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China's 'Come to Jesus' Moment

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USA is drifting away the Christian doctrine by inflicting pains and bully upon those small countries. Jesus spreaded his doctrine not only in Israel but Palestan and Egypt as well thousands years ago. Israel discarded Jesus for their own aviracious, that's why they suffered so much in the past as punishment. China will be the next country Jesus will stay and bless.
I hope more Chinese people come to Islam instead. I like Chinese people :pakistan: :china:

If you do become Christians, don't start Crusades against the Muslim world like Americans.

Ancient Chinese wisdom tend to hold an suspicious view to anyone who claim to explain the world that involve supernatural forces or beings. It is very unique among other civilizations at that time. That could partly explain why China today remains a believe-in-nothing or believe-in-anything-that-gonna-work nation.
But you must say that Karl's math is fantastic and his explanation of how and why the Europe at that time faces economic crisis elegantly. Karl, I think, is the mentor of Keynes. John took a lot from Marx' work.

I confess my ignorance: I have not delved into his math or charts. Just acquainted myself with the gist.
USA is drifting away the Christian doctrine by inflicting pains and bully upon those small countries. Jesus spread his doctrine not only in Israel but Palestan and Egypt as well. Israel discarded Jesus for their own aviracious, that's why they suffered so much in the past as punishment.

What about Egypt? God's bless on Egypt is thousands of years of JOKE!

I actually see this first hand so I'll tell you my experience.

At my school, they were passing out flyers to anyone that "looked Chinese, but not Chinese American" as "potential converts".

What they were looking for, hard to say, so I'll just say what I was wearing: nylon black Nike basketball jacket, bright green Adidas shirt, black pants, black backpack, listening to mp3. They walked up to me and in Chinese (this was a school with thousands of Asian Americans), asked, "Do you want to join our club?" and handed me a flyer.

It was a flyer about a bowling party, with the latest internet slang, in Chinese, all free, and at the very bottom, in tiny letters and in English:

"Sponsored by City of XXXXXXX Taiwanese Church"

It was a recruitment party.

Why were they targetting CHINESE but not CHINESE AMERICANS? Here is my theory:

1. Chinese students might be lonely, so they'll want to come more, than the Chinese Americans who grew up in the US.

2. Chinese Americans are most likely already Christian so it is a waste to target that demographic.

3. Chinese students might misread the tiny English letters.

Now if you think this was isolated, don't be fooled. Other people met them too.

Most Religious Chinese tend to be in the USA, been to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, By far most religious in the USA.
I dont know what is the fuss about religion.
As far as I see China is on the right path so far with most people being athist and beliving in themself rather than a super being.
Now its all going to be different with state sponsering the promotion of one religion "Christianity" and in my views its a wrong move as it might creat anarchy between different sects. every one trying to enforce their own faith on others.
I dont know what is the fuss about religion.
As far as I see China is on the right path so far with most people being athist and beliving in themself rather than a super being.
Now its all going to be different with state sponsering the promotion of one religion "Christianity" and in my views its a wrong move as it might creat anarchy between different sects. every one trying to enforce their own faith on others.

its just some rogue elements. they will be dealt with quickly.
Mr. Hu Songshan is a Hui Muslim by his own admission. His (probable) last name is even a common one, probably next to Ma, although I am not certain.

And I read somewhere that there are preciously few Christians in the PLA (for obvious and not-so-obvious reasons), while Hui Chinese are over-represented (relative to the proportion in the population).

So I wouldn't worry about any "crusades".

BTW, Hulagu was no "Christian", but a "peaceable Buddhist", was he not?

Hui people are not necessarily equal to Muslim.

There was just a very long historic/religious linkage between Hui people and their Muslim ancestry maybe 1000 years ago. I'm not denying that a large amount of Hui are Muslim or following Muslim regulations in daily life, in one way or another though.
Most Religious Chinese tend to be in the USA, been to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, By far most religious in the USA.

You're right. :tup:

I can say from experience, that Singaporean and Malaysian Chinese tend to be mostly Atheist or Buddhist or Taoist, they mostly kept to the old ways.
Hui people are not necessarily equal to Muslim.

There was just a very long historic/religious linkage between Hui people and their Muslim ancestry. I'm not denying that a large amount of Hui are Muslim or following Muslim regulations in daily life, in one way or another though.

Some Huis are atheist agnostic through cultural Muslims, family members like that.
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