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Chinese Aero Engine information thread

Rumor PLAAF places order for C919 militarize version. Meaning the domestic engine of WS-20 or or near future CJ-1000A are ready soon.

Would you please explain on what rumour? I heard no such rumour and as such it would be fine to tell, what's the source for this.
Any confirmation for this? Never heard that the uprated WS-13E might be designated WS-21?!!

F-135 engine is pushing the limit generating 43,000lb max thrust is something beyond F-22's P&W F-119 & GE F-120 36,000lb. The intense heat will be far higher along with fast wear and tear if materials used for the compressor blades and cooler can't take it for long.

The WS-15 is larger than WS-10C and should be able to generate higher thrust by few thousand if required. It depends whether J-20B needed 40,000lb or 36,000lb is adequate.
The BPR of F-135 is 0.56, much bigger than that of F-119's 0.3, not to mention 0.25 of FWS-15.
From this parameter, we can tell that F35 is not a real 5-Gen fighter, because the higher BPR of the engine, the poorer high altitude and high speed performance of the fighter will be.
F-35 is like 13 tons. Unless China has alien tech I don’t see the empty weight of the J-20 being lower than 18 tons with 17 tons as the absolute lowest floor.

Let's wait and see :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
seems unlikely, since not only engine issue, so many major parts are from USA.

Not that many.
Have you ever seen the advanced cockpit of Y20? China already had all those indigenous avionics subsystem tech for years.
China use USA subsystem in C919 is ONLY for FAA certification, so that C919 can be sold to the west market.
If USA play dirty tricks to backstab COMAC, China can block Boeing too, and still sell C919 in domestic and none western overseas market.
By the way ... any idea what type of engine under the Il-76LL could be? It looks slimmer than the D30-KP-2 and as such could be an engine for a fighter-sized type? ... maybe the WS-13E, WS-19??? I have no idea.

seems unlikely, since not only engine issue, so many major parts are from USA.
Avionics are easily replaced. The reason they ordered so many parts from US/EU is political in nature, in order to get safety certifications. If it's a militarized version, there won't be so many hoops to jump through.
Avionics are easily replaced. The reason they ordered so many parts from US/EU is political in nature, in order to get safety certifications. If it's a militarized version, there won't be so many hoops to jump through.
its not only about avionics your new passenger use too many techs from West/USA such as hydraulics, APU and other mechanical subsystems
its not only about avionics your new passenger use too many techs from West/USA such as hydraulics, APU and other mechanical subsystems
Like I said, we already have experience developing those from Y-10 and Y-20 projects. Compared to the engines, everything else is easy.
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