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China's new strategic bomber: H-6K mass produced

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China got humiliated ? :azn: Ever even fought a war of magnitude that China has done ? Or merely speaking out of behind ?
South Tibet was taken off entirely by PLA in '62 war and then returned back after ceasefire ... Speaks volumes about their expansionist plans right ? Yes it is claimed , but just to keep you in check ... China was never interested in Sikkim , the pressure was raised to deter Indians from taking that protectorate by force but after the locals voted for you , no action was taken ...
Do not you feel humiliated how you lost the Northern Ladakh ( almost 38,000 km2 ) and your history doesn't even tell you that ?
P.S I wouldn't call fighting against the entire UN and then carving out North Korea as defeat ...
Our dear neighbor didnt gave a chance to fight such a high magnitude war :woot:because they were scared of us and they got surrendered even before we took any serious action :azn:. Now what should i say ? China was scared and it returned back because of probable US action . Its not they are interested , its lack of capability . I think that was a part of Kashmir that belongs to you according to you . Remember how you failed to take over Siachen ,Rann of Kutch and many more?But what would you call death of 500k chinese ? A joke ? No .:no:
Last time you tried to intrude , your heli was forced to land in Skardu :rofl:
Indian media said some sensitive information was taken off board
And you will intrude in Chinese territory ! :rofl: Was that meant as a joke ? Or are you smoking Kandhar's finest again ?
Be happy because i didnt smoke Abottabad . Do you think China is super power ? They cant scan whole himalayas with their available resources and the same is case with India and Pakistan .
What is this " still have " this and that argument ? Are you saying that Andaman , Hyderabad and Junagadh are disputed territories too ? :P India will have influence in Afghanistan ? :rofl: No matter how much you spend , you cant do jack **** without explicit permission from the Govt of Pakistan ... The base in Tajikistan is nothing but a sitting duck ... Check if you share a border with them or if they have a sea , Else how would you provide supplies during the war ?
Hyderabad and Junugadh were disputed at the time of independence . We want to remain independent but India annexed us by military action and now iam very much happy to be a part of my mother India . Becareful beacuse when the time comes the sitting duck can F*** . We will have our supplies through Russia and we will make sure we will have enough supplies . Afghan brothers hate you . We are doing our best for the recovery of Afghanistan . No country can stop our relation with Afghan . But you can dream .
Yeah , but lost 37% of Kashmir and Rann of Kutch to Pakistan :azn: A country 5 times smaller !
East Pakistanis never wanted to be with us from the start , I will love to see you try the same misadventure in mainland ...
Last time , you threatened , mobilized and backed off and in the process lost 800+ soldiers without us even firing a single bullet ... You are free to fantasize on whatever you are fed though :D
No its you who lost 50% of kashmir to Hindu majority state .We divided that smaller country still smaller in 1971 . lol let the balochi freedom fighters raise their voice and you can see immediate action . 30 years later you would say Balochistan doesnt want to be with us :P You please dont force me to speak about avalanche . We lost no lives in recent years where as .... i dont want to speak about that because i respect soldier no matter his country of origin might be .
you know that country is made-up by people like him``perfect explaination !
I must thank your IQ for judging by observing one person .:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: Its just like me saying all Chinese all just like you and Sino Challenger .:lol:
Indian tried to copy AK-47 and came up with INSAS and failed so your joke army is looking for foreign assault rifles
Indian tried to copy mirage, and came up with the never finished 3rd gen up-grade LCA that only the paints are indeginous
Indian tried to copy Lerpord II and came up with the 'white elephent' and endedd up buying T-90s
Indian tried to copy 5.56mm and 5.54mm rounds, but your primitive industry failed miserably so had to buy from others
so it sums-up India is $ucking at manufacturing and R&D
We are not China , if we tried to copy we could have made better than your Junk series aircrafts . :rofl: Since we made every thing from scratch we experienced delays and not to mention sanctions on us . While China keeps on bragging that it can copy every thing , still it couldnt make a reliable engine . All it can do is make hollow structures with indigenous paints . You still feel delusional about your so called fifth gen aircraft by looking at external structure .
Indian dreamed to be 'IT' powerhouse, and bragged about their IT work force, but it ended up a world call-center answering calls and sending out ads spamms
Indian dreamed to be the 'brain' behind modern tech 'powerhouse' but in reality its high tech exports and capability is no better than a few thousands staff Chinese company called Huawei
Indian dreamed their Mombai will over take Shanghai becoming the topic of world, but in reality its still a city which is no better than an african mass hole
Indian dreamed to takeover manufacturing feild from China, but until now they still imports even craps low quality things from others, not to mention 100% imports of power generators, data equipment, heavy machineris, cargo ships etc.....
Keep dreaming, so you will feel less humiliation
Chinese wet dreams . You dont even know what happens in your country and you speak of some thing which you dont know . We are one of the leading IT hub . lol ultimately you end with cheap products . You know in China bazaars every thing comes for low price and its quality will also be similar to its price . We are the ones who imports high tech weapons unlike making cheap craps and junks .
Indian bragging about their world 'biggest' middle-income population, but we found out that was according to Indian's 'standard' where world's 50% poors live, and I'd be supurised if their so-called 'middle income' famility can afford one cheap ZARA cloth per-month
Indian bragging about their IT industry, but in reality their are being explored by western companies to do those time consuming low-end cheap works, and answering calls
Indian bragged about their space capability, but in reality they are only good at sending few kilos student 'summer projects' with foreign direct imported parts
Indian bragged about their rocket, but in reality the best Chrismas fireworks in human history were provided by them
Indian bragged their russian made fleet, but in reality their 1000+ life crashing 'test' is second to none
Indian bragged xx% scientists from NASA or whatever foreign institutions are Indian, but in reality WIPO defines India as first stage primitive society in same category as sub-sahara african countries
and finally Indian are always bragging about its a democracy, but in reality their country is divided by their family names, and those high caste people treat low caste people as some sort of objects, and the worst part is the government is letting millions childern starve to death while spending like crazy to fill their high ego
keep bragging, so one day you will become the supapawa! :D
Our fighters crash because we use them . :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:We dont display them in museums :P We reached moon and we are responsible for discovery of water and ISRO discovered alien bacteria at outer space . Our PSLV was a continous success . So what if we have family names ? We have right to speak and our govt cares people opinion .
h-6k is true stretagic bomber even can reach Guam
World Wide Web magazine news that the Russian defense industry reliable sources confirmed reports Russia "periscope -2" military sites, citing Canada "Han and defense review" (hereinafter referred to as "Han") on July 23 this year, China should 32 D30-KP-2 aircraft engines. Reported that the H-6K bombers may use these engines and equipment, the nature of strategic bombers with cruise missiles capable of carrying a range of 2000 km, which also made the U.S. very worried.

