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China Equips Its PLA Soldiers With New Gloves, Quick-Dry Underwear As They Face The ‘Ladakh Warriors’

India is no match for China in any realm. It would be prudent for India not to fall into the Anglo-Zionist trap of a destructive conflict in Asia. China is now the world's preeminent economic, strategic and military power, India has over a billion people living in stone age poverty and the idiotic Modi wants to fight a 21st century superpower with WW2 standard Indian military that still pitches surplus British tents in Ladakh. Chinese weaponry, accommodations, kit and facililties are at least two generations ahead of India, as a PLA general recently observed, in the next conflict China will defeat India in less than 48 hours, rather the week in took in 1962. India needs to think rationally as even Pakistani conventional forces can now check mate India. Fighting a multi-front war is even beyond the capability of the US as history has shown.
India is no match for China in any realm. It would be prudent for India not to fall into the Anglo-Zionist trap of a destructive conflict in Asia. China is now the world's preeminent economic, strategic and military power, India has over a billion people living in stone age poverty and the idiotic Modi wants to fight a 21st century superpower with WW2 standard Indian military that still pitches surplus British tents in Ladakh. Chinese weaponry, accommodations, kit and facililties are at least two generations ahead of India, as a PLA general recently observed, in the next conflict China will defeat India in less than 48 hours, rather the week in took in 1962. India needs to think rationally as even Pakistani conventional forces can now check mate India. Fighting a multi-front war is even beyond the capability of the US as history has shown.

Rather, China should worry about fighting a multi-front war that will only involve India if it also involves war with America and her allies in the Pacific. In that case China will be clobbered.
I do not believe that the US, a weak and dying empire in rapid socio-economic decline will directly take on 1.4 billion Chinese. The Zionist and Anglo plan is to use Indians as cannon fodder against China and try to bleed China. But they are mistaken, China is a high tech military power and will devastate India in a few hours. The days of manned armies are long gone, we are now in an era of AI and drones. 90% of Indian population is illiterate and stuck in the caste system, they have huge problems with over 200 million Muslims, Sikhs and all minorities, thanks to the idiot Modi. India will not survive beyond a few hours against China, and their military know it. Also it will offer Pakistan a chance to liberate Kashmir. The US has very weak puppets in Asia, namely occupied nations of Australia, S.Korea and Japan. They do not stand a chance against China. Australia tainted by war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq is now being battered by the Chinese in trade sanctions. So the question of US engaging China in a multi-front war is not on the cards as DPRK can walk into Seoul anytime, which is barely 50kms from the DMZ.
DPRK can walk into Seoul anytime, which is barely 50kms from the DMZ.

Have you forgotten how massive South Korea's military is? This last sentence of yours reveals how deluded and ignorant you are about the world. There is also a considerable US military presence along the DMZ too.

Just as India will never full on attack China, China will never dare to launch a full scale war on India. China may have a slight upper hand against India. The Doklam skirmish in 2017 demonstrated that China is not all its cracked up to be. They had to withdraw their troops and cease the road construction in the disputed area which was the cause of the skirmish in the first place.
Since a moderator has deleted my previous post for being “unbecoming of a think tank”, I’d like to explain and clarify what I’ve written. First of all, adult diapers are real and are in use by astronauts and pilots on long missions where it is not possible to use the restroom. No one thought less of pilots who wear them on long duration missions. Here is a link proving that the Indian Air Force has used them previously.

Therefore, My suggestion of the Indian Army using adult diapers is both valid and technical. On the other hands, several other posts by Indian members poking fun at PLA’s quick drying underwear are somehow still present. They openly stated their trolling opinions in their posts (PLA scared of Ladakh Warriors) but somehow their posts get a pass. I wonder if this is some sort of double standards at work here.

Don't blame the moderators, maybe they are worried ....
With Indian IQ, they cannot distinguish serious comments from jokes:flirt:
Since a moderator has deleted my previous post for being “unbecoming of a think tank”, I’d like to explain and clarify what I’ve written. First of all, adult diapers are real and are in use by astronauts and pilots on long missions where it is not possible to use the restroom. No one thought less of pilots who wear them on long duration missions. Here is a link proving that the Indian Air Force has used them previously.

Therefore, My suggestion of the Indian Army using adult diapers is both valid and technical. On the other hands, several other posts by Indian members poking fun at PLA’s quick drying underwear are somehow still present. They openly stated their trolling opinions in their posts (PLA scared of Ladakh Warriors) but somehow their posts get a pass. I wonder if this is some sort of double standards at work here.
@PakSword @WebMaster

Please look into this case.
China Equips Its PLA Soldiers With New Gloves, Quick-Dry Underwear As They Face The ‘Ladakh Warriors’

December 15, 2020
By Smriti Chaudhary
India, China border conflict sees no end, and surviving the snowy winter in the western Himalayas itself is a bigger challenge than fighting the enemy. Perhaps, nobody would realize this better than the Indian and Chinese troops, who are locked in a border standoff in Ladakh for the past seven months.

In winter, the cold desert becomes completely inhospitable with temperatures falling to -40 degrees Celsius. The area receives up to 40 feet of snow. The two armies are ramping up the preparedness for the cold winter months by stocking up on food, supplies, and clothing.

