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China's GDP was 17.7 trillion USD in 2021

The world has facing the same problem right now.

The population growth in other places around the world has also stagnated.
I think we should do so:
1, the govt legislated against abortion and protected the right to life of all zygotes.
2, the govt subsidizes the delivery of pregnant women and keeps the fertility confidential in order to better protect women's rights.
3, the govt has set up abandoned baby islands in each city, where abandoned babies are taken in and raised by the govt, and better protect human rights.
4, A social support tax of 4% of the salary will be levied on adults over the age of 30, with a tax rebate of 50% for giving birth to one child and 100% for giving birth to two children.
5, Milk powder, diapers, children's clothing and other commodities are duty-free. Kindergartens are exempt from tax and subsidized.
It can be a CONAG (combined nuclear and gas turbine) supercarrier.

The CVN-78 got two very powerful A1B nuclear reactors, but it is still struggling to power those EMALS catapults.

The Type 003 can be a very elusive solely based on its appearance.

Well find out when it goes to trials. Thermal images from satellites will let us know the signature as soon as whatever power plant is onboard comes online.
I think we should do so:
1, the govt legislated against abortion and protected the right to life of all zygotes.
2, the govt subsidizes the delivery of pregnant women and keeps the fertility confidential in order to better protect women's rights.
3, the govt has set up abandoned baby islands in each city, where abandoned babies are taken in and raised by the govt, and better protect human rights.
4, A social support tax of 4% of the salary will be levied on adults over the age of 30, with a tax rebate of 50% for giving birth to one child and 100% for giving birth to two children.
5, Milk powder, diapers, children's clothing and other commodities are duty-free. Kindergartens are exempt from tax and subsidized.

The only viable solution is common prosperity.
I think we should do so:
1, the govt legislated against abortion and protected the right to life of all zygotes.
2, the govt subsidizes the delivery of pregnant women and keeps the fertility confidential in order to better protect women's rights.
3, the govt has set up abandoned baby islands in each city, where abandoned babies are taken in and raised by the govt, and better protect human rights.
4, A social support tax of 4% of the salary will be levied on adults over the age of 30, with a tax rebate of 50% for giving birth to one child and 100% for giving birth to two children.
5, Milk powder, diapers, children's clothing and other commodities are duty-free. Kindergartens are exempt from tax and subsidized.

Free housing should be given to all parents. It solved two problems with one solution. More People should also be trained to run daycares, and every building should have a daycare, one where elderly people can volunteer or visit to also help them get social interaction, because we also have a loneliness epidemic.

Foster parenting, especially for unwanted babies should be a highly paid job so children get proper love and care and don’t feel abandoned and eventually act out in criminal ways from their upbringing. Child abuse should be an even more severe crime then it already is.

Parents should also get government subsidized vacations, so they can rest their mental health. Government subsidized maternity leave as in Europe would also convince many couples they can afford to have a child and give the baby 2-3 years of dedicated care, especially if job security after that time for women is also part of it as in Europe.
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Well find out when it goes to trials. Thermal images from satellites will let us know the signature as soon as whatever power plant is onboard comes online.

After its launch, when the carrier is towed toward the pool of the eastern side with those steam tubes from the shore plugged on it; the answer will be pretty much crystal clear.
There are a lot of policy leverage to increase fertility. It is a matter whether elites have the determination to shoot their own class. A large part of infertility is due to blood sucking elites exploiting people sexually. For a simple one, I suggest reviving part of "Gangster Law" 流氓罪, especially on the part of criminalizing consensual non-marital sex. This is align with Chinese tradition of immoral couple punishment, sometimes to the point of death by drowning 浸猪笼.

One big reason of infertility is the society permissiveness of recreational sexual intercourse without the aim of eventual marriage. If young people can fk, why get marry and make love. After fking from 14-30, many young girls are so "spent and burnout" that they are no longer capable of marrying.

If wanton fking is criminalized, then people must only fk with their wife. And to do so, many will marry early. What this happen, very high likelyhood fertility will increase.

Elites will be angry because they fk a lot, dump women alot. They will go to jail.
Free housing should be given to all parents. It solved two problems with one solution. More People should also be trained to run daycares, and every building should have a daycare, one where elderly people can volunteer or visit to also help them get social interaction, because we also have a loneliness epidemic.

Foster parenting, especially for unwanted babies should be a highly paid job so children get proper live and care and don’t feel abandoned and eventually act out in criminal ways from their upbringing.

Parents should also get government subsidized vacations, so they can rest their mental health. Government subsidized maternity leave as in Europe would also convince many couples they can afford to have a child and give the baby 2-3 years of dedicated care, especially if job security for women is also part of it as in Europe.
We are not the USSR. We can't provide housing and jobs, that will have very bad consequences.
We are not the USSR. We can't provide housing and jobs, that will have very bad consequences.

Excess housing should be bought by the government at market rates and sold to parents at some kind of discount rate.

Also, jobs shouldn’t be given but more social spending that incentivize people to go into the child care economy could convince more people to have children.

Its not about giving it away but incentivizes and market forces.
$3 Trillion USD added in 2021 alone.
Damn, impressive ! More than entire economy of UK :o:

So per capita in nominal dollars has China crossed into a high income economy as defined by the world bank; over $12,696? I ask because there is some speculation, The population is not 1.4+ billion but actually lower and therefore the per capita number should be higher then $12,500.

$12,551 USD per capita can be called high for country in the size of China. But yes, that’s not enough, China will grow much higher in the future.

$12,551 USD per capita is higher than some European Union countries. They just surpass per capita of Romania, and in the way to surpass Croatia & Poland in the next year

Excess housing should be bought by the government at market rates and sold to parents at some kind of discount rate.

Also, jobs shouldn’t be given but more social spending that incentivize people to go into the child care economy could convince more people to have children.

Its not about giving it away but incentivizes and market forces.
No, we can't. We are not the USSR.
I agree that the government can build low-cost welfare housing. However, welfare housing must be built in the suburbs, and there must be some defects in the housing design. The residential area is densely designed and no parking space is allowed.
Houses are only allowed to be rented by low-income families with children, and houses are not allowed to be sublet and sold.

It's not that I have no compassion. On the contrary, only by doing so, as I said, can we ensure that welfare housing is handed over to the real poor.
When the ancient Chinese govt helped the victims, they would sprinkle a handful of sand in the food for the victims. Because only in this way can we ensure that the food will be given to the real victims, not the greedy fake poor.
There are a lot of empty housing in big China cities. The housing issue is a matter of income inequality -- not able price. The housing policies is also about policy leverage not to overcrowd primiary cities. The price of house is spectacular, but when salary doubles with house price remain unchange, then most cities are affordable,

All 1.4 billions wants to stay in Beijing and Shanghai. The high house price serve as a population control.

To solve the housing issue, Germany is a good example. People are very happy to remain in Konstanz or Bavaria village instead of Frankfurt. Key is infrastructure must be in place.

Right now talent are willing to stay in Suzhou Industrial Park, instead of Shanghai.
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