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China's new SSN

Do you know the difference between a SSK and a SSN? How about a tank versus a tank destroyer - they look the same and often function the same, but their missions differ widely. How about an APC versus an IFV - both are armored people movers. What about a light versus a heavy fighter? Is a SU-35 comparable to a F-16?

Do you know the difference between an apple and an orange?

The difference between an SSK and a SSN is the same as this:


versus this:


Comparing coastal defense vessels, SSKs, like this Ula:


To deep diving, ocean-going SSNs like this Virginia:


Or to a SSBNs like this Vanguard:


Is not a fair comparison, it's disingenuous and completely disregards the differences in each submarines design and mission

There's a large difference between the two. They look the same, sort of, one's nearly 200 feet longer than the other, but their mission and functions differ radically.

China's SSN have to first near our Astute before taking on the Sea Wolf. Though our Astute are quite close to par to the sea wolf class. :D

As for that memeber who was comparing SSK subs to SSN. Lool Just smile and carry on, no need to argue witn someone who doesn't even knows this basic difference. :partay:
China's SSN have to first near our Astute before taking on the Sea Wolf. Though our Astute are quite close to par to the sea wolf class. :D

As for that memeber who was comparing SSK subs to SSN. Lool Just smile and carry on, no need to argue witn someone who doesn't even knows this basic difference. :partay:

China's current SSN is better than Astute, and Astute is nowhere close to the Seawolf class.
Ahahahha.....you sure your Current SSN is better than our astute?:rofl:

Well, the Astute class doesn't have the versatile VLS cells, so are you sure this is the attribute of a top notch modern SSN?

Of course, the Seawolf class also only has the torpedo tubes, but its endurance and diving capability are far beyond for the Astute class.

Most Chinese military fans won't bother to mention about the modern British navy, you guys are not on our radar, sorry about that.
Well, the Astute class doesn't have the versatile VLS cells, so are you sure this is the attribute of a top notch modern SSN?

Of course, the Seawolf class also only has the torpedo tubes, but its endurance and diving capability are far beyond for the Astute class.

Most Chinese military fans won't bother to mention about the modern British navy, you guys are not on our radar, sorry about that.

We are not because the U.S navy is close to your doors and constantly patrols your house, while we mainly patrol the mediteranean sea/suez canal/atlantic ocean close to falklands and our indian ocean diego garcia base etc.
So obviously your greatest threat comes from the U.S Navy and the Imperial Japanese navy. while our only remote far away threat comes from Russia, so we dont even consider China a threat AT ALL as well. As i said before Russia is our main threat not you. So its mutual.

Moreover some of your internet warriors obviously consider the U.S as their greatest threat for the obvious reasons i mentioned. However, you faul to often realise that you first have to surpass european powers in tech before even thinking of the U.S to be honest. China has made great strides, but it still lags behind major european/western powers overall in tech. :bounce:
We are not because the U.S navy is close to your doors amd constantly patrols your house. So obviously your greatest threat comes from the U.S Navy and the Imperial Japanese navy. while our only remote threat comes from Russia, so we dont even consider China a threat AT ALL as well. As i said before Russia is our main threat not you. So its mutual.

Moreover some of your internet warriors obviously consider the U.S as their greatest threat for the obvious reasons i mentioned. However, you faul to often realise that you first have to surpass european powers in tech before even thinking of the U.S to be honest. China has made great strides, but it still lags behind major european/western powers overall in tech. :bounce:

But the modern British navy is less than 1/10 of the USN, so you shouldn't equate your own navy with the USN.
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But the modern British navy is less than 1/10 of the USN, so you shouldn't equate yourself with the USN.

We dont equate ourselves with the U.S Navy, where did i say we are the same size??lool

We dont even have any ennemies/threats in our neighbourhood at all. So we dont really need a massive navy anyway. The only remote threat we face is from Russia(even though to be honest Russia is quite a distance from us). So we are basically secure. The only think we need even the major middle size navy we have today is only for power projection overseas, from our overseas territories in the atlantic ocean(falklands islands, canary islands which we constantly patrol), to our military base in Cyprus, to our overseas meditaranean territory/base in Gilbratar to patroling Indian ocean territory of Diego Garcia to our new military base in Bahrain Britain to build first permanent Middle East military base in four decades | UK news | The Guardian etc etc. So our upcoming/soon to be commisioned 2 huge queen elizabeth class carriers will almost always be based overseas for power projection and protecting our interests, its not like we are challengng anyone close to our home soil.we passed that stage centuries ago Lol

To be honest, we punch way above our weight. I admit that.:partay:
We dont equate ourselves with the U.S Navy, where did i say we are the same size??lool

