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China's 1st domestically-built aircraft carrier, CV-17 Shandong, commissioned in Dec. 17, 2019

I have a question. Does a loaded jet start its run right from the back? Coz ive seen video taking off the ramp with a short run, not using the full length.
as far as I know there are only three spots from where aircrafts take off, two are at the front using one third of the length of the ship, while the third spot uses two thrids of the ship's length, it's impossible for the shorter ones to launch an aircraft with it's full load, obviously the further spot will be able to launch aircrafts with a heavier load but probably still not the full load.
Quick translation:
- PLAN (PLA Navy) troops have been stationed and trained in the new carrier (CV17 Shandong) since 2016
- The PLAN troops can now handle the new carrier independently
- 100% localization rate of the new carrier



Some new pictures of Carrier Shandong.
Carrier 1.png
Carrier 2.jpg
Carrier 3.jpg
why dont chinese soldiers look buff like americans?

Coz they don't eat foods laced with growth hormones. Americans tend to be largish coz of the stuff they inject into their chickens and cows to make them grow faster...
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