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China's 'Come to Jesus' Moment

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You should not insult God by saying this, everyone has religious freedom. If China turn to a christian country, we will surpass USA in the future.

USA has about 200 million Christians we have 60 million, I don't think China will turn into a Christian Country through a growth in Christians unlikely to surpass the USA because it is still a religious place. Everyone has their own path to follow.
Comrade October, where did I leave a tract that I "judged" others to be evil? Did I say I am GWB?

“The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked ..."

That implies my own heart is "deceitful" and my own mind "wicked".

I don't self-flagellate because of this, but it was my choice to ask for forgiveness.

Did any "Satan" walked on your front door and knock knock and say "Hi how are you doing today, my name is Satan from the new church just across the street. Would you mind me introduce my business bra bra bra"?

Let me borrow one most commonly used word... and modify it. "A Christian's logic works in mysterious ways."
Not quite. The Ethiopian believe that they are Christians since Jesus' time. They still got beat up and colonized by the Italians who actually took up the Christian religion in a much later time.

Can't argue with that. Hypocrites everywhere get their comeuppance in one form or another, sooner or later. A different tradition would approximate it as "Karma". The hypocrites of Old Europe got theirs through the fratricidal 1st and 2nd Thirty-Year Wars, with the Centennial of the beginning of the 2nd coming up in just two years.

It sounds like a "cop-out" or a cliche, but "religion" really does not substitute faith. And faith needs to be reflected in practice.

BTW, the Italy that declared war on Abyssinia was Il Duce's Italy.

Christian? That's akin to calling PRC in 1976 "Confucian".
More developed country as well. currently now in China, Chinese Muslims don't go out and try to convert anyone generally keep to ourselves unlike the Christians through. influenced by Confucianism the Chinese Muslims, Christians tend to go after the rural people who need aid that's how they gain followers.

An insidious way of recruitment. They are not helping those in need but helping themselves.
Dear Sir,

I don't believe in Communism at all, after I learned what it is all about. I read Marx and Adam Smith and I'm more fond of Adam. Karl's assumption of human nature is too big a premise for his conclusion to make sense. And the Russians actually did a 90 years social experiments that turns out not quite successful.

For that we are comrades after all, Dear October!
I hope more Chinese people come to Islam instead. I like Chinese people :pakistan: :china:

If you do become Christians, don't start Crusades against the Muslim world like Americans.
For that we are comrades after all, Dear October!

But you must say that Karl's math is fantastic and his explanation of how and why the Europe at that time faces economic crisis elegantly. Karl, I think, is the mentor of Keynes. John took a lot from Marx' work.
I hope more Chinese people come to Islam instead. I like Chinese people :pakistan: :china:

If you do become Christians, don't start Crusades against the Muslim world like Americans.

It does not matter what Religion Chinese follow we won't be like the west, I don't think Christians are bad people and using USA for a christian country is a bad example.
I hope more Chinese people come to Islam instead. I like Chinese people :pakistan: :china:

Islam has a very long and distinguished history in China, with Muslim minorities often amongst the most patriotic in the country.

We have loads of Hui Chinese Muslims here on this forum too. Hu Songshan and houshanghai are two that come to mind. :cheers:
Thanks for insights, but for last point I have different views.. what I see here in USA is more and more chines youth is going to church , one who is born here and one who just landed from China. I may wrong.. and one more thing how come people are not going back to roots that is Taoism/Confucianism/Buddism ?

I actually see this first hand so I'll tell you my experience.

At my school, they were passing out flyers to anyone that "looked Chinese, but not Chinese American" as "potential converts".

What they were looking for, hard to say, so I'll just say what I was wearing: nylon black Nike basketball jacket, bright green Adidas shirt, black pants, black backpack, listening to mp3. They walked up to me and in Chinese (this was a school with thousands of Asian Americans), asked, "Do you want to join our club?" and handed me a flyer.

It was a flyer about a bowling party, with the latest internet slang, in Chinese, all free, and at the very bottom, in tiny letters and in English:

"Sponsored by City of XXXXXXX Taiwanese Church"

It was a recruitment party.

Why were they targetting CHINESE but not CHINESE AMERICANS? Here is my theory:

1. Chinese students might be lonely, so they'll want to come more, than the Chinese Americans who grew up in the US.

2. Chinese Americans are most likely already Christian so it is a waste to target that demographic.

3. Chinese students might misread the tiny English letters.

Now if you think this was isolated, don't be fooled. Other people met them too.
I hope more Chinese people come to Islam instead. I like Chinese people :pakistan: :china:

If you do become Christians, don't start Crusades against the Muslim world like Americans.

Mr. Hu Songshan is a Hui Muslim by his own admission. His (probable) last name is even a common one, probably next to Ma, although I am not certain.

And I read somewhere that there are preciously few Christians in the PLA (for obvious and not-so-obvious reasons), while Hui Chinese are over-represented (relative to the proportion in the population).

So I wouldn't worry about any "crusades".

BTW, Hulagu was no "Christian", but a "peaceable Buddhist", was he not?
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