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China’s MCC to invest €1.8b in Iran’s steel sector


Jan 27, 2010
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TEHRAN - China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC) has announced that it is ready to invest €1.8 billion in seven steel projects in Iran, according to the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization, Mehdi Karbasian.

MCC is one of the largest steel makers in the world, he said, adding that extant problems to finance steel projects in the country will be resolved in the near future, the Mehr News Agency reported on Friday.

In October, Karbasian said that the manager of MCC Company would visit Iran in the near future to become aware of the situation closely and negotiate the issues of scheduling and the ways of financing.

In June 2012, Iran’s Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade signed a memorandum of understanding with MCC to expand industrial cooperation.
Iran produced 11.318 million tons of crude steel in the first 9 months of 2013, according to the World Steel Association.

Iran’s crude steel production reached 14.89 million tons in the previous Iranian calendar year, which ended on March 20.

Iran plans to increase its annual steel output to 55 million tons by the end of the Fifth Five-Year Development Plan (2015).

China’s MCC to invest €1.8b in Iran’s steel sector - Tehran Times
Due the US sanction, we owe Iran a lot of oil money, it has to be repaid with investment and technology.

The MCC and China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation (Sinosure) have jointly invested USD 20 billion in previous projects in Iran. Press TV reported that with the addition of 12 more projects, the investment is estimated to increase to USD 30 billion.

China MCC secures EUR 1.8 billion funding for Iranian steel proj
so you wanna repay the oil money with investment?!!

That's not what he meant.

Obviously you can't repay a monetary debt with investment, that doesn't make any sense.

He's talking about sentiment. Repaying in terms of sentiment.
so you wanna repay the oil money with investment?!!

The Iranian government doesn't want China to repay with cash, they want technology and additional investment, so China is fulfilling their request.

Don't worry, China is not USA, we care our credibility more than just few billion dollars.
The Iranian government doesn't want China to repay with cash, they want technology and additional investment, so China is fulfilling their request.

Don't worry, China is not USA, we care our credibility more than just few billion dollars.
technology transfer never happens, just the products, and about investment, china is just investing in the mineral section which means you will take our resources and then returning it to us double priced, and even in this section you have dropped many of projects in the middle of process.
technology transfer never happens, just the products, and about investment, china is just investing in the mineral section which means you will take our resources and then returning it to us double priced, and even in this section you have dropped many of projects in the middle of process.

If you think it's bad value for money, then don't take the contract.

You've already made a deal with the USA and given up your right to enrich uranium over 5%, so now you can choose from any country and any company you like.
If you think it's bad value for money, then don't take the contract.

You've already made a deal with the USA and given up your right to enrich uranium over 5%, so now you can choose from any country and any company you like.
well just yesterday, Iran announced the plan to increase the export tax on the raw mineral materials and decreasing the import tax to zero, so the question is if your companies still are interested in our mineral section?
well just yesterday, Iran announced the plan to increase the export tax on the raw mineral materials and decreasing the import tax to zero, so the question is if your companies still are interested in our mineral section?

Depends whether or not it is profitable enough compared to the alternatives.
Good news for Iran. Iran needs more investment right now and as far as export is concerned, Iran can earn big bucks as China needs steel at very large quantity and will be regular customer ordering in bulk for a long time.

Lets see how it pans out, too early to say.
well just yesterday, Iran announced the plan to increase the export tax on the raw mineral materials and decreasing the import tax to zero, so the question is if your companies still are interested in our mineral section?
I hope this also include exporting crude oil .
Due the US sanction, we owe Iran a lot of oil money, it has to be repaid with investment and technology.

No one needs your investment or technology here as we're tired of them . It would be better if you pay our money instead .

Iran is being fu.cked up and scammed by China and India in these years because of the sanctions . China is giving us 80s technology and has made millions of our youth especially educated ones unemployed and got dozens killed , These are just a few pictures of your technology :

http://watan.ir/fa/index.php?Page=definition&UID=674484 - Howo








and India on the other side gives us it's trashes instead of oil money .

To be honest , Your country is not as guilty as our bastard governors who have the highest salaries and their children enjoy the best facilities while opening their big mouths and talk about Islam , Country , resistance and such bulsh!t while most people are fucked and have to pay for every single thing such as education , treatment etc .
No one needs your investment or technology here as we're tired of them . It would be better if you pay our money instead .

Iran is being fu.cked up and scammed by China and India in these years because of the sanctions . China is giving us 80s technology and has made millions of our youth especially educated ones unemployed and got dozens killed , These are just a few pictures of your technology

If Iran really believes that, then they will reject the investment, and stop selling us oil as well.

But I don't see either one of those things happening.
If Iran really believes that, then they will reject the investment, and stop selling us oil as well.

But I don't see either one of those things happening.

Most people in Iran believe in that but our as$hole governors don't , cos they don't care about anything except their position and pocket .

You can not see that cos firstly , you're not in Iran to see how we feel about that and secondly ,our bastard governors have been getting the country destroyed for years .

I'm hoping for the day china stops buying our oil cos that will make those idiots in so called IR to move their fat as$es and think instead of ending our wealth .

according to the minister Mr Mohammad Hosein basiry, the goal is to create an obstacle for the export of these materials.

ناراحت نشیا . ولی جمهموری اسلامی توی این 35 سال نه تنها هیچ گوهی در زمینه ی کشاورزی نخورده بلکه کشاورزی و دامپروری به همراه روستاها رو هم همون سال های اول انقلاب نابود کرد چون اون زمان ریش بود که مهم بود و حرف اول و اخر رو میزد نه ریشه و تخصص .

سال 58 تمام زمین های بایر حکومتی اطراف کلان شهرها رو داد به روستایی ها و در عرض چند سال تمام روستاها تبدیل به ویرانه شد و به جای اینکه سیاست حمایت از روستاییان و زندگی روستایی رو در پیش بگیره با واردات بی رویه و آزاد گذاشتن دلال ها و واسطه ها پدر اون روستایی و شهرستانی بیچاره رو در آورد .

شما حرف منو باور نداری یه نگاه به کشورهای همسایه بنداز . بنده خودم با چشمهای خودم روستاهای ترکیه و آذرباییجان رو که لب مرز و در نقاط مرزی بود دیدم و با روستاهایی تو ایران که کمتر از 10 - 20 کیلومتر باهاشون فاصله داشت مقایسه کردم . اونجا پیر و جوون داشتن زندگی می کردن و از تبه های تیز هم برای کشاورزی نمی گذشتن و زمینی نبود که شخم نزده باشن و اینور تو خاک خودمون یه مشت پیر مرد و پیر زن در به داغون بودن که تابلو بود با مرگشون اون روستا ها هم نابود میشه .

خدا میدونه که جواب حماقت های این نظام رو کی میخواد بده .
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