The following figure is a Western speculate that the H-6K bomber effective combat radius
Nobody said its not a strategic bomber but in these days strategic bombers are of no use with out air superiority . :what:Rather as said by Chinese brothers it can be used as Cruise missile carrier . But it would not be an effective way :sick:because its easier to launch ground bases cruise missiles because these bombers unless they are stealth can be detected and shot down . Cruise missiles based on J10's would be much more effective than those based on bombers just because of simple logic that they can be detected easily and they need multi escorts .
Nobody said its not a strategic bomber but in these days strategic bombers are of no use with out air superiority . :what:Rather as said by Chinese brothers it can be used as Cruise missile carrier . But it would not be an effective way :sick:because its easier to launch ground bases cruise missiles because these bombers unless they are stealth can be detected and shot down . Cruise missiles based on J10's would be much more effective than those based on bombers just because of simple logic that they can be detected easily and they need multi escorts .

sigh.... seems you think your smarter than the air forces of both china and US, the U.S. uses the b-52 exactly the same way, in the role of a missile truck, these are not meant to go into hostile air space without escorts, its more for mop up after the enemy air units have been suppressed
Nice 50 years old Tu-16. Very cutting edge:lol:

Well, the Mirage III design is 56 years old, and India still has not been able to deploy its own variant of it (Tejas), even after paying Dassault $100 million to assist with the design. Kinda sucks, huh?

