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China launches second possible Type 093B nuclear-powered attack submarine hull

4 Type 093B built in the past 18 months! Averaging a new sub ever 4.5 months!
1st - May 2022
2nd - January 2023
3rd - June 2023
4th - October 2023

China is expected to launch 2-3 SSNs being built per year, between 2023-2030 or about 16-24 new Type 093 variants of SSNs.

By 2030, China may have 25-33 SSNs or about half the US navy’s SSNs fleet size.

After 2030, China will probably start building type 095 on a similarly massive scale; 2-3 subs a year. The current prototype Type 095 being built is suppose to match at least the Virginia class Block 3 subs (2013 US tech) and the Russian Severodvinsk/Kazan (Yasen/Yasen-M Class), so by 2030, when the type 095 goes into mass production, it maybe closer to the current operational Virginia blocks. So by 2030, Chinese subs will probably match the best of the Russian and British Navy’s SSNs, and close in on the US Navy’s best subs; Virginia block 4/5 (2019/2023 tech).

In 2033/2034, the next generation US SSN sub is suppose to be laid down, so the race is perpetually ongoing. But by that time the Chinese may be less then 10 year behind the cutting edge of the US navy and with the capacity to keep pace in numbers.

By 2040, the PLAN SSN fleet may match the USN in numbers and by 2049, may match all the SSNs of all its potential adversaries combined. If size of the AIP SSK fleet remains the same (and is just continuously modernized) and used to patrol the first island chain’s littorals, then the SSNs will be free to patrol the borders of the first island chain, into the second island chain and the wider ocean. With this many SSKs and SSNs, the PLAN doctrine may even change because its numbers could match the combined fleets of all its Potential adversaries combined.

Btw, there was another report that China wants to have an SSBN fleet of 16 subs, but I don’t have the current reference. 16 subs armed with 16-24 JL-3 or a total SLBM force of 256-384 missiles and probably a mix of 1-4 warheads (plus probably tons of decoys), allowing the PLAN alone to have up to 1000 warheads alone.

The type 094A may be set to match the Borei-A design. Even if China builds 1 SSBN every 2 years as many analysts estimate, China could comfortably reach a total fleet size of 16 by 2049. The type 094A may cap out at 10 subs and then a transition to the type 096 in the 2030s, along side type 095 production.

The type 096 may a similar design to the following more stealthy design being studied by the Russians.

The Type 095 is going to be equipped with the shaftless electric rim-driven pump-jet, and it is going to be a next generation SSN compared to the Virginia and Yasen.

The Type 093B is going to be comparable to the Virginia class with the similar cylindrical array sonar, similar nuclear reactor with natural circulation system.

In the meantime, the Type 093B possesses 18 VLS units, while the Virginia class only possesses 12 VLS units.

The Type 093B possesses 6 torpedo tubes, and the Virginia class only possesses 4 torpedo tubes.

The Type 093B also weighs over 8000 tons, and it is only smaller than the latest Virginia block v.
Probably true, unless IMHO, China trades something Russia badly needs, to help them win the Ukraine war. Otherwise, China may reach the same level of tech within a decade at the most, and then they will have missed their opportunity to get something for their expertise.

Nope, Russia won't trade any secret about their nuclear sub with us.

They are even hesitating to form a partnership for the CR929, and there is no way that they would share more critical technology like that of the nuclear sub.

China has much more STEM graduates and a much bigger budget, and it only makes sense that we manage to catch everything with our current leverages.
Probably true, unless IMHO, China trades something Russia badly needs, to help them win the Ukraine war. Otherwise, China may reach the same level of tech within a decade at the most, and then they will have missed their opportunity to get something for their expertise.
Won't. There is no way Russia is going to supply us with high end military technology, especially nuclear submarines.
In fact, Russia is more wary of China than it is of the US, after all China is Russia's neighbour. Right now Russia is close to China because they need China. If Russia really trusted China, India would not be a member of SCO.
History teaches us that only peoples who believe in themselves and rely on themselves can succeed. We will not expect much from outside forces. We will take care of everything ourselves.
The Type 095 is going to be equipped with the shaftless electric rim-driven pump-jet, and it is going to be a next generation SSN compared to the Virginia and Yasen.

The Type 093B is going to be comparable to the Virginia class with the similar cylindrical array sonar, similar nuclear reactor with natural circulation system.

In the meantime, the Type 093B possesses 18 VLS units, while the Virginia class only possesses 12 VLS units.

The Type 093B possesses 6 torpedo tubes, and the Virginia class only possesses 4 torpedo tubes.

