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China's nuclear warheads should match the US and Russia

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Let's read the assessment of a former Russian general and a Russian think-tank on the state of Russia's military. In the war against tiny Georgia, their most important conclusion is: "“The Russian forces had to operate in an environment of technical inferiority,” Konstantin Makiyenko, deputy director of the Russian Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, told The Moscow Times."


"From The Times
August 22, 2008
Russian fighting machine is showing its age, say military analysts

Pictures of triumphant Russian soldiers sitting on armoured personnel carriers as they were driven through towns in Georgia will be among the lasting images of the seven-day war. But the victory did not tell the whole story, analysts said yesterday.

The ageing vehicles were so lightly armed and so uncomfortable and hot to sit in that the Russian soldiers felt safer perched on top. “At least they could then react quickly if there was an attack,” Colonel Christopher Langton, an expert on Russian armed forces at the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies, said.

For an invading force from what used to be a military superpower, Russia's 58th Army did not look like a modern fighting unit. Victory came as a result of overwhelming numerical superiority and a textbook Soviet-style strategy based on detailed planning that leaves little room for flexibility. It was shock and awe by force of numbers, rather than by precision-guided weapons.
The Russians arrived in Georgia not only with inadequately protected troop carriers but also lacking in airborne surveillance platforms to pinpoint targets for their gunners and bombers. They lost four aircraft, shot down by Russian-built Georgian anti-aircraft weapons. One of the aircraft was a Tupolev supersonic bomber (Tu22) known by Nato as a Blinder.

Colonel Langton said the Georgians had highly mobile anti-aircraft systems and were able to move them around to attack the Russian jets. Without the range of sophisticated unmanned aerial platforms that the Americans always deploy to watch over the battlefield, the Russians were flying blind into the war zone.

General Anatoly Kornukov, the former head of the Russian Air Force, told the Moscow-based Independent Military Review that the failure to destroy Georgian anti-aircraft capabilities before the Tu22 arrived in the region meant the crew of the bomber were sent to their deaths.

Losing aircraft at the hands of such a tiny opponent was unfortunate. Losing their overall commander, who suffered shrapnel wounds as he travelled in an armoured convoy in South Ossetia, the breakaway Georgian region, looked like carelessness. General Anatoli Khrulyov, the head of the 58th Army, was in a convoy that appeared to lack air cover.

Perhaps, most embarrassingly, the Russians discovered that some of the Georgian equipment was more advanced than their own. Georgia's T72 tanks and Su25 jet fighters were upgraded with night-vision equipment, something the Russians appeared to lack. “The Russian forces had to operate in an environment of technical inferiority,” Konstantin Makiyenko, deputy director of the Russian Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, told The Moscow Times.

— Ageing armoured personnel carriers lacked proper bolt-on armour to protect against anti-tank weapons

— No airborne unmanned surveillance platforms to spot Georgian anti-air defence systems

— No precision-guided missiles/bombs

— No night-vision or satellite-linked navigation equipment

— No protection for Tu22 bomber destroyed during reconnaissance

(Source: Times archives)"
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Japan is the world's second-largest economy and the second-most technologically-advanced country. I think it borders on the ridiculous to claim that Russia can beat the modern Japanese military in a conventional war.

453,114 people have watched the following video on Japan's military. Judge for yourself. If you were a Russian general, would you not thank God for nuclear weapons?

Here is a comment from one of those 453,114 viewers.

"ShazRath If there would be a sudden world war, I would **** my pants If I had to fight japan D:
You can say alot of things about them, but they look REALLY professional. 2 weeks ago

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Japan is the world's second-largest economy and the second-most technologically-advanced country. I think it borders on the ridiculous to claim that Russia can beat the modern Japanese military in a conventional war.

453,114 people have watched the following video on Japan's military. Judge for yourself. If you were a Russian general, would you not thank God for nuclear weapons?

Here is a comment from one of those 453,114 viewers.

"ShazRath If there would be a sudden world war, I would **** my pants If I had to fight japan D:
You can say alot of things about them, but they look REALLY professional. 2 weeks ago

YouTube - Japan Self Defence Force Video JSDF

common stop rhetoric....we have not asked for what u think....in case u have anything substantial then the comment of some person then continuue or else spare the crap...

also as per u n ur fellow Chinese the Chinese can crush Japan like a peanut in a conventional war.......

if Russia cant handle Japan, the Chinese cant handle them even in the next century.....

Do u even know what is the Russian strength....stop this bs....there are only two powers in this world US and Russia...and then comes the rest.....

u r a sure 50cent of CCP....that much is clear from ur posts...
common stop rhetoric....we have not asked for what u think....in case u have anything substantial then the comment of some person then continuue or else spare the crap...

also as per u n ur fellow Chinese the Chinese can crush Japan like a peanut in a conventional war.......

if Russia cant handle Japan, the Chinese cant handle them even in the next century.....