This is neither so called H-6K nor H-6M but vintage Tu-16. This idiot troll all over Indian section with BS and now here making false claims.

What else can you do besides make ridiculously false claims based on appearance, in order to cover up your zero knowledge on such subjects? If you want to troll at least do it effectively without backfiring.

Is this an improved version of the Xian H-6 ( which was based on Tu-16 Soviet bomber )?

Exactly right.
sigh.... seems you think your smarter than the air forces of both china and US, the U.S. uses the b-52 exactly the same way, in the role of a missile truck, these are not meant to go into hostile air space without escorts, its more for mop up after the enemy air units have been suppressed

Unlike the B-52, the H-6 doesn't have internal bay. It's purpose is to fire long range CM and not flying into enemy airspace. He is just too stupid to understand that. The H-6 can still be used without air superiority because they won't be shot down within our own airspace. The B-52 needs escort or have air superiority in enemy territory and are still being used within the American airforce. I guess he thinks he is smarter than the Americans and Chinese military leaders.
sigh.... seems you think your smarter than the air forces of both china and US, the U.S. uses the b-52 exactly the same way, in the role of a missile truck, these are not meant to go into hostile air space without escorts, its more for mop up after the enemy air units have been suppressed
that dimw1t is desperate, he has got nothing to argue but, a desperate outcry for his inferior complexity`lol

So what about your MKI and T-50? Another Russian product with improved name? :lol:

You are slapping your own face.. :lol:

Brainless comment.

and the humiliation part is those primitive indians have to pay ridiculous prices for Russian to up-grade.too much for a primitive country to laugh at others```this article says it perfectly
So what about your MKI and T-50? Another Russian product with improved name? :lol:

You are slapping your own face.. :lol:

Brainless comment.

Brainless comment ????

We never claim MKI or T50 as Indian made ...... you did with all these Russian product even without shame

Just come with a decent product of your own then talk about slap on face
Brainless comment ????

We never claim MKI or T50 as Indian made ...... you did with all these Russian product even without shame

Just come with a decent product of your own then talk about slap on face

We never claim H-6K is without Russian Tu-16 influence. Tu-16 design and copy was transfer during the early soviet and china 1950 cooperation. So care to know what yr ignorance comment of Russian product with another nAme? Isn't yr MKI the same case? Just another flanker called MKI?

We have plenty of indigenous product and you just ignore it. J-10, j-20 , JH-7A , FC-1 , J-8II , K-8 trainer.

Do you want me to continue more? My list will put india to shame.
We never claim H-6K is without Russian Tu-16 influence. So care to know what yr ignorance comment of Russian product with another nAme? Isn't yr MKI the same case? Just another flanker called MKI?

just like chinese one's are called MK,MK2,MKK etc..so whats the point????its the designation directed to the the exported country.The weapon India buys,they don't claim its as their own.
J7, J8 as I already said Russian product with improved name ...... J10 ?? no buddy want this super plane ... J20 (first finish to develop J10b ) ya K8 and FC1 is really a achievement for you ... LOL

You are really desperate to smear china, is it?

I am careful with my selection of china self made plane. Clearly you have no knowledge of china domestic fighter. Where did I mention J-7? You have no idea how JH-7A , right? And you are confusIng with others. As for J-8II, please goggle and understand more before you come back and talk more about it.

J-10 is never offer for export. Did J-10 ever attend any foreign airshow besides domestic one? Lol.

Even the J-10B export to PAF seems to have stop. There is no follow up news. The top level in CCP dee J-10 is still a secret to foreign countries.

As for India, what up to date domestic fighter or modern plane you have besides the non IOC LCA you have? None... :lol:
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