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China's 3 Most Powerful Dynasties

Haha cute cute cute Chinese.....

You girl? Have bf?
I am boy, and I want to marry with the granddaughter, 佳子さま.


She is a bloody beauty.
And because Yuan was brutal it only lasted 80 years

To sum it all up, the Mongols were some impressive warriors, but very veeeery bad governors.

Some like to speak of the Pax Mongolica, but that term, according to some (novice) historians like myself, can be misleading. Yes, the Mongols managed one of the largest empires but it was far from being one of the most powerful, let alone being 'peaceful' as the Pax Mongolica would imply. Underlying this empire, was a poisonous cocktail of:

  1. Ethnic strife, the Mongols were simply a minority inside their own empire, and it can be said that for most of its existence, the Mongol Empire was more busy fighting rather than governing. The subjects they managed were never assimilated and contained populations of Arabs, Chinese, Persians, Caucasians which in turn also all had their own religions and cultures. A situation that would give way to rebellions which it indeed did.
  2. And if fighting against foreign peoples wasn't enough, the Mongols also fought amongst themselves for the leadership position of Great Khan. After the death of Gengis Khan, family members would kill their own blood in order to secure the position of Khan. During the Toluid Civil War in 1260-1264, which according to some historians already marked the end of the Mongol Empire, Kublai Khan fought his younger brother, Ariq Böke (Both grandsons of Gengis Khan) for the position of Great Khan which would lead to much greater inter-family feuds that would ultimately lead to the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire.
  3. Outbreaks of the Black Death.
  4. And of course, in these dire volatile times, it was also an opportunate time for corruption to blossom which would only further erode the Mongol's authority over their subjects.
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Consensus was for Liberation of HuaXia from barbar Manchu. Meiji Mandate call for Dai Nippon liberate HuaXia but western stop us from completing job.


All you want is to encroach our land, so you are justifying your action by using this silly excuse.

You had already started to attack us during the era of the Tang Dynasty, but instead you had ended up with a bloody nose. Even with such aggressive stance, we still civilized you people and taught you with our advanced culture.
From this regard, I regard the Japanese same as the Vietnamese, both are a group of clueless people with an arrogant tone but a fragile mind.

Mongolian invaded and ruled China, but Mongolian were losers when they tried to invade in to Japan and Vietnam. There is different.
Mongolian invaded and ruled China, but Mongolian were losers when they tried to invade in to Japan and Vietnam. There is different.

Because Vietnamese are jungles and Japanese have seas, Mongol cavalrymen are not familiar with such thing, they only good at wars on plain
The failures of the technology, the military and the politics are always temporary and transient, the immortalization of the culture give us the infinite strength to comeback.
Yes, the main distinguishing characteristic of the Chinese is culture.
Other things such as religion, ethnicity, political ideology, geography are secondary.

At least Mongolia once had their mighty Empire that almost across the entire Eurasia, while the Imperial Japan was simply a wannabe Empire sitting on four tiny rocks.
IMHO, the Japanese will miss out on the One Belt One Road because they are isolated on these "four tiny islands (not rocks)". Same situation with the Philippines. What is not helping them is that they continuously keep on provoking the dragon unnecessarily.
As South Korea is part of the land mass and has good relationship with China, she is in the box seat.
Vietnam needs to tread carefully, or she will be easily bypassed via Laos and Cambodia and miss out on the OBOR and its economic opportunities. China's decision to make Kunming and not Nanning their main link (or "capital") to South East Asia does give a very big hint.
Whether we like it or not, this is the reality. Thirty years ago, no country would want to provoke the Americans, today it's advisable not to provoke China. In another thirty years' time, it could be another country (or group of closely aligned countries).

Where and who are the Manchu's today?
They are now full fledged Chinese in China.
Some comments from our new Chinese friend @Abacin

Despite the WWII past, can China and Japan be real friends? | Page 9
China and Japan have entered zero sum game. There will never be friendship between China and Japan anymore. The case of China and Japan cannot be likened to Germany and France. After World War II, German and France are forced to unite due to the pressure of Soviet and United States. There have never been hostile strategic movements between German and France. Japanese does not know how to behave ambiguously for strategic movements. From sino-Japan wars and World War II, Japan always chose to gamble. Japan made the gamble to contain China and China made the determination to terminate Japan. This is the reality in East Asia.

Before Japan decided to contain China, there might be a chance for friendship between China and Japan such as in 80s and 90s. But after Japan decided to contain China together with USA, it is over. Japan has completely lost the trust of Chinese people because this is the third time for Japan to do this within a century. How can you trust someone who comes to ruin you whenever there is a tiny change? Anyone thinking Sino-Japan Friendship is naive.

The great war game has actually started in East Asia with the focus on South China Sea. China tries to control South China Sea to avoid Asia NATO or so called Diamond circlement by Japan. As long as China controls South China Sea, this is just a knife on the heart of the possible Asia NATO. Chinese Military bases in South China Sea can easily wipe the industrial and military bases by hostile nations such as Vietnam and Philippines and cut the connections among Japanese Diamonds. Naive Philippines think that they can use a court or a lawyer to drive China out of South China Sea. No Way!!! China will rather choose Nuke ware before any back off from South China Sea because the day China leaves South China Sea, the day Asia NATO to contain China will be founded.

Philippines call China Nazi German. But strategically China is much smarter and more patient than German. That's why German can only occupy a land similar to one province of China while China continues to expand for more than 2000 years. All China will do is to strengthen military bases in South China Seas while waiting for the day that the United States cannot sustain its world police status.

