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China will take strong counter measures


Jun 27, 2008
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China says relations with Japan "severely hurt", will take counter measures if Japan insists mistakes
English.news.cn 2010-09-19 20:24:41 FeedbackPrintRSS


The detained Chinese fishing trawler is flanked by two Japanese Coast Guard vessels during an investigation by Japanese authorities near Ishigaki Island in Okinawa Prefecture of Japan Sept. 12, 2010. (Xinhua, File Photo)

BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- China said its relations with Japan were severely hurt on Sunday after Japan decided to prolong the detention of a Chinese trawler captain, warning to take "strong counter measures" if Japan insists its mistakes.

"We demand the Japanese side immediately release the Chinese captain unconditionally," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu.

"China will take strong counter measures if the Japanese side clings obstinately to its own course and double its mistakes, and Japan shall bear all the consequences," Ma said in a press release.

China has already suspended bilateral exchanges at and above the provincial or ministerial levels, Xinhua learnt from the Foreign Ministry.

China has also halted contact with Japan on the issues of increasing civil flights and expanding aviation rights between the two countries.

A bilateral meeting on coal has also been postponed.

In the mean time, the number of Chinese citizens traveling to Japan as tourists has already declined, according to the ministry.
I'd like to see what countermeasures the government will take.
Solemnly protest?:woot:
Strongly protest?:devil:
Vehemently protest?:flame:
Another labour riots at Japanese automobile factory may be?
I'd like to see what countermeasures the government will take.
Solemnly protest?:woot:
Strongly protest?:devil:
Vehemently protest?:flame:

There is talk of a combined HK and Mainland fleet of civilian ships to circle the disputed island.
China sends out surveillance ships
English.news.cn 2010-09-19 20:58:31 FeedbackRSS


The undated photo shows a Chinese marine surveillance ship sailing on the sea. China has sent marine surveillance ships to enhance law enforcement activities in relevant Chinese waters to safeguard its marine rights and interests, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in Beijing, capital of China, on Sept. 17, 2010. (Xinhua)

BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu has announced that Chinese surveillance ships have been dispatched to safeguard China's rights and interests in its territorial waters.

At a regular press conference on Friday, Jiang confirmed that China has sent fishery administration ships to China's territorial waters to provide protection for Chinese fishermen.

She also said China has transferred materials to the Chunxiao oil and gas field in the East China Sea and will likely to carry out maintenance operations there.

China also cancelled talks with Japan regarding the Diaoyu islands. China's latest move is in response to Japan's continued detention of the Chinese captain of a ship that was involved in a collision with Japanese coast guard boats near the Diaoyu Islands.

(Source: CNTV)
There is talk of a combined HK and Mainland fleet of civilian ships to circle the disputed island.

at the behest of the government/ with the help of the government? I don't know if they could still be called civilian vessels if the govt directed them with that task...
at the behest of the government/ with the help of the government? I don't know if they could still be called civilian vessels in the context of combat if the govt directed them with that task...

Nationalist ground swell I assure you. Please drop this pretence of all Chinese being puppets of the state.
"We demand the Japanese side immediately release the Chinese captain unconditionally," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu.

Demand........what arrogance, now who would want China to be a superpower if its so greedy.
"We demand the Japanese side immediately release the Chinese captain unconditionally," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu.

Demand........what arrogance, now who would want China to be a superpower if its so greedy.

I bet you'd feel differently if China held an Indian captain without charge.
Nationalist ground swell I assure you. Please drop this pretence of all Chinese being puppets of the state.

The CPC will not allow any nationalist swell on the ground, lest they might be swept from power. Like they did in 2005. Its more like the Communist Part is with Japan on the issue. So don't count your chickens before they hatch.
I bet you'd feel differently if China held an Indian captain without charge.

So you mean China is willing to go for war for that captain, or is it the same old territorial issues which China has with Japan. China is just making a mole of a mountain, issues which can be solved diplomatically is being tried militarily.
So you mean China is willing to go for war for that captain, or is it the same old territorial issues which China has with Japan. China is just making a mole of a mountain, issues which can be solved diplomatically is being tried militarily.

Strong counter measures doesn't (sorry typo) read as war I think and it doesn't even say that these counter measures will be military in anyway. It won't come to that in my opinion, China is Japan's largest trade partner and vice-versa, there is just simply too much to lose by not settling this peacefully.
Strong counter measures does read as war I think and it doesn't even say that these counter measures will be military in anyway. It won't come to that in my opinion, China is Japan's largest trade partner and vice-versa, there is just simply too much to lose by not settling this peacefully.

China has already cut ties, so what possible other option is left for China, it already sent surveillance ship, won,t go down well with Japs i suppose.
China has already cut ties, so what possible other option is left for China, it already sent surveillance ship, won,t go down well with Japs i suppose.

Nope, some negotiations on energy has been called off but diplomatic and trade ties are very much untouched. This is not as major an affair as you maybe thinking.
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