Do u even know what is the Russian strength....stop this bs....there are only two powers in this world US and Russia...and then comes the rest.....

u r a sure 50cent of CCP....that much is clear from ur posts...

yes, maybe china is weaken than any other countries, but we are not the weakest one as long as a country called india exsit.:lol: Their soldiers just showed the PLA how to play "Yoga" in 1962.:lol:
common stop rhetoric....we have not asked for what u think....in case u have anything substantial then the comment of some person...

Soundly defeat? The Russian airforce is large and still well equiped and Russia still has elite piliots. Lets say the Japanese airforce get the best of us what happens when the S-400 comes into the picture? With the S-400 it's 'they fly they die'.

RAHUL INDIAN, you have not bothered to read the former posts and you should not interrupt the conversation between ptldM3 and myself. This has nothing to do with India. Your military is in even worse shape than Russia's. I would appreciate it if you would stop your pointless rant.

China is not Russia. China's economy at $4.9 trillion dollars is on par with the Japanese economy at $5.1 trillion dollars. The Russian economy of $1.2 trillion dollars, at less than 1/4 of either economy, is not in the same class. Russia lacks a modern Aegis-class destroyer. This is representative of Russia falling behind in military technology and lacking a modern military (e.g. see article on Russia's struggle with tiny Georgia).

Here is China's response to the Japanese military. Who will win in a conventional war? I'm not sure. China has thousands of conventional short-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

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RAHUL INDIAN, you have not bothered to read the former posts and you should not interrupt the conversation between ptldM3 and myself.

i dont intend to interrupt b/w u and ptldm3....
but i also read the forum...and i cant withsatnd ur pointless false propaganda....

This has nothing to do with India. Your military is in even worse shape than Russia's. I would appreciate it if you would stop your pointless rant.
except that IAF and IN is in better shape then PLAAF and PLAN....

China is not Russia.

exactly....China dare Russia, end of Chinese history....

China's economy at $4.9 trillion dollars is on par with the Japanese economy at $5.1 trillion dollars. The Russian economy of $1.2 trillion dollars, at less than 1/4 of either economy, is not in the same class. Russia lacks a modern Aegis-class destroyer. This is representative of Russia falling behind in military technology and lacking a modern military (e.g. see article on Russia's struggle with tiny Georgia).

keep ur recent economic wealth....Russia was at top for decaded and u have just got some new wealth....

Russia military technology is beyond ur reach for 3-4 decades at least....
now if u really want truth i can prove here that ur Subs are behind Russian technology of today by 25-30 years at least....
but u wont listen and start ur 50 cent bs comments of some prson.....

Here is China's response to the Japanese military. Who will win in a conventional war? I'm not sure. China has thousands of conventional short-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

God that is why u have been eating mind of all on the forum..coz u thnk China can take on Japan coz it has NUMBER of missiles.....:cheesy:
Russia doesnt have missiles....:rofl: is this what u r taught or were taught....:hitwall::hitwall:
this shows:
either u r 50 cent... or totally ignorant....i perfer the former...

Well u can continue with ptld3.....but at least now i know ur logic,
1)China can take on Japan coz it has got Missiles, and sorry :rofl: number of them....
Russia doesnt have missiles.....:rofl:
2) Chinese military technology has suddenly in last few days overtaken Russian military technology....:rofl:

so now when r u going to have a subs as good as Nerpa(at least)..???
when r u going to have a A/C..???
when r u going to have smthng like Brahmos..??
when r u gng to have smthng like MKI....??(dont even talk of PAKFA)
(the best plane u have is su-30 that too from Russia itself..)
When r u going to have as powerful Nukes as Russia...??
When r u going to have smthng like S-400....??
when r u going to have Tanks like Russia....??
First of all where will u import engines from if not from Russia..??
When will ur flaws in J-10 be rectified....??(at least have fully operational 3rd gen plane at least)



China is a child in front of Russia...keep this in mind...and learn to accept the truth....

keep on replying to ptld3...i dotn want to intervene....but just to set some of ur wrong notions(result of deliberate intention or ignorance)...
God this is military forum and not jokes section.....
except that IAF and IN is in better shape then PLAAF and PLAN....

[When] r u going to have [something] like Brahmos..??

I think it's preposterous to claim that India has an advanced military industrial complex. India is a mere buyer of weapons. If other countries refuse to sell their weapons to you, you are headed back to the Stone Age. India is in the same position as Kuwait. Kuwait buys weapons and can't manufacture a thing on its own.

Here, we see that India still cannot make a simple howitzer (i.e. a large gun) even today. A mere city, Singapore, possesses higher technology than 1.1 billion Indians. How crazy is that? Now, please go away and let ptldM3 respond. I want to hear what he has to say about Russia's ultra-modern and ultra-powerful conventional military (on paper at least). I want to know why the superpowerful "Russian forces had to operate in an environment of technical inferiority" and had to struggle against tiny Georgia.