China waited for nearly 200 years to terminate Huns and Turks and drove them completely out of their own lands. China can wait for several decades or even one hundred years to deal with Japan. Japan and Vietnam are 100% enemy of China. Philippines are just silly to be used as a pawn for other people. Vietnam treated China as its millennium enemy since China helped its unification. So China will treat it as our millennium enemy which should be wiped out.

If China still wants to treat Japan as a friend, China is simply repeating the mistakes of first Sino-Japan war. When China was busy fighting western colonial powers such as French and Britain, China wanted Japan to be a friend to fight with west together. However, Japan backstabed China. When Chinese fleets in South had to fight with France, Japan wiped Chinese fleets in North and united with the West to attack China. Japan looted the whole China's wealth and forced China to pay Japan for nearly 30 years. This was the history how Japan became the first Industrialized country in Asia. It was built on China's Wealth.

Japan is dreaming to repeat the same again on China. Unfortunately China has the wisdom to sustain its millennium power. The defeat by Japan welcomed Chinese revolution. Chinese civilization is elevated to another level with great leadership such as Mao and Deng, just like the fall of eastern Roman Empire forced the European civilization to elevate to another level. In 1944, ROC army was easily defeated by loosing Japanese army.But 7 years later, the same group of Chinese pushed WW II winner United States from the border to 38 line.

Before Abe's policy, there may be still a little chance for sino-Japan friendship. After this, it is 100% clear that Japan is an enemy of China which must be defeated as Huns and Turks. Japan and China simply cannot coexist. When Japanese are rich, they may be peaceful; but when they are in trouble, they want to loot China. Exactly the same behavior of Huns and Turks. This is the Japan for last 1000 years. Abe simply proves that there is not a single change in Japan even after WW II.

Britain and France spent 60 years and couldn't make serious inroad into Qing Empire, no matter in the West from Tibet and Xinjiang, or east Coasts. Almost all fronts were defended by Qing. But Japan, a potential alliance with the similar ethnic group, gave a deadly stab at the right time and became the biggest looter of China. Believe in Japan?? After Abe, the chance is zero. WW II changed Japanese nothing. Japanese is still a looter deeply in the heart. Each time when they are in trouble, the idea of looting China comes to their mind, no matter how politely they behave now. I learned Japanese 20 years ago. The more I understand Japan, the more determined for me to treat Japan as an enemy. It is just another huns or Turk.

United States just wants to contain China to keep its status; Japan wants to ruin China for another looting. China and United States collaborated to win WWII and Cold War. But China and Japan cannot collaborate on anything. A little shift in US policy toward China has already shown the true face of Japan. China and Japan, Friendship No way!!

Japan is just another Turk. Even Turk is driven by China so far away, they remain very hostile. In Tang Dynasty, Chinese Army was determined to terminate Turk, even if the army had to overcome Pamir and got into unknown lands in Mid-Asia. That's why Turks had to flee so far away to West Asia. Without Tang's help, Uyghurs would be terminated by Turk in Mongolian highland. Uyghurs asked Tang for help, Tang helped move them to South Xinjiang and taught them how to do silks and farming to settle down. Now they want for Independence for East Turkistan!! Turkey is so hostile to China even ten thousands of miles away. There are someones you cannot treat as friends. Japan is the same type. That's why Japan is so lonely in East Asia. China, Koreas, United States are all its enemies. Gamblers and looters are doomed to be isolated by people. China, United States and Koreas only have conflict of interests, but Japan is another group of people. Similar to Turkey in West Asia.

Vietnam is similar type. Always want to loot neighbors and are encircled by neighbors. US offers the chance of TPP. Vietnam treats it as help from God because in reality Vietnam is so lonely in the region.

Japanese is completely different from German. German has many philosophers and strategic thinkers. In Japan, you only have gamblers and looters. In good time, they may behave politely, but in their deep hearts, they are simply gamblers and looters. Sony and Sharp are in trouble, because they gamble on the technology future. Abe is also making a gamble that United States and China will go to War and Japan can backstab both. How can you make friends with a gambler and a looter? If Chinese Leadership thinks about Sino-Japan friendship, they are just another Cixi, the Qing Empress in power. Also Hu Yaobang, the naive leader in eighties, an enthusiastic driver for sino-Japan. Hu brought so many fundamental troubles to China. He bascially ruined hundreds of years' Chinese efforts in Xinjiang and Tibet.

Compared to Gambler Abe, Chinese President Xi is really a strategic thinker. That's the difference between Japan and China. With the US pivotal to Asia movement, he chose to build military bases in South China Sea to prevent Asia NATO. South China Sea, is not only the most important business route, but also the geopolitical center of ASEAN and Diamond Alliance of Japan, Australia and India. If US pushes China too much, China simply need to speed up the construction of military bases in SCS. Any potential Asia NATO or Diamond Alliance are contained by Chinese Knife in SCS. US hopes to use pivotal to Asia to weaken Chinese impact on ASEAN, but in reality, US pushes ASEAN into Chinese mercy. That's why United States' interests in pivotal to Asia or TPP is reduced greatly.

United States and China are making strategic movements without gambling and giving feedback very rapidly. But Japan and Vietnam are both behaving like a gambler. Japan is betting on China-US conflicts and Vietnam is betting on TPP. Philippines are just behaving like a clown here. Philippine hasn't gotten anything from SCS yet, but it has lost sovereignty to US and Japan. Thailand and Korea clearly behave much more maturely, still havng good relations with both US and China.
My comment: Japan is the most savagery and cruel nation. Anytime Japanese united most the islands, they started to invade the Paninsula of Korea.
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Japan is a known historical revisionist so I take no trust in what they said. LOL But today, it pains me to say this but we should liberate Japan from the US modern day colonialism.
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