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China's new SSN


Jan 27, 2010
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The Type 093B with the pump-jet propulsion???

I have heard the rumor that they plan to open a second production line for the SSN in the Jiangnan shipyard.

I heard that too. As you also mentioned earlier (actually last year) in another thread, 093G/093B are testbeds, I suppose new production line is for 095.

According to to 12th 5-year plan, 095-class SSN/SSGN will adopt these systems:
  • Pump Jet Propulsion 泵喷推进系统
  • New Materials (Hyper Strength Steel) 新材料(超高强度钢)
  • Hybrid Single & Double-Hull Structure 单双混合壳体结构
  • New Comprehensive Vibration Reduction Floating Raft 新型综合减震浮筏
  • VLS for Cruise Missile 巡航导弹垂直发射管
  • Third Gen Nuclear Reactor 第三代潜艇反应堆
093G will probably be comparable to the improved Los Angeles class (688i) in terms of overall capability. A few well known insiders on Chinese forum said that noise level is no longer a huge concern for Chinese nuclear subs. Top speed is now the number 1 concern. To achieve parity with Seawolf and Virginia, we'll probably have to wait until 095.
093G will probably be comparable to the improved Los Angeles class (688i) in terms of overall capability. A few well known insiders on Chinese forum said that noise level is no longer a huge concern for Chinese nuclear subs. Top speed is now the number 1 concern. To achieve parity with Seawolf and Virginia, we'll probably have to wait until 095.

The Type 095 can sail silently at the speed of 20 knots, so that's an important measurement to achievement the parity with the Seawolf class.
093G will probably be comparable to the improved Los Angeles class (688i) in terms of overall capability. A few well known insiders on Chinese forum said that noise level is no longer a huge concern for Chinese nuclear subs. Top speed is now the number 1 concern. To achieve parity with Seawolf and Virginia, we'll probably have to wait until 095.

According to us navy which tracks chinese ssns its still not going to be better in noise than early akula,given that type 093 is noisier than victor 3.And also chinese latest ballistic missile sub type 94 is noisier than old russian delta 3.So saying parity with seawolf is quite a big claim.
Seawolf is the most expensive and sophisticated submarine ever made.Only things getting parity/near parity to that are virginia,yasen and astute .Your forum 'insiders' seem to know better than USN.
Plus there's this public quote by the JMSDF admiral kawamura a couple of years back to his us counterparts -
''“When navigating,” “Chinese submarines sound like they are pounding a drum or bell.”
Plus there's this public quote by the JMSDF admiral kawamura a couple of years back to his us counterparts -
''“When navigating,” “Chinese submarines sound like they are pounding a drum or bell.”
Really Chinese submarines sound like a drum or bell then how come a 160ft early China designed Song Class attack submarine is understood to have sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes or missiles at the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk - a 1,000ft supercarrier. Then dived in the ocean and could not be detected by the persuiting USN destroyers.

That was way back 2007, today is 2015.



Yes. This happened recently on August 23, 2015.

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces who claimed that their tank is the best in the war just lost its track at Mount Fuji Higashifuji military training base during a public demonstration to show their military might.

The Japanese Military was terribly embarassed and ashamed at the incident.
Plus there's this public quote by the JMSDF admiral kawamura a couple of years back to his us counterparts -
''“When navigating,” “CHINESE SUBMARINES sound like they are pounding a drum or bell.”

What completely different comparison?

Unless you are saying a Song Class is not a SUBMARINE!


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