence and Cross-Strait diplomatic corps have acquired many pieces of information regarding this. After analysis the situation overall went like this: from 7-10 January 2021 China strongly protested via diplomatic channels (regarding the US' UN Ambassador Kelly Craft's planned trip to Taiwan) to no avail.

After deliberation Beijing decided to respond with military force. On 11 January PLA notified Pentagon via military channels that China cannot tolerate Kelly Craft's action as they will damage the sovereignty of China. Once her plane nears Taiwan PLA aircraft will enter Taiwan airspace and declare sovereignty. If Taiwan aircraft were to interfere with this then they may be fired upon.


At the time The Pentagon was busy with the handover and did not expect such a strong response from the PLA. They attempted to contact PLA high command but was refused. Pentagon contacted United States Indo-Pacific Command and was told that the only way to ensure safety of Kelly Craft's plane was to mobilize F-15C from 18th Wing from Kadena Air Base, Okinawa for escort. But such as action risk military confrontation between China and US.


Alternatively to avoid direct military confrontation between US and China, the ROCAF (Republic of China alias Taiwan Air Force) aircraft might be used instead for escort, but such a plan could also be very troublesome as once large number of PLAAF aircraft crosses the midline, there is risk of aerial combat with ROCAF aircraft over northern Taiwan.

Should that happen Kelly Craft's aircraft would be in danger and will be forced to turn and land in US air force base in Japan. Although this means US forces will not be involved in any fighting it will still trigger war between Taiwan and China, and thus cause a political disaster for the US.


Thus Pentagon was forced to send both the PLA warning as well as their estimate regarding US forces to the US State Department and recommend Kelly Craft's trip to Taiwan be cancelled. Mike Pompeo was very upset but after considering the consequences that ex-CIA director was forced to hit the brakes.

To avoid giving the impression that the cancellation of the trip was due to pressure from China, he instead used the handover as excuse and to give the better disguise cover not only cancelled the US' UN Ambassador Kelly Craft's scheduled trip to Taiwan, but also his own trip to Europe as well as all other trips by State Department staff.

Thus in the end Kelly Craft did not go to Taiwan and PLA did not implement the threat. Because of this Taiwan's political establishment never realised they were part of this political show of force between Beijing and Washington and how close war brushed by them.

More at this link:



據了解,拜登政府對兩岸爭端力持審慎,似與今年1月間美國政權交接前夕,美國前駐聯合國大使克拉夫特(Kelly Craft)有意訪問台灣,幾乎引爆台海自1967年金門「113空戰」以來最接近開戰的危機有關,即使可能的台海戰火最後因克拉夫特未能成行,終而驚險消弭於無形,但後續效應至今仍在檯面下持續發酵。


Behind the scenes: Taiwan Strait is closest to war! The US ambassador to the United Nations stepped on the red line during her scheduled visit to Taiwan, and the PLA said that they would enter Taiwan's airspace along with her plane

After the Biden administration took office, the United States has maintained a hard line against China on issues of economic and trade, science and technology and democracy & human rights in Hong Kong and Xinjiang. But it has been relatively moderate in the sensitive relationship between China and the US. The new administration does not follow the Trump government's inclination to play out the Taiwan's cards to stimulate China. Instead, it reiterated the US "One-China Policy" remains unchanged and urged the two sides to restart the Cross-Strait dialogue.

It is understood that the Biden administration is very cautious about cross-strait disputes, which appear to be related to the intention of Kelly Craft, a former US ambassador to the United Nations, to visit Taiwan on the eve of the US power handover in January 2021, almost triggered a crisis that is closest to the start of war in the Taiwan Strait since the "113 Air War" in Kinmen Islands (aka. Quemoy) in 1967. Even though the possible war in the Taiwan Strait ultimately disappeared due to Kelly Craft's failure to make the trip, but the follow-up effect still continues to ferment.
Another mystery ... Anyone with an idea what's this?

(Image via @Oneninety from Weibo)

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