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China's GDP was 17.7 trillion USD in 2021

$3 Trillion USD added in 2021 alone.
Damn, impressive ! More than entire economy of UK :o:

$12,551 USD per capita can be called high for country in the size of China. But yes, that’s not enough, China will grow much higher in the future.

$12,551 USD per capita is higher than some European Union countries. They just surpass per capita of Romania, and in the way to surpass Croatia & Poland in the next year

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There is probably going to be a tipping point in perception amongst Europeans when China surpasses major Western European economies in GDP per capita. The first country in this category is Portugal, currently around $24,500. That would also be around the time when the total Chinese GDP matches the total US GDP, which will probably be sometime in the 2030s.
the govt legislated against abortion and protected the right to life of all zygotes.

1. There are many pregnant girls when they are a student. The ban on abortion will destroy their lives, in many cases, childbirth too soon leads to permanent damage to the female body

2. Elderly Pregnant Women will face many problems, because they cannot abort, in many cases, pregnancy and childbirth will lead to the death of mothers and babies

3. Many people are not prepared to have children, the ban on abortion will create many burdens for them. They do not know how to care and care about children, which creates many social problems, and the future will have a lot of potential criminals.

4. And, I'm not sure if the ban on abortion takes into account rape issues? Criminals can bring their seeds into innocent girls, and these evil seeds are protected by anti-abortion laws.

There is probably going to be a tipping point in perception amongst Europeans when China surpasses major Western European economies in GDP per capita. The first country in this category is Portugal, currently around $24,500. That would also be around the time when the total Chinese GDP matches the total US GDP, which will probably be sometime in the 2030s.

China will match the US GDP before it passes Western Europe's GDP per capita levels. China will probably surpass US GDP in the late 20s. And surpass Western Europe's GDP per capita in the 30s.
1. There are many pregnant girls when they are a student. The ban on abortion will destroy their lives, in many cases, childbirth too soon leads to permanent damage to the female body

2. Elderly Pregnant Women will face many problems, because they cannot abort, in many cases, pregnancy and childbirth will lead to the death of mothers and babies

3. Many people are not prepared to have children, the ban on abortion will create many burdens for them. They do not know how to care and care about children, which creates many social problems, and the future will have a lot of potential criminals.

4. And, I'm not sure if the ban on abortion takes into account rape issues? Criminals can bring their seeds into innocent girls, and these evil seeds are protected by anti-abortion laws.


Should implement social credit on non marital sex. The virgin are easily seduce by rich uncles due to disparity in wealth.

Anyone in position of power can tell you this.

My experience is those young girls really flirt around me when I am in position of power, and these girls shun their boys next door.
1. There are many pregnant girls when they are a student. The ban on abortion will destroy their lives, in many cases, childbirth too soon leads to permanent damage to the female body

2. Elderly Pregnant Women will face many problems, because they cannot abort, in many cases, pregnancy and childbirth will lead to the death of mothers and babies

3. Many people are not prepared to have children, the ban on abortion will create many burdens for them. They do not know how to care and care about children, which creates many social problems, and the future will have a lot of potential criminals.

4. And, I'm not sure if the ban on abortion takes into account rape issues? Criminals can bring their seeds into innocent girls, and these evil seeds are protected by anti-abortion laws.

Increase the age limit. Over 14 and under 40. Abortion is prohibited.
Those who are unable to bear children due to diseases must have a certificate from a judicial medical appraisal institution.
Couples who are not ready to have children can go to the "Abandoned baby Island" and hand over their children to the govt.

Castrate the rapist. Castrate with this tool:
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There is probably going to be a tipping point in perception amongst Europeans when China surpasses major Western European economies in GDP per capita. The first country in this category is Portugal, currently around $24,500. That would also be around the time when the total Chinese GDP matches the total US GDP, which will probably be sometime in the 2030s.
China's GDP would surpass USA in 5 or 6 years,no need ro wait until 30s.
China will match the US GDP before it passes Western Europe's GDP per capita levels. China will probably surpass US GDP in the late 20s. And surpass Western Europe's GDP per capita in the 30s.
Perhaps, but it’s possible the US will grow faster then many anticipate, although many indications from the FED indicate a recession in the next 6-18 months, which could have a knock on effect on Chinese exports and global growth, so who knows. Time will tell .
There is probably going to be a tipping point in perception amongst Europeans when China surpasses major Western European economies in GDP per capita. The first country in this category is Portugal, currently around $24,500. That would also be around the time when the total Chinese GDP matches the total US GDP, which will probably be sometime in the 2030s.

Yes, its only a matter of time.

But thats not the point, the most important thing with this achievement.

