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China's nuclear arsenal is one of the most advanced in the world

You can't even beat us in any areas. Same old fart from delusion Indian friends.

What area's? turn around once in a while - you won't find us too far behind, but then there's only one thing that Indians prolly look up to the chinese and that's your manufacturing strength.
We don't consider Chinese armaments or it's military as a standard to be matched or as an aspiration, so there's no humbling effect per se nor anything to compare.

Sure, we don't even consider US as a standard, but US is still more advanced than us.

It doesn't matter you look up or down on China, China is still far more advanced than you. :coffee:
Sure, we don't even consider US as a standard, but US is still more advanced to us.

It doesn't matter you look up or down on China, China is still far more advanced than you. :coffee:

The fact remains - we don't consider Chinese military or it's weapons as a standard to match.
China has been working on cryogenic engine for more than a decade and has already power our capsule and space lab into space.. Now you are telling me yours is only in 2013? And you are telling me India is on par or ahead with China on technology? Are you high on drugs?

China is already working on Y-77 and will achieve firsy flight next year. 700kn thrust which is more than 3 times of your CE-20 thats going to debut only this year.. Btw, stop your nonsense. Your CE-20 is only 200Kn thrust. Stop BS of 2000KN thrust.

Please educate what is India ahead or on par with China?

I said Semi cryogenic engine-India is developing SCE 200,a 2000 kN Semicryogenic engine which will undergo tests soon.Indias first semi cryogenic engine is CE 75 and not CE-20.India is 5-8 years behind china on these fronts,I would say.
What area's? turn around once in a while - you won't find us too far behind, but then there's only one thing that Indians prolly look up to the chinese and that's your manufacturing strength.

The problem is you Indian is too thicked skin to admit your weakness , worst you called go around shout at those who in fact more superior than yours instead on working on the problem.

China is weak on aero engine and we pump 16 billions into the design and research. And not go around name calling and shove the responsible around like what Indian does best...

It is by no coincidence that LCA, Arjun tank , Kolkata destroyer will only end up as failure.
Decade..not decades..China did its first nuclear tests in 1964...India did it in 1974.

Your nukes aren't even miniaturized and it is too cumbersome to fit into a ballistic missile or cruise missile.

China's nuclear test back in 1992, a miniaturized thermonuclear warhead that is 70 times the yield of Little Boy (16kt).

Chinese Set Off Their Biggest Nuclear Explosion - NYTimes.com

India's nuclear test back in 1998, still some low yield cumbersome atomic bombs.

CNN - India releases pictures of nuclear tests - May 17, 1998

Wake up, your nuclear arsenal compared to China's is like a housecat compared to a tiger. :coffee:
Your nukes aren't even miniaturized and it is too cumbersome to fit into a ballistic missile or cruise missile.

LOl..where did you get that from??

China's nuclear test back in 1992, a miniaturized thermonuclear warhead that is 70 times the yield of Little Boy (16kt).

Chinese Set Off Their Biggest Nuclear Explosion - NYTimes.com

India's nuclear test back in 1998, still some low yield cumbersome atomic bombs.

CNN - India releases pictures of nuclear tests - May 17, 1998

Wake up, your nuclear arsenal compared to China is like a housecat compared to a tiger. :coffee:

Chinese logic

" Russia tested in 1961 a nuclear weapon 51 times the yield of largest Chinese nuclear weapon, so they should be 4 decades ahead of China"

Yet here we have the Chinese claiming that its nuclear weapons are best in the world.
Chinese logic

" Russia tested in 1961 a nuclear weapon 51 times the yield of largest Chinese nuclear weapon, so they should be 4 decades ahead of China"

Yet here we have the Chinese claiming that its nuclear weapons are best in the world.

Tsar Bomba is just an outdated cumbersome "thermonuclear bomb" that is impossible to fit into a ballistic missile.

Meanwhile the megaton nuclear test that China tested back in 1992 is a miniaturized re-entry warhead with the MIRV capability, it is more akin to the most advanced W-88 warhead of US.

Do you want to have Tsar Bomba or W-88? :coffee:
LOl..where did you get that from??

Chinese logic

" Russia tested in 1961 a nuclear weapon 51 times the yield of largest Chinese nuclear weapon, so they should be 4 decades ahead of China"

Yet here we have the Chinese claiming that its nuclear weapons are best in the world.

Your logic is flawed... Nobody uses nuclear explosion to gauge advances for nuclear weapon but rather the size of the nuclear warhead.

So what you can make a 1000times the yield of Chinese largest nuclear explosion? Trying to destroy yrself too?
What area's? turn around once in a while - you won't find us too far behind, but then there's only one thing that Indians prolly look up to the chinese and that's your manufacturing strength.

How about getting a higher literacy rate, get a higher score on the PISA tests, win a gold medal at the Olympics, put a man into space, develop ASAT weapons, develop satellite navigation system, have 2nd most supercomputers, 2nd most brands in Fortune 500 list, and most importantly try to get some toilets will ya :lol:

China has been working on cryogenic engine for more than a decade and has already power our capsule and space lab into space.. Now you are telling me yours is only in 2013? And you are telling me India is on par or ahead with China on technology? Are you high on drugs?

China is already working on Y-77 and will achieve firsy flight next year. 700kn thrust which is more than 3 times of your CE-20 thats going to debut only this year.. Btw, stop your nonsense. Your CE-20 is only 200Kn thrust. Stop BS of 2000KN thrust.

Please educate what is India ahead or on par with China?

We tested our first ICBM in the early 1970s, India did their test in 2012. That's a 40 year gap.
Your logic is flawed... Nobody uses nuclear explosion to gauge advances for nuclear weapon but rather the size of the nuclear warhead.

So what you can make a 1000times the yield of Chinese largest nuclear explosion? Trying to destroy yrself too?

China has the capability to build a thermonuclear bomb that is far more powerful than Tsar Bomba, but it is not useful when you cannot fit it into a ballistic missile.

When DF-41/DF-31A/JL-2 being launched with the MIRVed megaton warheads, it gonna produce more destructive power than a single Tsar Bomba.
Tsar Bomba is just an outdated cumbersome "thermonuclear bomb" that is impossible to fit into a ballistic missile.

Meanwhile the megaton nuclear test that China tested back in 1992 is a miniaturized re-entry warhead with the MIRV capability, it is more akin to the most advanced W-88 warhead of US.

Do you want to have Tsar Bomba or W-88? :coffee:

LOL that was just a analogy to explain you the absurdity of your logic with using 'weapons yield' as a parameter .

Similarly Russia and US tested their miniaturized warheads long before Chinese did...Hence they should be decades ahead of you...and yet today you claim you are the best.
LOL that was just a analogy to explain you the absurdity of your logic with using 'weapons yield' as a parameter .

Similarly Russia and US tested their miniaturized warheads long before Chinese did...Hence they should be decades ahead of you...and yet today you claim you are the best.

The problem is, China can build the W-88 class warhead, and it has been tested 20 years ago.

Can today's India build a W-88 class warhead?
The problem is, China can build the W-88 class warhead, it has been tested 20 years ago.

Can today's India build a W-88 class warhead?

India does not have a MIRV missile yet..hence it is not know whether MIRV warhead has been developed or not ..rest assured there are plenty of thermonuclear warheads of 200 KT range.

India raises nuclear stakes - FT.com
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