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China's Front Line Fighters

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^^^ your off-topic flaming post reported!

go get a call-centre job, troll.

maybe the maoists can help them achieve real socialism. who knows, a strong india on our side is in our best interests, but only maoists can make sure of that.

^^^ your off-topic flaming post reported!

go get a call-centre job, troll.

double standards....!!
why dont u report the post of the chinese poster who started it...
and now crying when he replied back....

What's wrong with our muslims?

furthur Toj Jumper asked for it...so his post only was a reply to him...and so proper....and not troll.....
yeah right.. just like you did in Nepal?? oh but wait.. where is your "Maoist" Mr Prachanda now? yeah.. begging India to support him... and ever wonder why the "socialist" government failed all of a sudden in less than an year there?? now thats India... you couldnt even pull it off with smaller Nepal and here you are talking about India??
First take care of your muslim majority province..

would you plz lyke to take care of freedom revolutions there in india.......there are 17 should i start to count ........ or you will know it by yourself.
india can't even beat the communist insurgents.......
maybe the maoists can help them achieve real socialism. who knows, a strong india on our side is in our best interests, but only maoists can make sure of that.

Reported.. for flame and offtopic..

would you plz lyke to take care of freedom revolutions there in india.......there are 17 should i start to count ........ or you will know it by yourself.
cant u before replying see that the chinese troll started this..??
Reported.. for flame and offtopic..

cant u before replying see that the chinese troll started this..??

Oh, not again. A indian started a troll and then he is crying chinese members start it, how can you be so shameless?:lol::tdown:
Oh, not again. A indian started a troll and then he is crying chinese members start it, how can you be so shameless?:lol::tdown:

U URSELF ARE SHAMELESS and i dont even need to ask u
u have problem with the number of your eyes.....
go and check....:what:
(though i doubt u ever check before making a post)
Well let's be objective and respectful of other people's religion here, there are a lot of prejudices against muslims in the western society but you shouldn't assume that Chinese people are automatically doing the same in China.

Uighurs are muslim but they are not the only muslims in China, many Hui chinese are muslims and they are very happy to be living amongst the Han, in fact if you visit China you'll probably know that people don't really judge you based on your religion -- in fact many people simply don't care.

I appreciate that one user brought up some news of Uighur unrest in China but that has very little to do with the fact that they are muslims per se, the fundamental cause of these unrest is that some of them want to have their independence most probably because of the racial differences. The racial difference in a way exacerbates the distrust between the Han majority government and Uighur minorities living in relative isolation among themselves, but there are many other protests done by other races including Han chinese throughout China for the reasons mentioned in Nakodo's comment -- knocking down old towns and relocating residents etc, the government does this so it can better develop a region not because it wants to deliberately destroy an area in China or to upset some minorities for fun.

Of course -- the exact way of handling those demolition/relocation projects could be done differently, but the end goal is the same -- you want to build a country not to destroy it.
U URSELF ARE SHAMELESS and i dont even need to ask u
u have problem with the number of your eyes.....
go and check....:what:
(though i doubt u ever check before making a post)

:rofl:Provide your src, By the way I can provide who started trolling of this thread. That is you, in post#13. So stop your shameless acting.:cheesy:
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