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China's GDP was 17.7 trillion USD in 2021

What could they do in Rural China. The North South Water project and Rail lines in Tibet and Xinjiang and some things they could do, but perhaps more projects in Central Asia as investments not loans maybe the way to better link China to Energy supplies and transportation links, and get around the Malacca strait issue while employing many workers.

If a rail line is build through Gilgit Baltistan link Pakistan and China (using switch back tunnels; Spiral tunnels) it could shorten the time it would take to get good to Mideast markets and shorten time to get raw materials from the Western Indian Ocean region to China. If China demonstrates this capability there are many parts of the world, such as Brazil that would want spiral tunnels to overcome their topographic challenges.

This is about more integration of the Eurasian landmass.

That's why China is now more focusing to developing the inland areas of the western China instead of the coastal areas of the eastern China.

And that's why the US wants to keep making those stories in Xinjiang, because they don't want China's keep integrating the Eurasian landmass via its OBOR project.
Most important number is 114 trillion yuan. Next most important number is how much of that 114 trillion is being spent on defense. Considering the threats China faces, I would prefer 4 or 5 trillion going to defense.

Too much is made of converting to dollars. China doesn’t buy much weapons in the global market. So dollar-based defense budget is not very accurate as to how much weapons the annual defense budget can buy. More important question is how much weapons can annual 4 or 5 trillion yuan buy?

Got to convert the economic growth into comprehensive national strength, especially military strength.
This is about more integration of the Eurasian landmass.

That's why China is now more focusing to developing the inland areas of the western China instead of the coastal areas of the eastern China.

And that's why the US wants to keep making those stories in Xinjiang, because they don't want China's keep integrating the Eurasian landmass via its OBOR project.

But at this point, China would have to finance it and not make it loans, because it would delay the work. Once there is a fast route to the Western Indian Ocean region, energy supplies can come up via pipelines to protect against a blockade in the straits of Malacca or harassment of oil tankers by the Indian navy getting there.

even if it costs China tens of billions to build it the investment will be recouped in few years, especially if oil and gas pipelines follow the same route.
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Most important number is 114 trillion yuan. Next most important number is how much of that 114 trillion is being spent on defense. Considering the threats China faces, I would prefer 4 or 5 trillion going to defense.

Too much is made of converting to dollars. China doesn’t buy much weapons in the global market. So dollar-based defense budget is not very accurate as to how much weapons the annual defense budget can buy. More important question is how much weapons can annual 4 or 5 trillion yuan buy?

Got to convert the economic growth into comprehensive national strength, especially military strength.

China spends 700 billion USD on military spending, then its actual procurement on weapon and equipment is going to be around tenfold compared to that of the US.
But at this point, China would have to finance it and not make it loans, because it would delay the work. Once there is a fast route to the Western Indian Ocean region, energy supplies can come up via pipelines to protect against a blockade in the straits of Malacca or harassment of oil tankers by the Indian navy getting there.

China is doing this economic expansion based on its military projection capability.

The main challenge is to prevent the USN to cut off your supply line.
After the release of GDP data, the National Bureau of statistics just quietly released a bad news: In 2021, China's population had grow by only 480000. We are about to face negative population growth.
wtf, I'm afraid our population situation is worse than expected.
After the release of GDP data, the National Bureau of statistics just quietly released a bad news: In 2021, China's population had grow by only 480000. We are about to face negative population growth.
wtf, I'm afraid our population situation is worse than expected.

The world has facing the same problem right now.

The population growth in other places around the world has also stagnated.
It is impossible for China's military expenditure to grow by a large margin. China's military expenditure in 2021 is 1.35trillion yuan, which is only 1.18% of China's GDP 114.37 trillions, and the proportion is decreasing year by year, but because GDP is growing too fast, the increase in the quota has been relatively sufficient.
China is doing this economic expansion based on its military projection capability.

The main challenge is to prevent the USN to cut off your supply line.

To this end a Trans-African Railway from Senegal to Djibouti would also be important for China to ship raw materials and finished good to and From Africa and with a PLAN protected corridor between Djibouti and Gwadar, it could fulfill that aspiration. Heck, with a port in Senegal, China could even ship raw materials and finished goods from Latin America to China, especially if the PLAN was based out of Venezuela.

A lot of population growth is expected in Africa and there is a huge backlog of infrastructure projects they need. A sustainable business model would be mutually beneficial. A Chinese freight line could allow African countries to subsidize passenger rail services and benefit the public, which would win a lot of soft power in Africa, especially if the train line helps Africa countries focus on development and political stability due to cooperation between countries.

with a rail line like this food trade could lower prices significantly, locally and globally. especially if equipment is brought in to modernize agriculture and ship it to earn revenue for the Africa countries. currently all of Africa grows less wheat then just Pakistan.

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To this end a Trans-African Railway from Senegal to Djibouti would also be important for China to ship raw materials and finished good to and From Africa and with a PLAN protected corridor between Djibouti and Gwadar, it could fulfill that aspiration. Heck, with a port in Senegal, China could even ship raw materials and finished goods from Latin America to China, especially if the PLAN was based out of Venezuela.

A lot of population growth is expected in Africa and there is a huge backlog of infrastructure projects they need. A sustainable business model would be mutually beneficial. A Chinese freight line could allow African countries to subsidize passenger rail services and benefit the public, which would win a lot of soft power in Africa.

That's why I am thinking that the Type 003 is going to surprise everybody in the end.

When you are not going to throw those hypersonic missiles on each other like no tomorrow, several nuclear powered supercarrier battlegroups are still required to control those maritime supply lines.

We already have 16 and 17, and we don't need a third conventional powered aircraft carrier.
Exchange rate 6.45?
The current exchange rate is 6.35, and China's GDP in 2021 should be $18 trillion.
We are only $4 trillion away from the USA.
Considering that the USA has added some inexplicable parts to GDP, such as virtual rent, lawyer's legal fees and so on. China's actual GDP has exceeded that of the USA.
Of course, Americans at least don't count cow dung into GDP.

This year expect US gdp also to be pretty high as there is high inflation. These are nominal figures i suppose (not inflation adjusted).
After the release of GDP data, the National Bureau of statistics just quietly released a bad news: In 2021, China's population had grow by only 480000. We are about to face negative population growth.
wtf, I'm afraid our population situation is worse than expected.

How many babies are born in china per year ? i think you missed a zero there. its probably 4800000
That's why I am thinking that the Type 003 is going to surprise everybody in the end.

When you are not going to throw those hypersonic missiles on each other like no tomorrow, several nuclear powered supercarrier battlegroups are still required to control maritime supply lines.

We already have 16 and 17, and we don't need a third conventional powered aircraft carrier.
A nuclear type 003 maybe very ambitious, but with the PLAN you never know.
A nuclear type 003 maybe very ambitious, but with the PLAN you never know.

It can be a CONAG (combined nuclear and gas turbine) supercarrier.

The CVN-78 got two very powerful A1B nuclear reactors, but it is still struggling to power those EMALS catapults.

The Type 003 can be a very elusive solely based on its appearance.
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