We dont even have any ennemies/threats in our neighbourhood at all. So we dont really need a massive navy anyway. The only remote threat we face is from Russia(even though to be honest Russia is quite a distance from us). So we are basically secure. The only think we need even the major size of the navy we have today is only for power projection overseas, from our overseas territories in the atlantic ocean(falklands islands) to our military base in Cyprus, to our oversea meditaranean terriotory/base in gilbratar to patroling Indian ocean territory of Diego Garcia to our new military base in Bahrain Britain to build first permanent Middle East military base in four decades | UK news | The Guardian etc etc. So our upcoming/soon to be commisioned 2 huge queen elizabeth class carriers will almost always be based overseas for power projection and protecting our interests, its not like we are challengng anyone close to our home soul. Lol

To be honest, we punch way above our weight. I admit that.:partay:

To be honest, China has so many secret killers to counter against the mighty USN such as DF-21D/25/26/27 and the HGV.

And what does the Britain have anything in equivalence? Nothing.

And China is now building the Aegis DDGs and SSN like sausages, only the US can match our production rate.

This is the raw power my friend, so keep trolling on us will only put you at the same level with the Indians and Vietnamese.
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To be honest, China has so many secret killers to counter against the mighty USN such as DF-21D/25/26/27 and the HGV.

And what does the Britain have in equivalence? Nothing.

And China is now building the Aegis DDGs and SSN like the sausages, only the US can match our production rate.

This is the raw power my friend, so keep trolling on us will only make you at the same level with the Indians and Vietnamese.

When did i troll you? Lool if anything the only country you can say i even troll(more like say hard facts about) is Russia not you.lol

Where have i trolled you? you know the meaning of trolling right? Check it again, and lets see where i trolled you. Lol

Moreover, you know we are an island nation with a great/long tradition of naval warfare(which is normal for such a country). So we hardly focus on land based systems, much of our focus is on naval platforms. In addition to this, we dont have any much threat in our neighbourhood AT ALL , since are almost completely secure, so you can say we are secure mature power. We also have a long tradition of being involved in overseas operations constantly for over a century now continously(only the U.S Navy can match that experience). So for all these reasons, i mentioned we are not focusing on any land system to defeat a close ennemy, since we basically have none. Lool

You can bet that if we were in China's situation of being faced with a powerful mighty threat close to our own home soil 24/hours 7. Then you can bet we would have rearmed at an alarming rate and the weapon systems we would have had will be much more divers. But we dont, hence most of our strategy/weapons is on power projection naval platforms exclusively. :enjoy:

Reason you see we are building over 8 new world class SSNs(old ones are being slowly retired) 3 of which have already been commisioned and joined our navy, while others are under various stages of construction, frigates, destroyers, and aircraft carriers, plus our LHD we have operated for decades now will soon be decommissioned to be replaced by a new class of LHDs which is in the works. Etc etc.

Almost all of these weapons platforms/equipments will be based exclusively in our overseas military bases for the most part, not close to our home soil, for the reasons i mentioned above.

China is not yet a secure power, reason it cant afford to venture this far(since it has the U.S navy and Imperial Japanese navy to contend with close to its home soil) so your actions are limited. So our situation is very different from China's. :cheers:
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To be honest, China has so many secret killers to counter against the mighty USN such as DF-21D/25/26/27 and the HGV.

And what does the Britain have anything in equivalence? Nothing.

And China is now building the Aegis DDGs and SSN like sausages, only the US can match our production rate.

This is the raw power my friend, so keep trolling on us will only make you at the same level with the Indians and Vietnamese.
Come on. Brits need find some "self-esteem" by mocking others.:rofl:
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United Kingdom is no longer the SUPERPOWER of the 19th Century. Those days the Colonial Power forced themselves on many native nations including India, Malaya, Burma, etc.
No nation today is paying any tribune to the former Colonial ruler.

British can only talk about their past glory and clebrate the event thru' Commonwealth Games.

For example: Britain's missing shield... Britain has notably failed to invest in a land-based anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems resulting in a breach to UK defense. We can says it is quite fortunate UK is not an enemy of both China or Russia.
It is weird that Mike guy always loves to lurk around the China-related topics, and everytime he came out of no where and wanted to impress us.

But this is the harsh reality for his glorious sub fleet; a junk yard.

‘Nuclear disaster waiting to happen’: Royal Navy probes Trident whistleblower's claims — RT UK

Just notice the way he posts, he likes to talk childishly always using "lol" as if he is trying to be funny. :crazy:
The need to constantly remind us that China is still behind the West, that kind of mentality he is trying to convey to the readers. Or what about how significant the UK is in the political arena or still leading in certain areas over China. You would think he wants to proof something to us by impressing us they are still the best in engine technology. The guy must feel insecure as China advances at a rapid rate that in the near future there's nothing much to brag about the Great Britain.
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