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Chinease playing catch up with Artic Gear in Ladakh

pounding lol lol
listening to you you would think that
new,Delhi had fallen and our forex reserve of 576 billion dollars wiped out.

get real nobody is pounding nobody
we just finished massive naval exercise indian Ocean with the quad.
we moved 50.000 troops fully kitted to artic warfare complete with bollywood movies and samosas.

pounding... lol.

Yes, we hard about the great naval exercise with your carrier that breaks down and the loss of 4th Naval MIG. We enjoyed the exercise too....
Yes, we hard about the great naval exercise with your carrier that breaks down and the loss of 4th Naval MIG. We enjoyed the exercise too....

so what
you have 40 percent of your jf17 grounded because of the junk 2 pence Russian engine you have powering the mighty thunder .
told you yesterday those engines are shit
you pay peanuts what you expect
we,orderd 15000 kits as emergency because,we had to equip 50000 men.

at least we have the financial muscle to order kits military spares and weapons at a drop of the hat and the allies who will come to our Aid.

coming back to China if you think this ladakh build up is free for China your badly mistaken they are travelling three times the distance from South East China at huge expense it's not a free picnic and even they have to pay for equipment .

in terms of what we paid usa for all you know it could have been peanuts your 3 times cost jibe is made up you have no idea

and regarding paying for kits we have poor neighbour who built a nuclear bomb by eating grass did you know that buddy . yes eating grass
You do know your so called 'US' kits are made in China right? Gosh are you guys really living in so parallel universe, just because you suck in cold weather, you can create an excuse and claim your enemy is worse. That's just plain stupid, you prepare regardless.
so what
you have 40 percent of your jf17 grounded because of the junk 2 pence Russian engine you have powering the mighty thunder .
told you yesterday those engines are shit
you pay peanuts what you expect
Yah and that junk mig29 just crashed? Lol
Though the Indian Army has been guarding the frontiers of the entire Ladakh region assiduously for the last 70 years, this year it faces a unique challenge. Never in history did India have such a large deployment of troops in the Eastern Ladakh sector.
The stand-off with an aggressive and belligerent China continuing without any signs of “pull back” for the last six months. This “no-war no-peace” situation is unprecedented on the Line of Actual Control with Chinese People’s Liberation Army. In fact, de-facto the LAC has turned into Line of Control in the sector quite similar to what we have with Pakistan all along the mountainous region of Jammu and Kashmir. With no solution in sight, the Indian Army has galvanised its logistic resources at war footing. The advance winter stoking has never ever been done at such a frantic pace and with such a mammoth level.
The war effort has now shifted focus from the enemy PLA to the natural elements of weather. The chances of another skirmish are now remote due to freezing temperatures and bone-chilling wind factor. Even the 1962 war had ended, when the PLA withdrew on November 21. Since it was no longer possible for them to push forward or even hold on to the gains made by them in the Chushul sector. Some of the severe challenges created by holding additional troops in the inhospitable terrain are very apparent to every military planner.

Maintaining the health of the troops is perhaps the most daunting task for the Army. The medical resources designed for the troops normally posted to the 14 Corps Zone are taken care of by the Army Hospital in Leh, a 200-bed capacity hospital now increased to 300. The troops deployed at forward posts may have at the best one young medical officer for one unit.
Winter-related cold injuries like hypothermia, chill blains, frostbites, cerebrovascular accidents, cortical venous thrombosis, heart attacks, pulmonary hypertension are so serious that many patients have to be airlifted to Chandigarh. The logistics of lifting sick soldiers from their post to the hospital in Leh and onward treatment is a nightmare.
To add to the agony is the sudden “packing up” of the weather not permitting any air evacuation. The loss of life due to the vagaries of the weather are heartbreaking and have a very telling effect on the state of mind of other soldiers. It is to the credit of the medical fraternity within the forces that the very best young doctors are posted to Leh and Srinagar hospitals.