The Chinese media regularly publishes videos and photos of its troops being prepared to live in those harsh conditions. EurAsian Times does a reality check:

Winter Gear
Reportedly, the Chinese frontier patrol troops have been supplied with winter gear including cold-proof hoods, warm training clothes, lightweight cold-proof warm training coats, moisture-absorbing, and quick-drying underwear, warm fleece underwear, down warm cotton underwear, warm cotton vests, and cold-proof outer gloves, among others.


Jacked that keeps PLA soldiers warm

According to Chinese state media, new technology has been applied in making these clothes. “The warm training suit uses the latest domestically developed high-strength polyamide fiber to achieve both lightweight and high strength,” reported Global Times citing the Chinese PLA Daily.

Moreover, the training underwear uses porous copolyester imitation linen material, which can absorb moisture quickly. The tabloid further reported that the lightweight cold-proof and warm training coat improves the thermal insulation effect while reducing the total weight.

On the other hand, the Indian forces have sourced their winter gear from the United States. It has recently received the first consignment of extreme cold-weather clothing.

According to an India Today report, the Indian Army maintains a stock of 60,000 of these extreme cold weather clothing sets for troops deployed in the entire Ladakh region, although there was an additional requirement of around 30,000 more as additional troops are deployed in the region.

Smart Camps
To beat the chilly winds in the snow-covered mountains of Ladakh, the Indian Army has built state-of-the-art camps to house the troops deployed at forward locations.

“Apart from the smart camps with integrated facilities which have been built over the years, an additional state-of-the-art habitat with integrated arrangements for electricity, water, heating facilities, health, and hygiene have been recently created to accommodate the troops,” the Indian Army said in a statement.

Chinese PLA Daily has also reported about new barracks that provide advanced functions and complete supporting facilities for the troops stationed at LAC. The Chinese military report revealed that the field insulated cabins ensure that the troops can camp and perform tasks in high-cold and high-altitude areas. The temperature in these camps can be kept above 15 degrees Celcius even when it is freezing outside at night.


New barracks keep border troops warm

Analysts believe that Indian troops have been manning the Siachen glacier which records -60 degrees temperature and is the highest battleground on earth, this would give them an edge over the Chinese troops who don’t have such experience.

Food and Supplies
The Chinese state media has published videos of troops eating piping hot food claiming that it is from the troops deployed at the LAC.


Fresh vegetables planted by Chinese border troops (Photo by Xu Mingyuan)

Images show fresh vegetables being grown by troops in the region. The PLA Daily report claims there has been abundant food supply through years of development of non-staple food emergency support bases and logistics distribution systems. It ensures that no less than “12 varieties” of fresh non-staple food is stockpiled in winter.

Furthermore, “nutrient-rich rations and self-heating food” is developed to have improved food quality, the daily said.

To ensure that frontier defense troops can eat hot food, relevant PLA departments have supplemented the plateau troops with relevant storage equipment, improved food preservation and processing methods, the PLA mouthpiece claimed.

Indian forces started preparing for the winter months in July by supplying thousands of tonnes of food, fuel, and other equipment to the region using its transport aircraft and helicopters of the Indian Air Force (IAF) including C-130J Super Hercules and C-17 Globemaster. Indian military sources have said that Chief of Army Staff Gen MM Naravane oversaw the preparations himself and was personally involved to ensure its completion.

interesting. Much better to be warm than cold. I hate the cold. Anyways, the soldiers, must really like their comforts. It must be difficult for the military to compete with the lives civilians get to live on the coast and in those lovely cities.
something I don't get. Chinese seem to be capable of growing veggies and can make trees grown on islands. So why is half the country desert? Is it because they cut down all the forests to make way for people, farms and stock?
Kind of like that HellBoy movie opening. Forests belonged to the Elves so traitorous man cut them down in order to steal land from the Elves.
Chinese new recruits cry when saying goodbye to their families, many soldiers around the world do the same, but Indian troops cry after being slaughtered, then it's a different story.

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What are you saying ? That your troops cry even at the expectation of a beating ? :lol:
There is a small (no pun intended) ongoing problem with soldiers in the Chinese military as per the Chinese military themselves.

Chinese soldiers failed fitness tests because ‘they are too unfit and masturbate too much’

The Chinese army has revealed why it believes so many people have failed its fitness testing – and it makes for pretty bizarre reading.

While some of the complaints make sense, with the military saying 20% failed because they were overweight, others are slightly less conventional.

They include military advice to young people to cut down on video games, using their smartphones, and even masturbating.

It has been forced to publish a list of principles for candidates to follow, which has been published in its mouthpiece the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

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There is a small (no pun intended) ongoing problem with soldiers in the Chinese military as per the Chinese military themselves.

Chinese soldiers failed fitness tests because ‘they are too unfit and masturbate too much’

The Chinese army has revealed why it believes so many people have failed its fitness testing – and it makes for pretty bizarre reading.

While some of the complaints make sense, with the military saying 20% failed because they were overweight, others are slightly less conventional.

They include military advice to young people to cut down on video games, using their smartphones, and even masturbating.

It has been forced to publish a list of principles for candidates to follow, which has been published in its mouthpiece the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

They surely masturbate thinking about galwan massacre of Indians.
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