China now officially categorized as High-income country, they already success to escape from the so called “middle-income trap” that many countries become victim

Exchange rate 6.45?
The current exchange rate is 6.35, and China's GDP in 2021 should be $18 trillion.
We are only $4 trillion away from the USA.
Considering that the USA has added some inexplicable parts to GDP, such as virtual rent, lawyer's legal fees and so on. China's actual GDP has exceeded that of the USA.
Of course, Americans at least don't count cow dung into GDP.

If you use consumption as a measuring stick, China has passed the US many years ago.

China uses half the world's steel, nearly 10 times as much as the US who is in second place.

Tell me how a country that uses nearly 10 times less steel (the underpinning of an industrialized economy) can possibly have a bigger GDP (gross domestic PRODUCT) than China?

I guess they include stuff like lawyer fees and financial derivatives as "produce." lol
Only 20, 000 US dollars per capita can be said to truly enter the developed countries. We are only 12000 US dollars, and we will continue to be a developing country in the next 20 years.
My primary school textbook says that it will reach the level of moderately developed countries in 2050.
Yes, its only a matter of time.

But thats not the point, the most important thing with this achievement.

China now officially categorized as High-income country, they already success to escape from the so called “middle-income trap” that many countries become victim

I was just look at GDP per capita in South American countries. Once China passes these last few countries a psychological barrier will be broken in these countries. At a certain level, they will think of Chinese people in the same league as the people’s of the other East Asian countries, if they don’t already.

Chinese products maybe Perceived as equal to European products the same way Japanese products were thought be equal to European and American products.
Only 20, 000 US dollars per capita can be said to truly enter the developed countries. We are only 12000 US dollars, and we will continue to be a developing country in the next 20 years.
My primary school textbook says that it will reach the level of moderately developed countries in 2050.
I assume a Western European level of development is considered moderately developed while the full American suburban lifestyle is considered highly developed. Cant blame the Chinese for aiming high.
If you use consumption as a measuring stick, China has passed the US many years ago.

China uses half the world's steel, nearly 10 times as much as the US who is in second place.

Tell me how a country that uses nearly 10 times less steel (the underpinning of an industrialized economy) can possibly have a bigger GDP (gross domestic PRODUCT) than China?

I guess they include stuff like lawyer fees and financial derivatives as "produce." lol

Us companies design cutting edge technology that other countries make. If China develops cutting edge technology or at least is competitively on par, then there will be a match. Until then Chinese companies are seen by many American companies as a contractor building products, allowing the American companies to maximize their profits to be reinvested in more R&D
Increase the age limit. Over 14 and under 40. Abortion is prohibited.
Those who are unable to bear children due to diseases must have a certificate from a judicial medical appraisal institution.
Couples who are not ready to have children can go to the "Abandoned baby Island" and hand over their children to the govt.

Castrate the rapist. Castrate with this tool:

Over 14 and under 40. Abortion is prohibited. Even if they are raped, forced, abused ...?
Castration, but their seeds are still protected by law?

Pregnancy from rape -> Prohibit abortion
Pregnancy from incest -> Prohibit abortion
Pregnancy from unsafe sex -> Prohibit abortion
Pregnancy from ............. -> Prohibit abortion

Damn it. When a woman suffered from hurt, then, instead of being protected and cared, they continued to be hurt from this stupid law. It's funny when the future of a country is based on the suffering of many women.

Prohibit abortion does not care about the feeling of a girl who must be pregnant from rape, incestuous, sexual abuse, risky sex ....
They are under terrible pressure from society. Offensive, cold violence, despised and humiliated. They lost their opportunities and the future.

The law prohibiting abortion also cannot increase the birth rate. Tens of millions of babies were born annually in China, starting from the proactiveness of wives and husbands. They have conditions, they want to have children, so they decide to give birth and nurture them.
For those who do not want to have children, they will do everything, from the use of condoms, abortion drugs, eventually go to non-licensed abortion facilities ...-> Prohibit abortion forcing people to be more careful, leading to lower birth rates before

Finally, it cannot stop abortion. The rich people simply ignore it and go abroad to solve the problem. The poor will go to non-licensed abortion facilities or abortion risks by trying to hurt their bodies. China prevents inequality, but law prohibits abortion to create more social contradictions than before. It is the coercion, threatening, torture, women's abuse, it supports the rich and against the poor, even leading to the death of many people.

- Mao ZeDong - “Women hold up half the sky,” And now this stupid law turns many women into a "Breeding Machine"
- CCP liberates women, for a bright future. And now they start wanting to push many women into hell.

It is like quotes:
You can die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself a villain

NO. It It does not happen. This is not the period of destroying the sparrow. The idea based on the law prohibits abortion to increase the birth rate is unrealistic and China will not apply it.
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