Special clothing requirements
The Indian Army has scaled up its requirements of extreme winter clothing. The clothing required below 12,000 feet is not much of an issue as all products are made in India and sufficient stocks are available as reserves. The real challenge is “special” winter clothing for deployments beyond that altitude.
Almost the entire range of clothing has to be procured from abroad at exorbitant rates. The Army has done well to get the required clothing from various agencies and as per reports over 15,000 new special clothing sets have been purchased off the shelf from foreign countries.
Habitation and heating
The habitation for the troops has been constructed at war footing and much of the work may still be in progress. Just making these special shelters to withstand extreme cold and bone-chilling winds is not sufficient, these have to be provided with heating arrangements. With no electric generation capacity in these areas, the entire load is on diesel generating sets consuming huge amounts of diesel.
The good old “bhukahri” too needs colossal amounts of kerosene oil. This kind of requirements of fuel for heating purposes has never ever been stocked earlier. The region does not have underground storage capacity and hence most of this stock may be kept on the “wheels” adding to further difficulties.
Water woes
The water resources have all been frozen as the rivers that provide fresh drinking water are already at freezing point. The troops need water not only for drinking but also for bathing and cooking. Carriage of water from lower altitudes on water tankers on very narrow roads is an unfathomable task for the logistic echelons.
Maintenance of equipment
A large amount of high-tech equipment has been deployed in the region in view of the likely war breaking out with the PLA during the summers. It includes the T 90 and T 72 tanks, mechanised infantry combat vehicle, radar systems for air defence and early warning, specialist radio equipment, Artillery guns and mortars, Surveillance equipment and a plethora of other optoelectronic devices.
This kind of equipment needs temperature-controlled repair and maintenance sheds, which are almost nonexistent in this desolate region. Such facilities too require power supply through generating sets, which adds to the requirement of fuel. To add to the logistic challenge is the requirement of specialist lubricants for such a variety of equipment. Many of these are imported and need lead time for procurement agencies.
Road infrastructure
The supply chain is very complicated and to add to their problems is poor road infrastructure in the region. The Chushul-Pangong Tso sector is serviced by one road coming from Leh across the formidable Changla Pass. Due to heavy snowfall, the pass often becomes unfit for the movement of vehicles. The narrow road can be blocked for hours with only one truck getting stuck or a vehicle meeting with an accident. At best the road is fair weather even in the summer season. The task of moving thousands of tons of supplies and troops on this single road must have been a major management challenge.
Covid-19 pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic could not have come at a worse time for the forces already stretched due to the almost war-like situation with China. The cases in Ladakh among the forces though under control but did cause concern to the military leadership. The Covid-19 protocols have added to the overall logistic burden on the system already stretched to its seams due to induction of additional troops in May.
The transit camps at Chandigarh and Delhi which are “holding” places for induction to the sector are overloaded. Many a time troops have to be told to stay at home and not join back on duty due to lack of billeting spaces. The compulsory quarantine at various camps extending from 14 to 21 days has further added to the uncertainty and “state of nothingness” for the troops.
Fire hazard
With so much of the fuel required to be used for almost everything from cooking to living billets, the chances of fire increase manifold. The good old bhukahri is one kind of jugaad and often responsible for many fire accidents in winter months. This is thus a big challenge for the junior leadership to ensure zero fire accidents. The loss of equipment and life due to fire is thus taken very seriously by the army leadership at all levels.
Parting shot
The challenges of the winter months are real and almost overburdening. From the health of human resource to the upkeep of costly high-tech equipment is an everyday challenge. The best part, however, is the “never say die” attitude of the Indian army soldier and junior leadership. Their grit and determination against heavy odds and still keep high morale in face of adversity makes the Indian Army one of the best fighting forces of the world.

Major General Yash Mor has served in South Kashmir and in Punjab in counter-terrorist operations and with the United Nations in Mozambique. He was the first General Officer Commanding of the Leh sub area responsible for stocking and operational logistics of the entire Ladakh region.

Indian soldiers are gonna to suffer this COLD WINTER
If you try reading press from rest of the world, not India, you will see the reality of the pounding you are getting from China....!

Idk why the Indian media is so clownish. It only does their own country a disservice.
word of mouth is PLA is much more ill prepared both in men and material at LAC...
the quality of PLA men was always questionable but now is visible... cant say PLa can ever match the hardiness of Indian soldier....

No one is immune to the cold. Worse is the high altitude.
Delusional INDIANS think it must be true because it is from Indian News Media reporting it while NO FOREIGN News Media are reporting this Bollywood story.
word of mouth is PLA is much more ill prepared both in men and material at LAC...
the quality of PLA men was always questionable but now is visible... cant say PLa can ever match the hardiness of Indian soldier....


Seemed to have matched the "hardiness" of the Indian soldier when they killed 20 of them with just sticks.....
word of mouth is PLA is much more ill prepared both in men and material at LAC...
the quality of PLA men was always questionable but now is visible... cant say PLa can ever match the hardiness of Indian soldier....

Is that why your army surrendered so easily
pounding lol lol
listening to you you would think that
new,Delhi had fallen and our forex reserve of 576 billion dollars wiped out.

get real nobody is pounding nobody
we just finished massive naval exercise indian Ocean with the quad.
we moved 50.000 troops fully kitted to artic warfare complete with bollywood movies and samosas.

pounding... lol.
The only consequence of sending 50,000 soldiers into the fray is many more will die this winter and the rest will endure PTSD from having inadequate supplies/watching their friends freeze to death. Meanwhile, the Chinese are eating hot pot and residing in modern temperature controlled barracks. I really believe the PLA is prepared for the massive influx of Indian Army defectors ... once these Indians cross the line and surrender, they will be treated with hot Chinese beef chowmein and hot pot :enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy: .
word of mouth is PLA is much more ill prepared both in men and material at LAC...
the quality of PLA men was always questionable but now is visible... cant say PLa can ever match the hardiness of Indian soldier....

Well I think every army in the world would strive to be "ill-prepared" and "questionable quality" if an army possessing these drawbacks can kill 22 to 60 Indian soldiers in hand to hand combat, and capture 60 more.
Ladakh standoff: Caught unawares, China does last-minute winter shopping for troops at 14,000 ft & above - India News (indiatoday.in)

Not surprised the PLA do not normally train or gear to fight at such high altitude and have had to rush in emergency kits and accomadation

Seems the indians starting preparinf September well befor equipping 50,000 troops for artic warfare

Including 15000 emergency kits from USA has the indians where running out from indengious sources
Ladakh standoff: Caught unawares, China does last-minute winter shopping for troops at 14,000 ft & above - India News (indiatoday.in)

How Does the Indian Army's Winter Deployment in Ladakh Fare Against the PLA's? (thewire.in)
Modi ji played a mashter Shtronk, kept busy chinese with loan application, so now china is catching up after approving Modi ji's loan application.
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