The Type 093B also weighs over 8000 tons, and it is only smaller than the latest Virginia block v.
The Type 093B is double hull while the Virginia is single hull. 8000 tons in the type 093B is much less useable space then on a similar weight Virginia.

Btw, what’s your thoughts on the SSN/SSBN fleet size? It looks like China is going for matching the USN and its allies, in terms of quality and quantity, by 2049. 16 SSBNs, and probably 50-60 SSNs to match the collective USN, NATO, Australians, and Indians. While also maintaining an SSK fleet of 50-60 subs.
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The Type 093B is double hull while the Virginia is single hull. 8000 tons in the type 093B is much less useable space then on a similar weight Virginia.

Btw, what’s your thoughts on the SSN/SSBN fleet size? It looks like China is going for matching the USN and its allies, in terms of quality and quantity, by 2049. 16 SSBNs, and probably 50-60 SSNs to match the collective USN, NATO, Australians, and Indians. While also maintaining an SSK fleet of 50-60 subs.

The Type 093B is a hybrid of double hull and single hull.

Some part is better with double hull as it is better to hide the noise from the nuclear reactor. In the meantime, a more miniaturized nuclear reactor can compensate the space loss from the double hull.

As for the weapon bay, the Type 093B manages to save a lot of space for the ammunition with single hull.

Overall, I think the hybrid hull is ideal for the nuclear submarine.

China can build those 100% single hull nuclear subs, but there is a particular that it still chooses the hybrid hull.

The Yasen class SSN also uses the hybrid hull. It is not that we learn that from Russia, but we have both convergently believed that the hybrid hull is better than the single hull.
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The Type 093B is a hybrid of double hull and single hull.

Some part is better with double hull as it is better to hide the noise from the nuclear reactor. In the meantime, a more miniaturized nuclear reactor can compensate the space loss from the double hull.

As for the weapon bay, the Type 093B manages to save a lot of space for the ammunition with single hull.

Overall, I think the hybrid hull is ideal for the nuclear submarine.

China can build those 100% single hull nuclear subs, but there is a particular that it still chooses the hybrid hull.

The Yasen class SSN also uses the hybrid hull. It is not that we learn that from Russia, but we have both convergently believed that the hybrid hull is better than the single hull.
The type 095 and 096 are said to be purely single hull designs.
If China latest 093B subs are 20 years behind the USA, I would say that is a great achievement. China will equip these subs with latest missiles, torpedoes, radar etc so their capability could be very close to the USA ones. The 095 and 096 nuclear subs will bring the gap even closer. As long as China subs, aircrafts, destroyers are 80% as good as the USA ones then I believe they are a grave threat and China has done its job of catching up. Looking at China from 1990s to 2023, its a big big jump.
The type 095 and 096 are said to be purely single hull designs.

The Type 095 and Type 096 are also going to be hybrid as both China and Russia will follow the path of the hybrid hull.

If China latest 093B subs are 20 years behind the USA, I would say that is a great achievement. China will equip these subs with latest missiles, torpedoes, radar etc so their capability could be very close to the USA ones. The 095 and 096 nuclear subs will bring the gap even closer. As long as China subs, aircrafts, destroyers are 80% as good as the USA ones then I believe they are a grave threat and China has done its job of catching up. Looking at China from 1990s to 2023, its a big big jump.

Except the Virginia block v, the Type 093B got more firepower than Virginia block i - iv.
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Except the Virginia block v, the Type 093B got more firepower than Virginia block i - iv.

Not just firepower but in terms of stealth, noise level reduction, engine etc.
Not just firepower but in terms of stealth, noise level reduction, engine etc.
Three important technologies of nuclear submarine: pressure hull, silent propulsion and reactor

1, China has the world's largest forging press and plate bending machine.
2, China has shaftless pump jet electromagnetic propulsion technology (Our technology is ahead of the USA).
3, We have nuclear submarine reactor technology.
Not just firepower but in terms of stealth, noise level reduction, engine etc.

- The similar type of nuclear reactor with natural circulation system.

- The similar type of cylindrical array sonar.

- Both got the pump-jet propulsion.

The Virginia class block 1-4 belongs to the 1990s technology, so no big fuss for China to catch up.

And the Type 093B to the original Type 093 is what the Type 052DL to the original Type 052. It is apple to orange.

The Type 095 & 096 belong to the next-gen nuclear subs, even the US has acknowledged it.

With every iteration china modernize their naval ships and submarines. they used to lag behind in sub tech but now they are on par or even surpass western submarine tech along with their underwater attack drones and their naval mines (CAPTOR types) littering the china sea that will ambush any foolish USN subs (like the seawolf class that ran away from chinese hot torpedo and hit an underwater mountain)

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