Singapore gun arrives today; stage set for artillery trials

"Singapore gun arrives today; stage set for artillery trials
Ajai Shukla / New Delhi April 19, 2010, 0:43 IST
This gun, the Indian Field Howitzer-2000 (IFH-2000), developed by Singapore Technologies Kinetics, or STK, is competing for the Indian tender with British company BAE Systems’ FH-77B-05, a derivative of the controversial and respected Bofors gun. The lower-profile IFH-2000 is the world’s first 155mm 52-calibre howitzer, which the Singapore Armed Forces have used for over a decade."
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China is a child in front of Russia...keep this in mind...and learn to accept the truth....

China is a child in front of Russia, and india is a baby in front of China. So, Russia is india's granddad.:rofl: Oh, they are just your master, dont need to low yourself to grandsun level.:rofl:
China is a child in front of Russia,

thats just where ur post should end..coz after that its just bs and rant and not true....:cheers:
and Russia is the big brother of India...u can be jealous of that...but India-Russia bond is like brothers....smelling smthng burning in China....:lol:

Regarding China and India, even Vietnam and Taiwan can hold of China, talk later bout India first handle those tiny places first....
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I think it's preposterous to claim that India has an advanced military industrial complex. India is a mere buyer of weapons. If other countries refuse to sell their weapons to you, you are headed back to the Stone Age. India is in the same position as Kuwait. Kuwait buys weapons and can't manufacture a thing on its own.

Here, we see that India still cannot make a simple howitzer (i.e. a large gun) even today. A mere city, Singapore, possesses higher technology than 1.1 billion Indians. How crazy is that? Now, please go away and let ptldM3 respond. I want to hear what he has to say about Russia's ultra-modern and ultra-powerful conventional military (on paper at least). I want to know why the superpowerful "Russian forces had to operate in an environment of technical inferiority" and had to struggle against tiny Georgia.

Singapore gun arrives today; stage set for artillery trials

"Singapore gun arrives today; stage set for artillery trials
Ajai Shukla / New Delhi April 19, 2010, 0:43 IST
This gun, the Indian Field Howitzer-2000 (IFH-2000), developed by Singapore Technologies Kinetics, or STK, is competing for the Indian tender with British company BAE Systems’ FH-77B-05, a derivative of the controversial and respected Bofors gun. The lower-profile IFH-2000 is the world’s first 155mm 52-calibre howitzer, which the Singapore Armed Forces have used for over a decade."

u just pick one thing from my post and respond....good...coz the rest u cant repond...
anyhow what is India v/s China is for some other thread....

I for now just wanted to bust ur silly posts making a show as if China is a superpower.....which it is not...so stop making such points..and learn reality...that China is a baby in front of Russia and US both....

Coz world knows only two powers as of now US and Russia....

ok back to b/w u and ptldm3....:cheers:
u just pick one thing from my post and respond....good...coz the rest u cant repond...
anyhow what is India v/s China is for some other thread....

I for now just wanted to bust ur silly posts making a show as if China is a superpower.....which it is not...so stop making such points..and learn reality...that China is a baby in front of Russia and US both....

Coz world knows only two powers as of now US and Russia....

ok back to b/w u and ptldm3....:cheers:

I don't have time to respond to your endless rhetoric. Any intelligent person would realize that if your country can't manufacture a simple howitzer then any claim to being an industrial and technological power is silly. If you can't understand that logic then I can't help you.

You seem to think highly of Russia. Fair enough. Let's take a look at the ongoing-marathon 15-year Russian Bulava program and evaluate the missile with our own eyes.

Here's the first one that occurred over Norway. For those of you, like me, who prefer videos to reading long articles.

""The first rocket UFO was so much fun, the Russians fired off another one as an encore!" Oberg wrote."

Here's the second fireworks display over Siberia.
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Talk about a pathetic argument. Asia would sooner invade Japan themselves before your pathetic hope come true.
thats just where ur post should end..coz after that its just bs and rant and not true....:cheers:
and Russia is the big brother of India...u can be jealous of that...but India-Russia bond is like brothers....smelling smthng burning in China....:lol:

:rofl:They are not your big brother, they are your master, you just swicthed master from UK to Russia. And who are jealous of that:rofl:Only india wanna master and china, US, russia is on the same league.

Regarding China and India, even Vietnam and Taiwan can hold of China, talk later bout India first handle those tiny places first....
I said many times, maybe china is weaker than any othre countries, but we are not the weakest as long as there is a country called india exist.:lol:At least, we handled india.
:rofl:They are not your big brother, they are your master, you just swicthed master from UK to Russia. And who are jealous of that:rofl:Only india wanna master and china, US, russia is on the same league.

Yes just as your country switched master USSR to master USA during coldwar right?? :lol::lol:

I said many times, maybe china is weaker than any othre countries, but we are not the weakest as long as there is a country called india exist.:lol:At least, we handled india.

Yes you did..by backstabbing us??why cant you handle us now??still Tawang is with us..why not take it back??
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